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Thank you for taking time FF to reply. I have tried to encourage mum to use this forum but she is 75 and set in her ways so I try to read in here to let her in on the good stuff. Right now reading about her investments keeps her mind active and distracts her from her situation. She loves share trading with a passion and it puts a sparkle in her eyes. We're all devoting or time to her but she always likes to keep reading and staying in the loop. I can honestly say it's probably kept her alive way longer than she should have. She respects you highly and from the bottom of my heart I appreciate what you all have to offer. Mum has been my mentor and my rock so I will continue to read in here and do my own research to carry on my mum's legacy and her love of Brainchip which she discovered herself over a decade ago. From my mum to you all Thank you and Akida Ballista x
Hi @Neesie71
Well give your mum our best and tell her that we all feel so much more in control and relaxed here rather than on HC and you would never know reading here that the world was in turmoil.

I will personally never post there again.


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NVISO webinar was fantastic last night.

If Tim is on this forum, well done!

NVISO are looking to be a small company set to achieve great things in lieu of their early adoption of akida.
Just adding to what you said @SERA2g the demo's were the best I have seen to date!
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What makes you think it's confirmation jtardif?

The ultralow power used for keyword spotting?

That's what stood out to me and the fact that Uiux tried to push the idea in a few posts, despite not wanting to spoon feed us and elaborate at all about his reasons (and I suspect there may be a reason for that..).

I'm really surprised, that there has been no large reaction to this news, if the DA1470x, does indeed include AKIDA IP, as this would be the first available commercial product we know of?

Is everybody numbed, by all the leads and dots?
Hi DB,

I wish it were the case but no one has pointed out how Akida nodes are on the SOC hence the non-celebration.

I posted some diagrams up on the Renesas thread but there’s no mention off SNN or Brainchip anywhere in schematics or documentation.

The only other Arm M33 coming out (that I’m aware of) is from NXP. They’re doing a release. They already use the Arm M33 so I’m hoping they’ve adopted Akida via Renesas to go in their new product. To be linked with NXP would be awesome!

Happy Days.
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Nice looking wheels there Fb, keep up the polishing. Do like the mustangs a bit, my sister had one for a while, it was costly to maintain, so she sold it for an earner over the 3-4 years she owned it, ended up in Queensland somewhere. Myself, I prefer some of the older restorative types. Have an Rover P5 coupe, ( needs some attention though ), anyone interested ? Also, an Range Rover LSE, ( needs attention also ) but still a fine vehicle, anyone interested ?

Am driving a Jeep currently, Grand Cherokee, which has been a marvelous towing vehicle, been round Aus a couple of times dragging 3.5 tonnes, has done 120,000 km now, and has never failed. Who knows, how long before Akida will emerge into many vehicles pretty soon ( hopefully ), fingers crossed heh.

Let's hope that there will be an uplift in the S/P before too long, for BRN, it deserves something to happen, what a stock to hold, for the future. Just wondering whether to splurge a little more at these prices. Seems quite cheap atm, considering the potential on offer.

Good luck with your trading/investing Fb. (y):unsure:

Akida Ballista

Hello hotty4040.

great to hear about the Grand Cherokee being so good and reliable!

A bit off topic but could not help myself!

I have one also a Grand Cherokee (Jet) limited edition model with 210,000 klms and its the same, reliable ,strong and goes fast when required!
(topped 240kph + on a runway, low profile tyres @ 65psi)

Only issue has been the Alternator (third party) replaced by Chrysler and fuel pump (current recall & waiting 1 yr so far!)
The Dealers/service centres are the ONLY problem owning a Jeep as terrible service in Oz etc. Suspect same for other Brands also.

Looking to replace V6 with a EV setup when it wears out or unleaded becomes unavailable anymore. Car is like new still. lol

Oh and yes to the "other" haters of Jeeps,...... THE only Jeep I have ever seen on a tow truck was MINE when the Denso Alternator shorted out ! ;)

Yak52 :cool:
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"Integration of 3rd party IPs" (and plural)
What could that mean?
Akida 1000 does include an ARM Cortex processor.
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Founding Member
What about the lower part that is covered up? Down below the Qualcomm to Synopsys row. Don't be shy, maybe Telsa down below plus more! I respect your focus and detail.
You are an asset to all of us. Thank you MC. Very impressive.

View attachment 9900
Thanks mate! Just because you asked so nicely.............................😁

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Revisiting the CEO Sean Hehir’s presentation to the 2022 AGM:

“When I started to evaluate joining BrainChip I started with the technology.

Being a Silicon Valley based executive I had easy access to some of the world’s best technical minds who I engaged to evaluate the core technology.

The overwhelming feedback was the technology is visionary in its design, unparalleled in flexibility, and transformative in performance.

As the engagement progressed, I met with many of the core team members and concluded that I had never met a more talented, dedicated, and focused group of individuals in all my years in the technology business.

I examined the trends which are undeniably compelling, the growth and disruptive nature of AI plus the decentralization of AI.

