BRN Discussion Ongoing


Afternoon Fact Finder ,

Had a funny experience, probably 10 years ago, now.

I was sitting in the bar at our local marina having a quiet beer, when I noticed down on the pontoon one of my father's mates release all the lines to his boat without jumping aboard first.
Watching his boat ($3 mill plus) drift out some 25 plus metres from the dock with knowone aboard, I ran down ready to jump in and save it .

The owner, smiling, then proceed to pull a remote controller from his pocket.

Standing on the dock, he proceeded to rotate his boat ( 60 odd footer with some 2000 horsepower, twin screw) 180 degrees , and backed it up to dock , where he casually stepped onto the back deck and departed.

All with a tiny remote.


Its awesome eh @Esq.111
Saw the same at a boat ramp where the guy just pushed the boat off the trailer, no one onboard , out into the bay.
Pulled out his "self deploy, (minn kota, electric motor) , pressed spot-lock from a remote". Bingo, the boat waited in the fixed position whilst he parked and returned, then he bought the boat to the jetty, where he stepped aboard.

Akida Ballista
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Its awesome eh @Esq.111
Saw the same at a boat ramp where the guy just pushed the boat off the trailer, no one onboard , out into the bay.
Pulled out his "self deploy, (minn kota, electric motor) , pressed spot-lock from a remote". Bingo, the boat waited in the fixed position whilst he parked and returned, then he bought the boat to the jetty, where he stepped aboard.

Akida Ballista
Electric boats - That'll be a whole new area for LiDaR/sonar SNNs.
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WOW. I was at the AGM and there was some negativity at how Sean delivered his speech by reading it out. Have look at his fluidity of delivery on the link. He's got his job crystal clear in his brain. I've commented elsewhere how PVDM looked pleased when Sean got up to speak at the meeting and regards him as his golden-hehir'd discovery. I'm a fan too. (Am I getting the hint about his hair through or should I leave it alone?)
I was involved in a conversation about this very point, and once again sounding like a know it all, I was able to point out the ability to read from a document accurately in public is a learned skill that requires practice.

Sean Hehir like most public speakers learn their subject then speak unencumbered by the need to be word perfect controlled by their own grammatical style.

Lawyers or clergy on the other hand are required very often to quote perfectly from a text in a grammatical style often quite foreign to how they would speak.

Lawyers in particular constantly need to read things such as statements or case law onto the Court record word perfect. Near enough is not good enough.

Sean Hehir though addressing the AGM knew the written words had already been published as a price sensitive announcement on the ASX and it was obvious to me he was endeavouring, possibly for the first time in his life, to deliver a word perfect recital of his published document.

It was obvious from the little back steps he made to change an ‘a’ to an ‘an’ that this is what was occurring.

It was also obvious that immediately he had finished this script reading and he could speak freely that these back steps disappeared.

When I underwent training as a Police Prosecutor this skill to read only what is written and not impose your own grammatical style was practised until perfected.

My opinion only DYOR

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Oat latte lover
Afternoon Fact Finder ,

Had a funny experience, probably 10 years ago, now.

I was sitting in the bar at our local marina having a quiet beer, when I noticed down on the pontoon one of my father's mates release all the lines to his boat without jumping aboard first.
Watching his boat ($3 mill plus) drift out some 25 plus metres from the dock with knowone aboard, I ran down ready to jump in and save it .

The owner, smiling, then proceed to pull a remote controller from his pocket.

Standing on the dock, he proceeded to rotate his boat ( 60 odd footer with some 2000 horsepower, twin screw) 180 degrees , and backed it up to dock , where he casually stepped onto the back deck and departed.

All with a tiny remote.



He probably had workers rowing his boat manually under the deck. Remote was to give electric shock
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Electric boats - That'll be a whole new area for LiDaR/sonar SNNs.
Yes, ................ im going to call my yacht, " SWEET-SPOT"
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Just for interest considering latest video.
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Sean Hehir described the improvements being made by the so called competitors using CNN as being incremental and even if they achieved 10% incremental improvements they were so far behind as to not touch the current lead.

He also said that those that were trying to follow the neuromorphic path were (my words) sallow by comparison single purpose and at least the two to three years behind.

He referenced the patent wall being reinforced and threw to Peter van der Made who referred to the 50 world wide patents being finalised for filing.

