BRN Discussion Ongoing


Good evening m'lud,

Royalties are calculated on the number of nodes of 4 Akida NPUs (neuromorphic processing units) included in a product. I think 2 nodes is the minimum, ie 8 NPUs. The Akida 1000 SoC has 20 nodes. So simple products may have 2 nodes, while more complex applications requiring extensive data processing may have 20 or more nodes.

As to the honesty of the licensees, the licence agreement will have provision for auditing the licencees sales.
There's a new breed of people called Revenue Assurance(ers). I met one at golf a couple of months ago - majored in economics and accountancy. When I Google revenue assurance there are lots of thing to read and I.........y..a..w..n......
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By the way I am over joyed by reaching the ASX200 and yes it is a step on our journey to the Nasdaq and generational wealth.

What I do not want to see is manipulators weakening the resolve of retail shareholders to the point where they abandon their plan.

Many of us have been on this journey together for such a long time it would be heartbreaking if some fell at the final hurdle and did not get up and continue to the finishing line.

My opinion only DYOR

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Hi @Proga.
Not sure it is crying wolf to suggest that a legal way to make a return by lending shares to short traders is a likely outcome.

Even Warren Buffet lends to shorters in the USA.

No one will complain if the share price continues going up in fact they will love every minute of it while it occurs but if this does not occur beyond an initial spike then having the knowledge that global institutions engage in the perfectly legal wealth creation mechanism of shorting while at the same time also earning capital gains seems entirely sensible.

The only ones who would not want ordinary retail to know this is happening are those who engage in shorting.

Your argument that capital gains preclude shorting indicates a complete lack of knowledge about how it works.

Briefly An institution has 10 million shares. It lends then to you for a fee with an agreed return date of those shares say 30 days.

The person taking the shares pays the fee and immediately sells the shares for $1.20 a share. Then hopes that the price will drop significantly over that 30 day period.

If the share price drops to 90 cents they will buy back at 90 cents return these bought shares to the lender pocketing the difference between $1.20 and 90 cents less the fee paid to borrow the shares.

The institution wins both ways they get the fee and when the share appreciates they get the capital gain.

My opinion only DYOR

You miss understood my points. I'm perfectly aware how shorting works. Have been for 20 years. However, I don't think shorters have been having any trouble borrowing shares to short. Therefore, moving from the 300 to the 200 isn't going to increase shorting activity as you have suggested (crying wolf). Also not all institutions loan shares to the shorters. Those who don't rely on share appreciation to increase the value of their holdings like the rest of us. If every institution loaned stock to the shorters most stocks would be shorted by 70-80%
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When another investment I am heavily in on (IMU) was included in the 200, it's share price went from 60 cents down to high teens.

I am as excited as the next person about our inclusion but it isn't necessarily a good thing.

Showing a massive increase in revenue of the next 12 months will be the catalyst for our share price going bananas and a permanent position in the 200.
Correct - revenue / profit doesn’t lie, everything else is just blowing smoke. Sean needs to drive an unrelenting focus on revenue - everything else we look after itself.
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Top 20
Correct - revenue / profit doesn’t lie, everything else is just blowing smoke. Sean needs to drive an unrelenting focus on revenue - everything else we look after itself.
But, like the rest of us, you've bought in on the potential. So do we need a rebore and a new set of rings?
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You miss understood my points. I'm perfectly aware how shorting works. Have been for 20 years. However, I don't think shorters have been having any trouble borrowing shares to short. Therefore, moving from the 300 to the 200 isn't going to increase shorting activity as you have suggested (crying wolf). Also not all institutions loan shares to the shorters. Those who don't rely on share appreciation to increase the value of their holdings like the rest of us. If every institution loaned stock to the shorters most stocks would be shorted by 70-80%
I am so pleased you are such an experienced and knowledgeable investor.

I apologise for thinking you had no idea.

What I am a little bit mystified by is why my warning to retail so offends you?

Just as a matter of interest IMU retreated 80% after admission fitting with your statement as to what would happen if this activity was engaged in after reaching the ASX200.

