BRN Discussion Ongoing


If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
I wondered who would pick this up first guess which country has a hacking industry. Or did they find this out at the Ai Hardware Summit???

My opinion only DYOR


I suppose there'd be a lot of Russian oligarch's who'd go to just about any lengths to replace their current Mercs with smarter ones, ie. the Vision EQXX.

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My concern is that the smart money will be on a potential takeover offer in the not too distant future,if the stories are true and someone has accumulated 50+ million shares and still going we should get an idea who it is when the new top 20 is realeased shortly.
The BRN BOD have been on an investor roadshow, I wouldn't be surprised if they have generated significant investor interest resulting in accumulation of vast volume of shares by one or more institutions.
On the other hand if the accumulation of shares is by one buyer intent on a takeover, we the shareholders will win by a takeover offer that will not succeed but will establish a new market valuation for BRN, somewhere way north of the previous high.
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@Fact Finder
And yes we had an announcement or media release about this some time back.
Just thought it was interesting that interested parties could contact through this website to acquire tech.
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You are an absolute legend @zeeb0t !!! Thank you for all everything you do and that we all benefit from and without which ee would either be stuck in that other hellhole or have no forum . Such a generous community on here.
When I pull my finger out I'll be subscribing for membership as a show of support and appreciation.
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Founding Member
When I pull my finger out I'll be subscribing for membership as a show of support and appreciation.

Thats very nice of you, yes Z has done an amazing job here, it would be very nice for everyone to join Z's paid membership for all the great work he has done & the great work he continues to do everyday for us, my days are so much more pleasant now that I don't have to spend time at that other place.

To me this site is a very peaceful & informative place to be, I would hate to think if Z's costs were not covered for running this site that it could one day disappear, the price charts provided on this site alone cost thousands of dollars, not to mention all the other costs :)

Thanks for supporting Z Rise (y)
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On the question of a takeover as retail have more than sufficient numbers to prevent such occurring I thought I should declare that I would accept an offer which was equal to a fifty percent discount on Brainchip’s future true value in cash and or shares based on Peter van der Made’s assessment of ten times Microsoft’s valuation.

This is not advice simply a declaration of intent. 😁😎

My opinion only DYOR

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Top 20
"Dominant market share"
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On the question of a takeover as retail have more than sufficient numbers to prevent such occurring I thought I should declare that I would accept an offer which was equal to a fifty percent discount on Brainchip’s future true value in cash and or shares based on Peter van der Made’s assessed of ten times Microsoft’s valuation.

This is not advice simply a declaration of intent. 😁😎

My opinion only DYOR

You are very humble and generous. I'm hanging out for NZ's GDP × 10.
What's a Microsoft anyway?
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You are very humble and generous. I'm hanging out for NZ's GDP × 10.
What's a Microsoft anyway?
Do we get sheep with that? 🤣 FF

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Hi all,

Thanks for the feedback re my superannuation questions yesterday; much appreciated.

I was just admiring BL’s iceberg and partially remembered one IDD came up with but I cannot remember it’s name.

I must comment that I haven’t heard from him for a while and miss his input, hoping he is well?

It was about a packaging company which printed barcodes all over drink containers etc, they were invisible to the eye but a recycling machine with a certain camera and Akida would read the barcodes and then sort the containers for recycling purposes at a very quick pace as they went along a conveyor belt. I recall watching a video on it which was quite impressive.

And I learnt how to use the ”find a word” on my phone as a result of wading through a very large article to find the Akida reference to then have FF enlighten me on how to find it with a few clicks of a button :)

If anyone can remember the company I’d be interested to see how they are progressing because they should be at least below the waterline!

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And is the reference by Rob Telson to Alexa in his presentations significant???

My opinion only DYOR


PS: Don’t ask @MC🐠 we already know what he will answer. 😂🤣😂
I was actually thinking about RT's reference to Alexa when I was typing but I didn't include it. I'm glad you did.
We know they are trying to move more processing to the edge, we'll have to wait and see how successful they have been. Here is some food for thought from their web page:

How to make on-device speech recognition practical

By Grant P. Strimel September 02, 2021

Branching encoder networks make operation more efficient, while “neural diffing” reduces bandwidth requirements for model updates.

Related publications

Historically, Alexa’s automatic-speech-recognition models, which convert speech to text, have run in the cloud. But in recent years, we’ve been working to move more of Alexa’s computational capacity to the edge of the network — to Alexa-enabled devices themselves.

The move to the edge promises faster response times, since data doesn’t have to travel to and from the cloud; lower consumption of Internet bandwidth, which is important in some applications; and availability on devices with inconsistent Internet connections, such as Alexa-enabled in-car sound systems.

At this year’s Interspeech, we and our colleagues presented two papers describing some of the innovations we’re introducing to make it practical to run Alexa at the edge.

In one paper, “Amortized neural networks for low-latency speech recognition”, we show how to reduce the computational cost of neural-network-based automatic speech recognition (ASR) by 45% with no loss in accuracy. Our method also has lower latencies than similar methods for reducing computation, meaning that it enables Alexa to respond more quickly to customer requests.

In the other paper, “Learning a neural diff for speech models”, we show how to dramatically reduce the bandwidth required to update neural models on the edge. Instead of transmitting a complete model, we transmit a set of updates for some select parameters. In our experiments, this reduced the size of the update by as much as 98% with negligible effect on model accuracy.
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Just watched the Commsec video with Sean. Wow, Sean is very impressive.

Throughout the video, you really get a sense that Sean knows exactly how to get Brainchip to the next level and beyond. What he's shown over the past 6 months gives me such confidence he can not only lead Brainchip onto the World stage but become the ultimate global game changer everyone will know them for.
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A tip from @millipede 3000:)

For him it's a game and I don't get it yet. But maybe one of you does. Something for the hard core nerds among us?
Here's a challenge, just for fun ;-): Try build a neural network using the playground that quite accurately predicts the spiral dataset. Then post back a screenshot.
Just a bit of educational fun.
Knowldege is power.
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Hi all,

Thanks for the feedback re my superannuation questions yesterday; much appreciated.

I was just admiring BL’s iceberg and partially remembered one IDD came up with but I cannot remember it’s name.

I must comment that I haven’t heard from him for a while and miss his input, hoping he is well?

It was about a packaging company which printed barcodes all over drink containers etc, they were invisible to the eye but a recycling machine with a certain camera and Akida would read the barcodes and then sort the containers for recycling purposes at a very quick pace as they went along a conveyor belt. I recall watching a video on it which was quite impressive.

And I learnt how to use the ”find a word” on my phone as a result of wading through a very large article to find the Akida reference to then have FF enlighten me on how to find it with a few clicks of a button :)

If anyone can remember the company I’d be interested to see how they are progressing because they should be at least below the waterline!

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That’s it: well done!

I’ve had a bit of a look and found the trial was successful as per the article above but can’t find any more on Akida at the moment. Maybe it doesn’t belong on the iceberg picture yet. :(
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In July I intend asking that question directly, to both.

$5.00 was said with a smile last year.

2025 maybe a fair and reasonable time to rack the cue, but I need to hear that personally, before I accept it as gospel.

Love Brainchip, the staff, the technology, the passion, the shareholder loyalty, the dream, and both our Founder/s.

Truly blessed, me and you all...may the journey continue for a few more years.

No further comment from me.

Goodnight from WA...Tech x
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