My opinion only DYOR

Thanks @Fact Finder I have been crazy busy at work and finally got to watch the AGM last night thanks to @TechGirl for recording it.
What you have said here matches exactly what I heard. CNN will only get incremental improvement not the order of magnitude improvement possible with Akida. A lot of emphasis on the flexibility of Akida IP whereas others in the neuromorophic space can only really provide single use solutions.
I was really impressed with both Antonio and Sean. Very professional, very prepared, relaxed and confident. They had a laugh about the question on why Japanese companies as that was a question they hadn't thought of. Good on whoever thought of that question haha
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Thanks @Fact Finder I have been crazy busy at work and finally got to watch the AGM last night thanks to @TechGirl for recording it.
What you have said here matches exactly what I heard. CNN will only get incremental improvement not the order of magnitude improvement possible with Akida. A lot of emphasis on the flexibility of Akida IP whereas others in the neuromorophic space can only really provide single use solutions.
I was really impressed with both Antonio and Sean. Very professional, very prepared, relaxed and confident. They had a laugh about the question on why Japanese companies as that was a question they hadn't thought of. Good on whoever thought of that question haha
Could the Japan thing be simply that Megachips is Japanese owned? I'm applying the Occam's Razor logic to this.
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
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Dang Son

Not sure Nviso if this Nviso demo has already been posted
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
Not sure Nviso if this Nviso demo has already been posted

Yes @Dang Son this was discussed quite heavily with much excitement.
There has also been an update since this video that Anil made a slight tweak to change from 250 FPS (frames per second) to 1,000 fps.
Woo Hoo.
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Beautifully explained. 😎 FF

Now here is something further to play around with and longer term holders will know that I posted a comparison of the Intel Loihi v Brainchip AKIDA styled 'Just how good is AKIDA' in 2020 which was lengthy and now lost in the mists of HC times but which I think can now be broken down into some simple figures now that most here have a pretty good grasp on the AKIDA REVOLUTION.

AKIDA runs up to 1024 AKD1000 chips before needing reengineering.

One AKD1000 has 1.2 million neuron equivalents and 10 billion synapse equivalents. So 1024 AKD1000's or 81,920 AKIDA nodes is 1billion 228million 800 thousand neuron equivalents and 1.24 trillion synapse equivalents.

Loihi 2 is fabricated on pre-production Intel 4 process and has a total of 1,048,576 artificial neurons and 120 million synapses.
(from 1 Oct 2021)

It can
be seen that as you multiply out the number of Loihi chips to 1024 the gap between it and AKD1000 grows exponentially so that 1024 Loihi 2 x 1024 becomes 1 billion 73 million 741 thousand 824 neuron equivalents and 12.288 billion synapse equivalents.

So AKIDA ends up over 100 million ahead on neurons and over 1 trillion synapse ahead. The more you add the wider the gap.

Then throw in the admitted fact that Mike Davies in the following interview based article has advised that producing Loihi 2 in volume carries problems still to be resolved it becomes clear that this is indeed a one horse race.

My opinion only DYOR

I'm hoping and wondering FF, whether that 1 trillion synapses is getting close my own little bundle. Surely not, I wonder how many of my own synapses I've used in writing this. Probably only a couple I reckon. Just don't suggest I've had to utilize the whole lot of 1 Trill, ;)😄

Akida Ballista


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Yes Blind Freddie did see at 4.30 pm today saying “That would have been a great trade if you are an honest trader and not part of the group manipulating the price to manufacture the opportunity.”

Blind Freddie like myself sees most of these opportunities after the event with the benefit of hindsight.

I did like your statement at the AGM but it was missing one ingredient popular support as these motions achieved over 98% of approval by shareholders.

It might be that while we all agree about remuneration being fair, equitable and an incentive to nurture performance these motions all passed the pub test with glowing colours and your assessment of them as being out of line was incorrect.

I am no judge as I compare what Sean Hehir is asked to do and what a rugby player is asked to do and what they get paid and think Sean Hehir should be paid ten times his present remuneration.

My opinion only DYOR

At the risk of being pummelled by the Ballista Army, I have to say that the above remarks questioning my honesty and integrity, were well below the belt Fact, and not worthy of the person you purport to be.

Rather than being the beneficiary of hindsight, it was blindingly obvious that as Monday’s trading progressed, the company’s share price was being influenced by the belated ARM announcement, and Tuesday’s upcoming AGM.

As I’ve said before, my instinct was telling me a pretty good accumulation opportunity was on offer, so I took one of my many punts. Voila…the next day our share price declined on the back of what I expected…ie negative market reaction to the AGM. I took a further punt and waited until late yesterday to accumulate a nice little 200K plus additional shares.

‘Money for nothing and the chicks for free’

There may well be manipulation going on Fact, but I find your suggestion that I may be part of a group doing this pretty damn offensive.

I now await my pummelling.
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
Yes @Dang Son this was discussed quite heavily with much excitement.
There has also been an update since this video that Anil made a slight tweak to change from 250 FPS (frames per second) to 1,000 fps.
Woo Hoo.
Here is there full reply. Credit @Fact Finder

Hi all
I won’t grace the nonsense with a rebuff but I will support those who have reported a positive response to the AGM.

It was as reported an entirely positive investment affirming experience.

I did not have an opportunity to speak to Sean Hehir or any one else at the meeting about the company as I was keeping socially distant and masked as I have a responsibility to minimise the risk of transferring Covid to my wife.

I did shake hands with Ken Scarince before leaving and thanked him for the work he has done with LDA Capital.

I then attended with some others a demonstration by Nviso of its in cabin system that we have all seen the video of and it is more impressive in real life. This was entirely independent of Brainchip and it was organised by Jesse Chapman.

