All resolutions passed (except the last spill meeting one)
There seemed to be great support for new CEO and Chair - receiving 96-97% in favour of their election. Less than 1% against actually.
PVD, as mentioned above, was a shock with only 66% support for his re-election, and 30% against. That was a shock. Maybe Peter voted against himself.
There seemed to be a little back-lash regarding awarding shares to execs and directors. 25% to 35% votes against those resolutions. With a question being asked as to the lack of credibility due to those same people not ponying up their own money for shares.
Apparently remuneration is being changed, for everyone, to include more share-based remuneration, tied to performance. Although this is typically great to see, it may not be that big an incentive as the company will probably achieve massive gains regardless. But I still do like staff and directors holding shares in the company.
Another statement was posed regarding a thought that people should get rewarded AFTER achieving goals, and more should be distributed to those at the coal face. I think this may have been targeting the multi-million share allotments to execs.