My opinion only DYOR

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Founding Member
I wonder if our ASX200 inclusion will have an impact on overseas trading tonight. Any thoughts?
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But, like the rest of us, you've bought in on the potential. So do we need a rebore and a new set of rings?
Not necessarily D, but like most things in life and in particular the mkt...need to live up to that potential or can be just another in the mediocrity pile that promised so much but ended up just...not....quite....delivering.
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Honestly does it really matter if we get shorted in the next few months? Anyone who has bothered to do their research knows that the big bucks are still a year or two away. If you’ve come this far why wouldn’t you wait for Akida-enhanced products to hit the market? That’s when the royalties start rolling in. That’s when we make money hand over fist.

If I get one last opportunity to fill my boots in the interim I will not be upset about it.
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One other thing I would like to see as a knock on to our admission is more local and overseas credible analyst coverage and research reports issued for the wider investor mkt.
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Top 20
I wonder if our ASX200 inclusion will have an impact on overseas trading tonight. Any thoughts?
I'm expecting the DAX will be up - just for the sake of decorum.
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If I was Paul Revere I would be riding across the BRN share register yelling the shorters are coming, the shorters are coming.

Brainchip is not paying dividends so how does an institution that has to buy BRN make a profit it lends to shorters and manufactures a return on investment.

So have your flintlocks ready and powder dry and hold firm we all know what one tiny little percent of the 70 billion US dollar Edge Ai market will mean and this is a very silly unrealistic minimum share of the global semiconductor market soon to come Brainchips way.

The ARM Edge Impulse preferred partner deal is a staggering endorsement of where this is going to end up. Mr. Segar has hitched himself to another shooting star.

My opinion only DYOR

Hi FF,
Did you happen to see what Goldman Sachs did to the share price of lithium stocks the other day? Wonder if they took out any short positions before they released their negative report on the sector. You have spoken often of what will befall retail holders as institutions move in and rightly so. Might be a bumpy road for a while as games are played.
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Top 20
Hi FF,
Did you happen to see what Goldman Sachs did to the share price of lithium stocks the other day? Wonder if they took out any short positions before they released their negative report on the sector. You have spoken often of what will befall retail holders as institutions move in and rightly so. Might be a bumpy road for a while as games are played.
Regulation of the ASX falls neatly between ASIC and APRA - between two stools as Shakespeare would have it.
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Pretty Pretty Pretty Pretty Good
Regulation of the ASX falls neatly between ASIC and APRA - between two stools as Shakespeare would have it.
You could probably replace "falls" with "fails" there and nobody would notice
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A point of clarification.

While shorting is legal, manipulation to create a false market is most definitely not, and this is in my opinion is worse when the false market is being created to the downside of fair value.

If you buy in the hope that a share will go up who gets hurt if you are wrong only yourself.

If you buy in the hope that a share will go down who gets hurt if you are wrong only yourself.

If you use social media and the press in a scheme to create a false market to your advantage retail are hurt.

Retail who sell at a loss because they have been manipulated into a state of panic by a short might never recover financially.

Understanding the markets is essential unless you want to be eaten by wolves.

My opinion only DYOR

Couldn't agree with you more. I hate shorters like every retail investor. Having been a member of HC since 2006 and witnessed on every thread nearly every year people whinging about it, I'm over it. The thing I didn't like was half the trolls on HC were working for the shorters. Nearly every time 1 or 2 new trolls joined the thread to sow the seeds of doubt, there would be a new shorting attack within the next week or so. Then they'd disappear.

I don't believe because BRN have moved from the ASX300 to the ASX200, shorting will increase.
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Your right zeebot.....
Looks like we are going to get a bunch of newbies asking questions that with a little research and effort on their behalf should be able to find out on their own.
Congratulations to everybody that has taken the BRN bus from the microcap bus stop to the asx200 bus stop😁

Steve Martin Idk GIF
Look, Doctor. He is so happy he is crying!


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Snapshot worth keep an eye on from here till next rebalance.

A Major Institutional 3.6.22.png

A Major Mutal 3.6.22.png
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