BRN Discussion Ongoing


FF is having a dinner with Sean for sure.
They would have to be on the 3rd bottle of red by now... hopefully some secrets leak out and hopefully FF remembers them... haha
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I bet Blind Freddie knows where FF is.
FF I bet is having dinner with the board and CEO now in Sydney!! 🤔🤔 if thats the case expect too much exciting news tomorrow. Stay tuned!!!
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You may find that some shareholder/s are dining in Sydney tonight with a big smile on their face/s.

If someone is anonymous on this site, it stands to reason that they may decide to remain anonymous for a number
of personal reasons in the real world, only allowing individuals into their private world by choice.

Mentioning adding 4 and potentially up to 5 new non-executive directors has definitely opened up Pandora's Box,
in my opinion....otherwise why mention it, that's effectively doubling the Board size !....and the reason to take that
approach is because.....:unsure::rolleyes:.

Tech x
Do you think a takeover would ever be entertained Tech


FF I bet is having dinner with the board and CEO now in Sydney!! 🤔🤔 if thats the case expect too much exciting news tomorrow. Stay tuned!!!
I wouldnt get your hopes up-nothing new/unknown will be discussed/revealed.Last thing we need is allegations of insider trading.Besides Sean,the board and FF are too professional to let that happen.imo
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I wouldnt get your hopes up-nothing new/unknown will be discussed/revealed.Last thing we need is allegations of insider trading.Besides Sean and the board are too professional to let that happen.
I know that I was jocking mate 😅 trying to change the climate!!
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Are you serious mate, I think shareholders will be short changed with a takeover, could someone tell me how a takeover would be a advantage 🤔
I believe we will be to. I don’t want it to happen but it’s a strong possibility
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I know that I was jocking mate 😅 trying to change the climate!!
All good Huss .I get it.🙂
It does seem we have some questionable posters/eyes watching these threads now looking for any little thing they can to create dissent /instill fear in less knowledgle invetors and I dont want to give them any ammunition.
All imo.Peace
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I believe we will be to. I don’t want it to happen but it’s a strong possibility
What's a fair price do you think say now ,12 months time or 2 years


I believe we will be to. I don’t want it to happen but it’s a strong possibility
Cant see any takeover being successful anytime in the near future.🙂Unless its a number with 11 zeros at least🤣
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Hi Tech.

Are you thinking NASDAQ...

It's great to be a shareholder.

Hi learning & Tech,

And I was thinking the 200 may have been pivotal but the Nasdaq would love the most undervalued stock in the world.

The Importance of the S&P/ASX 200 Index.

The rationale behind using float-adjusted market capitalization is to have a benchmark index that is tradable, thus suitable for use as a benchmark by large institutional asset managers. Stocks that have low free floats (i.e., they are thinly traded) are hard to trade and not considered appropriate for inclusion in benchmark indices at their total market capitalization. Only stocks that are regularly traded are eligible for inclusion, to ensure that the index is liquid. The index publisher, S&P Dow Jones, thus describes the S&P/ASX 200 as being the preeminent Australian benchmark because it is representative, liquid and tradable.

ASX shares outperform ahead of inclusion.

“Our analysis shows that companies that are included in the ASX 200 can generate alpha prior to their inclusion,” said Morgan Stanley.

“Since March 2007, inclusions outperformed the market by +7.5% for the period from 20 days prior to announcement up to implementation.”

Edge Compute
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I'm Spartacus!
Hi everyone. Chill, we are in good hands.
Highly recommend attending BRN AGM’s 😃 The atmosphere was electric and getting a few moments with Peter, Antonio, Sean, Ken and Tony along with some of the 1000 eye’s crew instil’s palpable confidence. Coming up by train yesterday meant I only got to sip our fantastic ride up in share price (no wifi between stations) and not much opportunity to check in today meant I missed the run down.
But that’s just pricks playing their silly bugger games. Ultimately these short term gyrations are inconsequential unless your trading day to day. As an investor with a medium to long term viewpoint I’m not phased by them.
They are just farts in the dust. 😂

Is the company in good shape? Is it executing its plan? Is it nimble and humble enough to be able to change tack if necessary? Is it well managed and well financed? Is it’s IP protected? Is it forward looking? Are it’s key operators ethical and enthusiastic?
YES, YES & YES to all are my takeaways from meeting and talking to these people today.
After today’s share price rundown I expect it will go up again tomorrow 😃
Life ain’t dull with BRN. 🌊
See you all at the next AGM……… or the $10 party…which ever comes first.
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seeds have the potential to become trees.
The opening remarks from the Chairman was very impressive! This AGM has shown us what calibre of people we have on our team. I really like the examples given, and the honesty of Brainchips positioning in the market and not to have any blindspots going forward.

-Being first to market does not equal success!
-Having the best technology does not equal success!

Is he saying this because he doesn’t think Brainchip will become a global success? No, this is a bold image presented to say, we will take Brainchip trough commercialisation and into a global monopoly.

We will learn from past mistakes made by other revolutionary technology companies and execute with our Laidar, radar, sonar, tactile, gustatory and old factory senses on high alert to maintain and increase our market lead in edge AI!

