Did any BRCHF holders receive voting proxy from their respective brokerages?
Just curious…
I received nothing from SCHWAB, nothing from TDameritrade.
I did not receive anything from Fidelity.
Did any BRCHF holders receive voting proxy from their respective brokerages?
Just curious…
I received nothing from SCHWAB, nothing from TDameritrade.
The statement implies they’re focusing on licensing the IP rather than selling chips.“An IP company”, would this statement imply that there potentially are a few more or many more in the pipeline to transpire from our current 2?
Also on the arrangement of IP licensing, how do we Brainchip, monitor the sheer volume being used/produced by the Renasas and Megachips of the world in their products, to accurately and rightly reep the royalties in perpetuity ?
SThe statement implies they’re focusing on licensing the IP rather than selling chips.
Do you have a link for this?Any of our German friends able to explain this? View attachment 7640
Do you have a link for this?
Was an ordinary trading day
BrainChip Holdings Ltd Aktien | Aktienkurs realtime | A14Z7W | ARIVA
Aktueller Realtimekurs der BrainChip Holdings Ltd (A14Z7W/AU000000BRN8) ✓ Chart, Nachrichten, Analysen, Fundamentaldaten jetzt einfach bei ariva.de ansehen.www.ariva.de
Strange, this is the Frankfurt order book of todayBRAINCHIP HOLDINGS LTD Equity | A14Z7W | AU000000BRN8 | Share Price
BRAINCHIP HOLDINGS LTD share price in real-time (A14Z7W / AU000000BRN8), charts and analyses, news, key data, turnovers, company data.www.boerse-frankfurt.de
Morning Braintonic,BRAINCHIP HOLDINGS LTD Equity | A14Z7W | AU000000BRN8 | Share Price
BRAINCHIP HOLDINGS LTD share price in real-time (A14Z7W / AU000000BRN8), charts and analyses, news, key data, turnovers, company data.www.boerse-frankfurt.de
But only Frankfurt shows such stupid messages.Morning Braintonic,
If you look down the bottom of you post
Trading times are 8:00 to 22:00, if you then look at the time stamp at the top of your post it reads 22:00.
Inother words, the German market as a whole is closed.
$1000 per share in 1000 daysok So 1000 fps,Akida 1000, 1000 eyes, 1000km. ......... share price?
Strange because I've never seen that quote before. Maybe I was looking hard enough. Cheers EsqMorning Braintonic,
If you look down the bottom of you post
Trading times are 8:00 to 22:00, if you then look at the time stamp at the top of your post it reads 22:00.
Inother words, the German market as a whole is closed.
This quote shows up on other stocks too. Maybe a system fault, makes no sense at all.Strange because I've never seen that quote before. Maybe I was looking hard enough. Cheers Esq
Not if the same traders as yesterday's performance are around .$1000 per share in 1000 days