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Hey @uiux ! Haven’t seen you post for a while. Feel like giving us another NASA type present? I know you can do it 😁

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Hi Pappagallo, from memory of my month long stay in an Italian hospital after a cycling accident does your name mean Parrot or Parrot's beak.
I seem to recall the nurses using that word as they handed me the pee bottle shaped like a parrots beak😁😁

Lol yeah it’s a funny word, in Italian it’s both parrot and slang for a bedpan. What can I say I like to take the piss!
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Opinions of knobs like kochie doesn't bother me anymore.
He published a book 2 years ago on finance, and I heard it sold 26 copies.

The way I see is, those who listen to these financial gurus would not be your above average financial literates. I do not mean this as an arrogant manner, the truth is our education system doesn't really address finance well.
Without taking a serious interest, most fall into the category of not knowing their own home loan interest rate.

May be Kochie is doing us a favour by telling them NOT to buy Brainchip, because you and I know that's not the kind of shareholders you and I want to rub shoulders with.
And Tony Dawe would certainly wouldn't appreciate anymore angry emails from these who bought in at $1.15 but is in now at a loss at $1.14 because they held long term for a week but the SP didn't go to the moon.

Plenty of chatter regarding ''No Ann'' on social media as well.
We are getting constant news flows regarding the company and it's partners. I for one don't care about Anns, because you get the opportunity to buy more before people start to realise the golden goose we have.
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
Lol yeah it’s a funny word, in Italian it’s both parrot and slang for a bedpan. What can I say I like to take the piss!
😂😂 perhaps you are also like me and have a sizeable schnoz? When I'm floating on my back at the beach the shark alarm often goes off.
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I'm Spartacus!
This is way outside their comfort zone. They have no understanding of the technology so they fall back on the "technical" (in a financial sense) stats where they feel more comfortable.
Give 'em a good old dig-it-up-truck-it-off-and-ship-it-out-hole-in-the-ground and they are in their element.
They lambast the earnings v burnings, showing not the least comprehension of the task of getting a hi-tech startup off the ground.
I didn't buy into Brainchip stock on these guy's or anybody else's recommendations and I certainly won't be selling out on them either. :ROFLMAO:
I rolled the dice on BRN and have no regrets apart from the years of abuse and attempted manipulation we endured at that other place.
The measly 20% of my super that I was allowed to convert to Brainchip shares has already vastly outperformed the rest of my "expertly" managed portfolio and I expect it is getting set to blow it out of the water over the coming years.
With the benefit of hindsight, if I had invested all of my super in Brainchip from when I started buying BRN, with my spare cash in 2015, I would be vastly better off, but I chose at the time, and would probably continue to choose, a more prudent and conservative position for the sake of diversification and the common wisdom.
I feel fortunate to have been in a position where I could roll the dice on our Company and whilst it has taken longer for the payoff than I originally expected, I am so happy to see our progression now.
Everything is falling into place nicely and I think we are on a budding Unicorn.
Nothing more to do now than Hang On and enjoy the ride. YEE- HAAAAA!

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Isnt your order at the local fish and chip shop. Beer battered fish, hold the flour and hold the fish and serve it in a bottle thanks, usually in an exotic location. 😎
Earlyrelease, Yes, that would do nicely.
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Good question 66!

I like to think i am a bit of a forward thinker.

I’ve only been investing for 18 months but I essentially tried to envisage where the future was headed and what we were going to need.

I could have backed “Safe” stocks but didn’t see much high growth potential and although I preach patience I’m on a 5-7 year timeframe to expedite my retirement before I burn out.

I was lucky and jagged Battery manufacturer NVX for electric cars; rising lithium producers SYA and LKE as my top 3 earners and multi-baggers. A few duds as well that I realised and sold off and put into BRN.

I still hold the belief that BRN is going to be my best stock. I unfortunately can’t grasp all the technical aspects of it all. However I can appreciate the massive potential Brainchip could achieve if they are taken up as the default standard AI chip. I’m sure other companies will try and throw up hurdles along the way but in my opinion the next 3 years are crucial to becoming pervasively embedded everywhere.

That is why I’m glad Mr Hehir is in a hurry. Once Brainchip becomes the de facto standard it will become very hard for a competitor to dislodge us. To get around the patents and make a better product which is cheaper to compete!

All the other big competitors understand this and will do their best to protect their market share of existing technology Akida can unseat!

Once the tipping point is reached then it will be a case of use Akida or get left behind: no CEO wants to be the next Kodak! So I think there are a lot of entities that want to keep Akida unknown or ridiculed for as long as possible; either to accumulate or blunten the competitive edge. Or our NDA’s to gain the competitive advantage; we could be talking billion dollar markets!