We will have drones scoping out the competition at all times, so that no left flank tech, can get within 3 years if us at a minimum.

The revolution is here, and we are leading the way!

I am very pleased with the professionalism and presentation by both Sean and Antonio and am more confident then ever that we are on the right horse!

The SP is being manipulated and tested to shake retail. They want your shares people! Don’t let them win, this is my chance to take part of the greatest wealth transfer in history in my opinion and I will be apart of that.

Not financial advice. DYOR
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They would have to be on the 3rd bottle of red by now... hopefully some secrets leak out and hopefully FF remembers them... haha
I hope he finds away to put this chit chat about takeovers and resignations to bed . It is unsettling and most distracting if untrue.
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By Jove, I think I've cracked it!

Beyond the edge! This has to be a reference for smart wearable devices which can monitor various human body symptoms ranging from heart, respiration, movement, to brain activities. AKIDA should be able to detect, predict, and analyze physical performance, physiological status, biochemical composition, mental alertness, etc.
View attachment 7594

Some examples of smart wearables are:

  1. Smart Rings
  2. Smart Watches
  3. Smart Glasses, Light-Filtering Glasses,Google AR Glasses Conceptual Translating Eyewear
  4. Smart Clothing with Sensors
  5. Smart Earphones
  6. Medical Wearables - blood pressure monitors, ECG monitors, etc.
  7. Smart Helmets
  8. Biosensors

Wearable sensors with machine learning to monitor ECG, EMG, etc, for applications including cancer detection, heart disease diagnosis and brain-computer interface.

View attachment 7595

I think you have it! at least it seems logical because the formulation or terminology is not unique....
I was first at the development platform Bonseyes who talk about deep edge where Nviso, ARM, ZF and other are founding members. Nviso also describes devices beyond the edge or in the deep edge for example in the medical sector, sensors or handhelds. I wanted to search further with them.

I came across the link to their app for phones. If you press on it, this appears (
bonseyes app.png

and in the app store is not yet to be found. Maybe it is still in development. Pity, would have liked to watch it to see what it's all about:
I don't know if this is the same or a tool of Bonsapp.

Can of course have nothing to do with Akida and beyond the edge. But maybe it goes in the direction of smart devices like watches or bracelets that can be controlled via an app from the marketplace app by Bonseyes. The definition seems to be important not only for Nviso, beyond the edge, deep edge or edge of the edge.

bonseyes renesas.png

Here also Renesas or Nvidia... Maybe this is all connected via a large network, like a mycelium. The chairman mentioned what is important to him
"I, personally, will always challenge the company to strike the right balance between technology, timing and the corresponding deployment strategy. Let me stress - these are not simply words... this is real...
they forgot about ecosystem development and integration concerns... "

Maybe we are already looking at it. Or maybe it's all nonsense on my part and it's about edge data centers.

"Refining, expanding, and accelerating our roadmap and see opportunities beyond the edge."

What's beyond the edge?


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    bonseyes renesas.png
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I attended the AGM in person.
What cannot be conveyed easily other than by being there in person is the consummate professionalism and confidence displayed by our Chairman.
TBH, I had no idea what an asset to BRN he is.
My confidence lifted to another, much higher level, as a direct result.
This man knows how to deliver a company valued in the 10’s of billions.
Hi Quiltman didnt get a chance to meet up. I attended as well and met some few of our regulars from the forum and most importantly @zeeb0t and most of us were trying to see if we find @Fact Finder in person but damn we couldn't.
Like you mentioned I took few points here
  1. Very confident Chairmen who know what he is doing and where we can head.
  2. CEO with wealth of knowledge how to move forward to commercial phase
  3. No more chip company moving forward its and IP
  4. 40% increased on head count targeted most importantly on Engineering side
  5. Regarding competition Sean said They are incremental not revolutionary
  6. PVDM is given more time to focus on research side
  7. Sad to see how the brain behind Brianchip was so low Share holder support, each and every other Director had immense support.
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FF you might have to change your avatar to The Scarlet Pimpernel😉 They seek him here,They seek him there....yada yada yada🤣
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The nick FF can't answer yet, Peter is busy. 😎
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My thoughts on the announcement today was that it made me think we do have the right CEO.

I like the way he has a global approach to AI and is realigning our focus.

I found the announcement to have a lot of heart, energy/passion and a relentless belief in the success of the business moving forward.

Securing world wide large commercial deals in this current environment will have its challenges.

Brainchip is a new player in the AI space and has yet to be proven to be the competitive edge, must have technology.

The enormity of the task ahead can’t be overestimated, the enormity of share holder rewards/return if successful will be mind blowing, if, it all comes together as planned.

I will continue to accumulate in the dips. I know my risks but I equally know there may be huge rewards.

I am putting my money on the cutting edge technology, drive-ambition/intelligence of our team and the dogged ambition to succeed.

Onwards and upwards!

Good luck investors.

No advice, imho, please dyor.
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Hi JK, yeah I recorded it but its in my google drive again

Probably pretty big, I missed the first 30 seconds as I had some issues

Courtesy of beautiful techgirl....... ❤️


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