Furthermore, I started to examine the quality of the engagements with some of the world’s leading brands and the trust/promise they saw in BrainChip which further encouraged me to join this amazing company.

And lastly, with all the skills and talent the organization had, it was clear the experience and skills I possessed perfectly complimented the team and is exactly what BrainChip needed in a CEO; someone who knew how to fully commercialize technology…..

Where we are going

The Market is moving to the edge, and we are already here.

I spoke earlier about a 3 three-legged stool that highlighted research, product, and now commercialization, but as stated earlier the floor that the stool sits on is the market.

That market is large, fast growing, and requires more intelligence at the edge.

Today's data center AI model is power hungry, bandwidth wasting, lacks flexibility, not very intelligent and not suited for these undeniable technology trends toward distributed intelligence and learning at the edge.

As I get ready to close my prepared remarks, let’s go back to the foundation.

Two visionaries and the others that followed, worked diligently to create our world changing technology.

Unapparelled in its flexibility, scalability, performance that’s been technically vetted by prospects, customer, and analysts.

And with all my comments about commercialization, I want to assure you there is equal focus, energy, and resources to not only maintain our competitive advantage created by those visionaries but extend it.

We are:
• Aggressively sourcing and hiring world class tech talent.
• Filing new patents.
• Working diligently on documentation, look/feel, UI to make our technology
easier to consume.
• Paying close attention to our competitors.
• Refining, expanding, and accelerating our roadmap and see opportunities
beyond the edge.

For the short term, you can expect another major release of next generation IP and another reference chip prior to the next AGM.

Lastly before I turn the meeting back over to Antonio, let me briefly recap.

It’s been nearly a half year of building a commercial engine that is just now starting to reveal its possibility.

Key priorities and initiatives include:
• Structuring Commercialization.
• Understanding our Market Ecosystem.
• Clarifying our Business Model.
• Ensuring Product-Market Fit.
• Focusing on Marketing.
• Expanding Sales.

Our work on the commercialization leg of the stool has made substantial progress but it is a journey of continuing improvement.

But when you couple this commercial engine with our differentiated IP product, delivering proven and an exponential improvement on anything else available, plus a market which is moving to the edge, I am highly confident that the commercial results will come in a steady and sustainable fashion.

Even with all this hard work on commercialization in the last 5 months, the company and myself should be judged not on effort, but results.

With that said, I look forward to standing before you next year to share all the progress and results from this next critical chapter of BrainChip’s commercialization.”

So we are now 11 months and counting until the CEO stands before shareholders ready to be judged on his progress and results.

I have never anticipated an AGM more than the Brainchip 2023 AGM.

My opinion only DYOR


Sean H ......... I'm now waiting for the next Co Announcement confirming an IP agreement with a big fish or the 2023 AGM ... which ever comes first.
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What makes you think it's confirmation jtardif?

The ultralow power used for keyword spotting?

That's what stood out to me and the fact that Uiux tried to push the idea in a few posts, despite not wanting to spoon feed us and elaborate at all about his reasons (and I suspect there may be a reason for that..).

I'm really surprised, that there has been no large reaction to this news, if the DA1470x, does indeed include AKIDA IP, as this would be the first available commercial product we know of?

Is everybody numbed, by all the leads and dots?

DB why not email Brainchip and ask for clarification on the subject? DA1470x has AKIDA ?
State that you are a Shareholder.

they can only answer with
1. No AKIDA is not on the DA1470x
2. NO Comment (means a yes, not officially)
3. Yes it is on the DA1470x

Remember they cannot lie/mislead to a shareholder for fear of it coming back and biting in the future!

Yak52 :cool:
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Hi guys .. I haven't really posted in this forum yet but used to from time in HC. My mum and I are long term holders of about 10 years. My mum has been trading for about 25. She is very ill and really doesn't have a long time left with us and she rang me at 5am from hospital this morning because she read a post that sharman from HC (forgive me for even saying his name of loud here) posted this morning that really concerned her. I said I would ask the 1000 eyes about it and to get opinions to ease her thoughts. I've copied a link he put up that has her worried.. you're thoughts would be truly appreciated.
It is Shareman's job to spread half-truths and fear.

looks like they are a Russian company:
  • Also Known As Motiv NT, Мотив Нейроморфные Технологии
Motive Neuromorphic Technologies develops a custom-made intelligent vision system.
I avoid all Russian webpages.
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DB why not email Brainchip and ask for clarification on the subject? DA1470x has AKIDA ?
State that you are a Shareholder.

they can only answer with
1. No AKIDA is not on the DA1470x
2. NO Comment (means a yes, not officially)
3. Yes it is on the DA1470x

Remember they cannot lie/mislead to a shareholder for fear of it coming back and biting in the future!

Yak52 :cool:
I know they won't confirm something, that isn't already in the public domain Yak..

It doesn't mean it's a yes though..
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What makes you think it's confirmation jtardif?

The ultralow power used for keyword spotting?

