BRN Discussion Ongoing



I think it is time to call out sceptics of the unique and unrivalled technology advance created by Peter van der Made and Anil Mankar that is AKIDA technologies.

Shortly with the release of the next generation AKIDA IP with LSTM it will leap to 5 years ahead of the rest of the World and be unassailable.

Those who want to play the "is this a competitor card" need to have a rethink how to frame this invalid argument or come up with an entirely new line of attack because it is now so 2019. It is the equivalent of appearing in public wearing bell bottom trousers and pretending to be a fashion icon.

The World has moved on into the next decade and AKIDA has raced even further ahead and the only question remaining is how much of the Edge market will Brainchip Inc capture with its world class team of sales and marketing professionals and technology business leaders and its fast emerging ecosystem partners.

My 1 percent argument still stands for someone to show as being incorrect. The challenge is there and is not going away. As yet no one who frames the negative narrative wants to address it or even acknowledge its existence. Perhaps they have missed the 100 or so times I have put it out there over the last 12 months.


Having moved well beyond 2019 and the WANCA perspective the new battle ground and the only one with any logic attaching to it as a reason for debate is how much more than 1% of the market will Brainchip Inc capture with AKIDA technology options and its 5 year lead.

My estimate separate from the above challenge as to what percentage Brainchip Inc will capture is based on all my readings and conversations and is 30% to 60% of the EDGE market by 2025.

While I believe that 70 billion US dollars is an underestimate of what the market is for AKIDA technology overall I will adopt it, as it is the number Brainchip Inc itself likes to cite, and in doing so my estimates will place gross earnings at 21 billion US dollars to 42 billion US dollars by 2025.

In saying this I am not putting that the cash receipts in 2025 will be in the range of 21 billion US dollars to 42 billion US dollars but that the value of contractual engagements by that date will be of these levels.


Simple because Brainchip Inc is bringing Ai at the EDGE to the World in a way that no one else is able to do and from its website the following four points make this reasoning easy to grasp:

Power Efficient Microwatts​

Akida performs up to trillions of operations per second while only consuming microwatts to milliwatts of power.
Ultra-Low Latency

Ultra Low Latency
Akida supports ultra-low latency applications by minimizing or eliminating data movement between endpoints and the cloud.

Multiple Networks

A single Akida chip runs many different neural networks simultaneously.

One-Shot Learning​

Akida leverages one-shot learning to improve the hearing, smelling, tasting, and tactile abilities of smart sensors.


Armed with these best in EDGE attributes Brainchip Inc also is the publicly acknowledged trusted commercial and research partner of the following global players:












Brainchip Inc and those who have led her since the beginning have been seasoned players who understood exactly what needed to be done to protect their unique AKIDA technologies advance and as such have ensured through experience and appropriate advice and a long period of stealth that they have a strong defensible patent wall around their core AKIDA technologies.

As retail investors we are given very few chances to take a journey with as much potential as the one offered by the Brainchip Inc express bus so do your research and have a plan as the bus has been converted to an all electric Mercedes Benz luxury liner and is on its way to number one via the ASX200 route.

My opinion only DYOR

Yet another well reasoned posting Fact, and another example of the priceless value of the 1000 eyes.

My only remark is this Fact…what happens to the 99%, or the 70% to 40% of companies who don’t use Akida? The number depends upon what percentage of market share you believe BRN will achieve.

My guess is the way of Kodak.

For mine, it really doesn’t matter what industry you consider, I cannot imagine any company tempting fate by not using Akida. To do so would give their competitors such an advantage, it would be difficult to see them surviving.

Before the AGM, I had a brief chat with Peter. I told him how pleased I was to see him looking so fit and well, because we could afford to lose the occasional CEO, but we can’t afford to lose him. To my question of what next after Akida 3000, he answered with a twinkle in his eye…lots.
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So let me get this straight. We're back at almost a buck even with all those marquee brands on board validating Akida?! No wonder I am delighted my buy order was filled this morning at 1.015. I never thought anyone would be so silly as to sell their BRN's for that price ... but there you go. As a famous producer once said ... no producer ever went broke underestimating intelligence of the public.
It boggles my mind to how we could pull back so much. But if the net buyers is low the manipulator will sell down to themselves dropping the price they may shake some holders to selling. I just don't get how profitable it is for them to d o this. What percentage of holders are I'll informed also. It must be making some money for them.

There sure are a lot of investors or traders that really don't know anything about what they are buying at times really surprises me. 🤯

Wish I had more funds available 😔
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The following linked article from the ABC's Fact Check regarding the current economic conditions in Australia is an interesting read and makes clear that all politicians have been cut from the same cloth. Telling the truth about how the economy stands when you take power is clearly not seen as a priority by any government since Federation and yet again retail and the effect this can have on their investments are a not consideration:

Budget estimates for the current financial year

As noted above, Fact Check has assessed Senator Gallagher's claim of the "worst" set of budget books on the basis of the last financial year prior to a change of government.

This ensures consistency over time and allows for the claim to be assessed on the basis of budget "actual" figures (for those periods already passed) as opposed to "estimates" about the future.

For the sake of completeness, Fact Check has also considered estimates in the most recent budget papers for the current financial year ending on June 30.

The budget papers forecast that debt as a proportion of GDP in 2021-22 would remain steady at 39.5 per cent.

Meanwhile, the deficit is expected to drop from 6.5 per cent of GDP in 2020-21 to 3.5 per cent by June 30. That is a level significantly lower than experienced in either world war.

Principal researcher: Sonam Thomas

My opinion only DYOR


So so predictable it really makes me want to chuck,

Quick let’s set the scene that everything’s fucked and urgently needs fixing but only we know just how to make it all better

The shear number of bullshit political change agendas underway now is fucking depressing
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I have had a deep dive into Shekel Brainweigh and am quite confident there is no AKIDA in sight.