So I’m still convinced we have a revolutionary technology, best of class and able to achieve what others can’t eg LiDAR compute for autonomy’s vehicles or pattern recognition for Nanose like devices.

If that’s the case I can’t see how Brainchip won’t be profitable. How quickly and how much are the current variables.

I’ll either be very rich or not. Reality is we learn to live within our means and happiness is a mindset!

I’d rather try rich though 😀
Excellent post and you're not alone in failing to grasp the technical side of things. But your thoughts are most definitely inline with my way of thinking. It really is phenominal where this is all heading and only in a year or two I think there'll be plenty of premature retirements.
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I have a question for ALL s/hs. Are we smart, or are we dumb suckers? I just don't get the constant negative diatribe put forward by so called analysts. I would have thought at this stage a few would raise their head above the parapet, and start spruiking BRN thru a megaphone. My opinion on the stock won't change. Just interested in the view of others. I'm mystified. GLTA
Nice cast @hamilton66. I'll have a nibble, for what it's worth.
I believe there's a general lack of understanding of the company by most of these sorts of people. Their mandates often preclude investment in non ASX200 or currently non-profitable or non-dividend paying stocks so their research would be scant at best. Add that to the fact that there is clearly a substantial level of manipulation of the stock (I'm even suspicious BRN was chosen to be in the article...) and I just accept that there will be ongoing simplistic market cap v revenue "analysis" and commentary until revenue really climbs. It can annoy us but think of all of the articles about why the edge will be so massive in the future, the lack of any real and visible competition at commercial prices, the FF Bacon list of known associated companies that have some of the best AI/chip minds on the planet and I feel comfortable with my investment. Of course I haven't even started on my mantra of the genuine character of our founders and team, their delivery against promises and that if it was all so risky then they'd have cashed and bailed ages ago. They are true believers with immeasurably more information than we have, they've told us revenue will be a bit slow and lumpy and they've told us what we own and where it will take us in the future. I'm loving the ride.
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"Whatever you do, don't put it in your super."

Definitely not financial advice.
3 yrs ago (at almost 50 y.o.) I had $17k of cash sitting in my SMSF (and that was about everything to my name….don’t ask why!). My accountant insisted I shut it down and put it into an industry super fund. I did nothing for almost a year while I contemplated life….and a miserable retirement. And after a ton of research / reading, I put it all into BRN at A$0.04 when covid hit. And while I’m not going to suggest this as financial advice….it’s a great example of why you shouldn’t listen to WANCA’s…:p
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3 yrs ago (at almost 50 y.o.) I had $17k of cash sitting in my SMSF (and that was about everything to my name….don’t ask why!). My accountant insisted I shut it down and put it into an industry super fund. I did nothing for almost a year while I contemplated life….and a miserable retirement. And after a ton of research / reading, I put it all into BRN at A$0.04 when covid hit. And while I’m not going to suggest this as financial advice….it’s a great example of why you shouldn’t listen to WANCA’s…:p
Lovely story butch glad your research and risk paid out!. I was also in a similar situation likely not as bad as you a decade younger and yeah real finanacle freedom is knocking on the doors. I have much more confidence in this company then before and it grows daily following them. The industry in edge AI has grown the research in Nueromorphic computing keeps growing. This is really the beginning of a truly life changing experience for me and my family. Life is good just the tip of the iceberg !
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We have been tracking Quadric since February on TSE. Given that we are co-partners with MegaChips it behoves us to keep a weather eye on them.

I find it useful to look at the problem a patent addresses. This one seeks to overcome the deficiencies of GPUs in performing NN tasks.

Basically they have designed a reconfigurable array of processors, much like a GPU, but have eliminated some redundant processing steps such as the addition of padding bits where the sensor data is absent.

The Quadric arrangement relies on synchronous operation and data inputs, whereas Akida has utilizes asynchronous data inputs, a particularly sweet adaptation for LiDaR.

For those who don't wish to know the score, turn away now.

US10474398B2 Machine perception and dense algorithm integrated circuit

Autonomous vehicles have been implemented with advanced sensor suites that provide a fusion of sensor data that enable route or path planning for autonomous vehicles. But, modern GPUs are not constructed for handling these additional high computation tasks.

[0006] At best,
to enable a GPU or similar processing circuitry to handle additional sensor processing needs including path planning, sensor fusion, and the like, additional and/or disparate circuitry may be assembled to a traditional GPU. This fragmented and piecemeal approach to handling the additional perception processing needs of robotics and autonomous machines results in a number of inefficiencies in performing computations including inefficiencies in sensor signal processing.