That's what stood out to me and the fact that Uiux tried to push the idea in a few posts, despite not wanting to spoon feed us and elaborate at all about his reasons (and I suspect there may be a reason for that..).

I'm really surprised, that there has been no large reaction to this news, if the DA1470x, does indeed include AKIDA IP, as this would be the first available commercial product we know of?

Is everybody numbed, by all the leads and dots?

Hi Dingo

I have no idea if Akida IP is in that product, was just sharing the product pages where u can find the datasheet
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No flak from me and I’m always happy to be corrected if wrong.
I am far from a shorter and it wasn't a tactic.. my mum has been a Brainchip fan forever. I didn't have time to look up her concerns this morning as having her in hospital and juggling a business I have no time for research but figured I could turn to you all because you know your stuff. I do understand your reaction even though it hurt but I guarantee you my situation is legit. I'm just a mum investor that's been taught by her mum and I was trying to settle any concerns that she had to give her some peace of mind.
Akida Ballista
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Just searched Nessie71 on HC and has contributed a lot of positive comments ?

82 Posts.
Post #: 58835681

BRN Price at posting: $1.39 Sentiment: Buy Disclosure: Held

82 Posts.
Post #: 58498505

BRN Price at posting: 65.0¢ Sentiment: Buy Disclosure: Held
81 Upvote
6Great analysis
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Yes Bien Suerte , I did a search over on the crapper regarding Neesie71 also as i remembered her previous posts.

She is legit, but has not posted for quite some time, (BRN & AZY).

I would QUESTION strongly whether her account is not being used by a crapper mod/manager without her knowledge. If she has not setup an account here herself she would not be aware of this post here. They would be easily able to do this and are also low enough life forms to do it.

My opinion anyway.

Yak52 :cool:
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What makes you think it's confirmation jtardif?

The ultralow power used for keyword spotting?

That's what stood out to me and the fact that Uiux tried to push the idea in a few posts, despite not wanting to spoon feed us and elaborate at all about his reasons (and I suspect there may be a reason for that..).

I'm really surprised, that there has been no large reaction to this news, if the DA1470x, does indeed include AKIDA IP, as this would be the first available commercial product we know of?

Is everybody numbed, by all the leads and dots?
Hi Dingo, yeah few things roped me in without having looked into the VAD too deeply;
- Blue tooth voice activation.
- Ultra low power - extending battery life to 15 days.
- Ability to filter out background noise and conversely boost sensitivity voice activation.
- Working with Cortex M33 as is Akida IP described in recent BrainChip reveal by Renesas.
- The timing of this release with that reveal and what was described around targeting the IOT and wearables.

If the VAD is not us and is an inferior tech then that is disappointing but not the end of the world since it sounds like a perfect opportunity to upgrade to the Akida IP. ..Find it hard to believe that Renesas would release this type of thing calling it the worlds most advanced of its type of SoC if it’s not us and yet they have our IP that could easily slot into place? Ah well.
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Thank you Ahboy for the transcript.

View attachment 9911

At the 15:47, after referring to Mercedes;
"and other vehicle manufacturers"
Did Rob just spill the bean/confirm. Brainchip is working with other vehicle manufacturers. (FORD) or thier could be more?

Its great to be a shareholder.
Not spilling the beans so much as confirming what the CFO Ken Scarince said in his 2021 German Investor presentation.

There is no doubt Brainchip is engaged with multiple automotive manufacturers as well as OEMs such as Valeo and Renesas.

My opinion only DYOR

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Deleted member 118

I am far from a shorter and it wasn't a tactic.. my mum has been a Brainchip fan forever. I didn't have time to look up her concerns this morning as having her in hospital and juggling a business I have no time for research but figured I could turn to you all because you know your stuff. I do understand your reaction even though it hurt but I guarantee you my situation is legit. I'm just a mum investor that's been taught by her mum and I was trying to settle any concerns that she had to give her some peace of mind.
Akida Ballista
Fair play, but I never mentioned you being a shorter but I truly hope you and your mum enjoy the rest of your time together if true.
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Deleted member 118

Extremely low volume in shares have gone through so far today, hopefully it’s a sign that the sp is about to climb once again.

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Fair play, but nothing stopping a person from picking a name out of the hat and I just say it as it see it, knowing well that everyone wants to say the same but can’t, but then again I’ve always been the one that gets into trouble for speaking out

All good Rocket ... I get it. You're just protecting our investments .. If no one speaks out then you can't sort out the truth from the bullshit.. I just had no time to investigate her concens this morning and I trust this forum 100% .. Keep up the good work.
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Deleted member 118

All good Rocket ... I get it. You're just protecting our investments .. If no one speaks out then you can't sort out the truth from the bullshit.. I just had no time to investigate her concens this morning and I trust this forum 100% .. Keep up the good work.
Never protecting, just commenting on your only post on the BrN page which seemed odd and still does, but I truly hope you get to spend some valuable time with you mum as I do have a heart especially if what you said about her is true.
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