They rely on cloud Ai. They have no one on staff who has SNN sticking out and the career options are for totally software cloud focused individuals.

They do not reference power but they can connect directly into the power grid in supermarkets and while supermarkets are not using plastic bags as their contribution to saving the planet they have yet to really worry about how much electricity they are sucking out of the grid.

In fact this technology as it reduces human staff will be a net gain even having regard to its increased power use.

In the next few years as coal powered base load generation disappears even supermarkets will realise that electric power is finite.

My opinion only DYOR

But what about the Woolies commercials - ‘clean, green e-lec-tricity in stores by 2025’ 😎
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Yet another well reasoned posting Fact, and another example of the priceless value of the 1000 eyes.

My only remark is this Fact…what happens to the 99%, or the 70% to 40% of companies who don’t use Akida? The number depends upon what percentage of market share you believe BRN will achieve.

My guess is the way of Kodak.

For mine, it really doesn’t matter what industry you consider, I cannot imagine any company tempting fate by not using Akida. To do so would give their competitors such an advantage, it would be difficult to see them surviving.

Before the AGM, I had a brief chat with Peter. I told him how pleased I was to see him looking so fit and well, because we could afford to lose the occasional CEO, but we can’t afford to lose him. To my question of what next after Akida 3000, he answered with a twinkle in his eye…lots.
There could be knock off but you are correct if you done conform to the better option in your products your company will become obsolete.

I think this is why we are partnering with more smaller and some mid tier companies the bigger ones are still in disbelief.

They either join and partner with the tech or try to reinvent a product that is similar or become obsolete.

Big companies are very difficult to navigate alternative roots lots of high ranking management that could lose jobs if they admitted poor performance. Hence they will kick the can as long as they can getting paid then move on even if they were wrong.
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10:01:39 am1.0200
Looks like you got it cheaper mcm, I am fuming 😤😂😂😂

In other news, Hotcrapper poster is on the naughty list again. Someone send this to me and just posting for all to see.
If you think market manipulation doesn't happen, think again.

There is also a link in that article, where you can submit suspicious activities. So, if you see illegal activities, P&D posts by traders who use them to increase the volatility to their advantage, please report them.
Hopefully this acts as a warning to all those traders who spread misinformation against companies to help their cause.
Notice its some little fish thats been caught and prosecuted,cant remember seeing any insto employees and their bosses or ASX directors being caught! Just like the drug trade only ever the little fishes,big fishes can afford to pay off the powers that be.
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10:01:39 am1.0200
Looks like you got it cheaper mcm, I am fuming 😤😂😂😂

In other news, Hotcrapper poster is on the naughty list again. Someone send this to me and just posting for all to see.
If you think market manipulation doesn't happen, think again.

There is also a link in that article, where you can submit suspicious activities. So, if you see illegal activities, P&D posts by traders who use them to increase the volatility to their advantage, please report them.
Hopefully this acts as a warning to all those traders who spread misinformation against companies to help their cause.
I recall having a run-in or two with Fibbin Archy in that other place.
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I recall having a run-in or two with Fibbin Archy in that other place.
Well i can thank Fibonarchey for it was he that put me on to brainchip way back around 2014/15 av 8.8 cents.
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It's been a while since we have heard anything about Valeo so I guess we are getting closer since our joint development agreement has been in existence for 2 years.

While we wait I found this article from a couple of weeks ago which indicates that AI is still very important to their future.

They seem to be achieving a lot within the AI field so hopefully we have been able to assist their engineers with their recent achievements.

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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Why these idiot’s trying to manipulate and break $1. Someone slap them
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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Founding Member
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I don't know if there is anything to read in this but out of the 4 inclusions into the ASX200, BRN is the only one that has gone down after the announcement :( CXO up, NHC up, LKE up, BRN down
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BrainChip out with, interestingly, a quite easy to read "white Paper". It's only about a 5 minute read and nicely explains how Akida saves power, processes data, and (to a degree) how Akida learns.

Well worth the read.

What Is the Akida Event Domain Neural Processor?

As an example of the simple language employed here's an excerpt documenting the difference between how traditional AI and Akida process a piece of blank paper. It is a nice way of demonstrating the true worth of sparsity - i.e. the way the brain also works.

"consider an extreme case. You could give a “standard” Convolutional Neural Network a blank page to process, and it will take every pixel and process it through millions of multiply-accumulate instructions to find out that the page is blank.The Akida event-based processing method works like how the human brain would process a blank page: since there are no lines or colors on the page, it receives no events, so it does not need to process anything. It is this reduction of data that must be processed, known as “sparsity,” that leads to significant power savings."
Well noted Sly, and agree on your selected highlight.
Such a singular strong point of difference, to showcase to any prospective newbie investor, unaware of Akida’s Neuromorphic game changing technology.
It is this Simple and Plainly understood example, with a tweek, ( i put a single black dot on the blank page , creating an “ event “ ).
Hence example
Normal binary processing ( 0’s - 1’s ) uses 100 units
Akida Neuromorphic (brain spikes) processing uses 1 unit.
True there’s overview holes in the example.
But it’s about selling the very basic challenging idea of change, and the massive energy savings are what the common person can most easily relate to. Thus it’s one of my preferred lines of dialogue with the uninitiated, It’s a good seeder for the interested enquirer.
Realistically, the world is still in the dark room re Akida and All of its majesty.

This hopefully enables the promotion of Akida’s neuromorphic mind blowing processing ability , to be gently addressed thru a very common thread of street appeal, its Sustainability and future Greeness
Spread the word
Akida is here
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
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