In due course thanks to the work of Jesse and Acca we here may be remembered when the Nviso IPO is launched later this year, early next year.

At the time of the video we saw AKIDA was processing 250 frames per second with the Nvidia CPU which without AKIDA was accordingly to Tim Llewellyn only processing up to 10 frames per second.

Since they made the video two weeks ago Anil Mankar has suggested some tweaks to AKIDA and this has taken the 250 frames per second to 1,000 frames per second which was the speed I/we witnessed.

It was clear from the answers Tim Llewellyn gave that without AKIDA what he was presenting would not be possible. He was very derogatory of the technology currently in phones and it was clear the only way phones would be able to run Nviso Apps properly was with AKIDA.

As for the share price movement this is clearly manipulation and on this point there has been significant increase in institutional interest.

From another shareholder I have been made aware that two meetings took place with large institutions after the AGM that were requested late by these institutions through Shaw Partners and plans had to be changed suddenly so they could be accommodated by Sean Hehir & Co.

I have no reason to believe that the share price manipulation today and these meetings were/are connected.

It is not unreasonable though to say if ARM and Nviso have been the catalyst for friendly conservative institutions to take a look at Brainchip then bad actors would also have been put on notice.

I have made the point before that as a retail investor my approach is to ignore the manipulation and trust in my research.

I see no reason to change my approach and having seen the AKIDA Nviso demonstration I am completely convinced this is the correct decision.

My opinion only DYOR
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If this is the case how could anyone be worried about the share price and where it will end up.
My opinion only DYOR

From the home page at BRN just scroll down:


BrainChip is the antidote to:
More devices.
More data.
More demands on the data centre.

Our technology brings commonsense to the processing of sensor data, freeing machines to do more with less, enabling them to infer the big picture from the basics.

You’re in good company​

Trusted by:​






Profiled In:​

  • venture_beat.png
  • eetimes.png
  • design_reuse.png

Traded On:​

  • asx.png
  • best50.png
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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If this is the case how could anyone be worried about the share price and where it will end up.
My opinion only DYOR

From the home page at BRN just scroll down:


BrainChip is the antidote to:
More devices.
More data.
More demands on the data centre.

Our technology brings commonsense to the processing of sensor data, freeing machines to do more with less, enabling them to infer the big picture from the basics.

You’re in good company​

Trusted by:​






Profiled In:​

  • venture_beat.png
  • eetimes.png
  • design_reuse.png

Traded On:​

  • asx.png
  • best50.png
Hi FF, Has the Valeo logo been displayed on the new website since its launch or is this new?
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Nothing to see here.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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Here is there full reply. Credit @Fact Finder

Hi all
I won’t grace the nonsense with a rebuff but I will support those who have reported a positive response to the AGM.

It was as reported an entirely positive investment affirming experience.

I did not have an opportunity to speak to Sean Hehir or any one else at the meeting about the company as I was keeping socially distant and masked as I have a responsibility to minimise the risk of transferring Covid to my wife.

I did shake hands with Ken Scarince before leaving and thanked him for the work he has done with LDA Capital.

I then attended with some others a demonstration by Nviso of its in cabin system that we have all seen the video of and it is more impressive in real life. This was entirely independent of Brainchip and it was organised by Jesse Chapman.

In due course thanks to the work of Jesse and Acca we here may be remembered when the Nviso IPO is launched later this year, early next year.

At the time of the video we saw AKIDA was processing 250 frames per second with the Nvidia CPU which without AKIDA was accordingly to Tim Llewellyn only processing up to 10 frames per second.

Since they made the video two weeks ago Anil Mankar has suggested some tweaks to AKIDA and this has taken the 250 frames per second to 1,000 frames per second which was the speed I/we witnessed.

It was clear from the answers Tim Llewellyn gave that without AKIDA what he was presenting would not be possible. He was very derogatory of the technology currently in phones and it was clear the only way phones would be able to run Nviso Apps properly was with AKIDA.

As for the share price movement this is clearly manipulation and on this point there has been significant increase in institutional interest.

From another shareholder I have been made aware that two meetings took place with large institutions after the AGM that were requested late by these institutions through Shaw Partners and plans had to be changed suddenly so they could be accommodated by Sean Hehir & Co.

I have no reason to believe that the share price manipulation today and these meetings were/are connected.

It is not unreasonable though to say if ARM and Nviso have been the catalyst for friendly conservative institutions to take a look at Brainchip then bad actors would also have been put on notice.

I have made the point before that as a retail investor my approach is to ignore the manipulation and trust in my research.

I see no reason to change my approach and having seen the AKIDA Nviso demonstration I am completely convinced this is the correct decision.

My opinion only DYOR

The 1000 fps tweek illustrates the point I made when we signed up with SiFive. At the time, SiFive was said to be as fast as an ARM from 2 years earlier, and I suggested that, with Akida, SiFive could equal or surpass the current ARM equivalent, the corollary being that ARM would need to get on board the bus to keep up.
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