1. An integrated circuit comprising:
a plurality of processing cores,
each processing core of the plurality of processing cores comprising:
at least one processing circuit; and
at least one memory circuit;
a plurality of peripheral cores,
each peripheral core of the plurality of peripheral cores comprising:
at least one memory circuit,
at least a subset of the plurality of peripheral cores is arranged along a periphery of a first subset of the plurality of processing cores; and
[ii] a combination of the plurality of processing cores and the plurality of peripheral cores define an integrated circuit array;
a dispatch controller that provides data movement instructions, wherein the data movement instructions comprise a data flow schedule that:
defines an automatic movement of data within the integrated circuit array; and
sets one or more peripheral cores of the plurality of peripheral cores to a predetermined constant value if no data is provided to the one or more peripheral cores according to the predetermined data flow schedule


130 = dispatch controller
140, 150 = periphery controllers
149, 159 = FIFO registers
160 = sensor data memory

112 = register file
122 = register file
114 = MAC
118 = ALU

[0039] An array core 110 may, additionally or alternatively, include a plurality of multiplier (multiply) accumulators (MACs) 114 or any suitable logic devices or digital circuits that may be capable of performing multiply and summation functions. In a preferred embodiment, each array core 110 includes four (4) MACs and each MAC 114 may be arranged at or near a specific side of a rectangular shaped array core 110 , as shown by way of example in FIG. 2.

[0035] An array core 110 preferably functions as a data or signal processing node (e.g., a small microprocessor) or processing circuit and preferably, includes a register file 112 having a large data storage capacity (e.g., 4 kilobyte (KB) or greater, etc.) and an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) 118 or any suitable digital electronic circuit that performs arithmetic and bitwise operations on integer binary numbers. In a preferred embodiment, the register file 112 of an array core 110 may be the only memory element that the processing circuits of an array core no may have direct access to. An array core no may have indirect access to memory outside of the array core and/or the integrated circuit array 105 (i.e., core mesh) defined by the plurality of border cores 120 and the plurality of array cores 110 .

[0036] The register file 112 of an array core no may be any suitable memory element or device, but preferably comprises one or more static random-access memories (SRAMs). The register file 112 may include a large number of registers, such as 1024 registers, that enables the storage of a sufficiently large data set for processing by the array core no. Accordingly, a technical benefit achieved by an arrangement of the large register file 112 within each array core 110 is that the large register file 112 reduces a need by an array core 110 to fetch and load data into its register file 112 for processing. As a result, a number of clock cycles required by the array core 112 to push data into and pull data out of memory is significantly reduced or eliminated altogether

[0044] In a traditional integrated circuit (e.g., a GPU or the like), when input image data (or any other suitable sensor data) received for processing compute-intensive application (e.g., neural network algorithm) within such a circuit, it may be necessary to issue padding requests to areas within the circuit which do not include image values (e.g., pixel values) based on the input image data. That is, during image processing or the like, the traditional integrated circuit may function to perform image processing from a memory element that does not contain any image data value. In such instances, the traditional integrated circuit may function to request that a padding value, such as zero, be added to the memory element to avoid subsequent image processing efforts at the memory element without an image data value. A consequence of this typical image data processing by the traditional integrated circuit results in a number of clock cycles spent identifying the blank memory element and adding a computable value to the memory element for image processing or the like by the traditional integrated circuit.

Autonomous vehicles have been implemented with advanced sensor suites that provide a fusion of sensor data that enable route or path planning for autonomous vehicles. But, modern GPUs are not constructed for handling these additional high computation tasks.

[0006] At best, to enable a GPU or similar processing circuitry to handle additional sensor processing needs including path planning, sensor fusion, and the like, additional and/or disparate circuitry may be assembled to a traditional GPU. This fragmented and piecemeal approach to handling the additional perception processing needs of robotics and autonomous machines results in a number of inefficiencies in performing computations including inefficiencies in sensor signal processing.

1. An integrated circuit comprising:
a plurality of processing cores,
each processing core of the plurality of processing cores comprising:
at least one processing circuit; and
at least one memory circuit;
a plurality of peripheral cores,
each peripheral core of the plurality of peripheral cores comprising:
at least one memory circuit,
at least a subset of the plurality of peripheral cores is arranged along a periphery of a first subset of the plurality of processing cores; and
[ii] a combination of the plurality of processing cores and the plurality of peripheral cores define an integrated circuit array;
a dispatch controller that provides data movement instructions, wherein the data movement instructions comprise a data flow schedule that:
defines an automatic movement of data within the integrated circuit array; and
sets one or more peripheral cores of the plurality of peripheral cores to a predetermined constant value if no data is provided to the one or more peripheral cores according to the predetermined data flow schedule

3 yrs ago (at almost 50 y.o.) I had $17k of cash sitting in my SMSF (and that was about everything to my name….don’t ask why!). My accountant insisted I shut it down and put it into an industry super fund. I did nothing for almost a year while I contemplated life….and a miserable retirement. And after a ton of research / reading, I put it all into BRN at A$0.04 when covid hit. And while I’m not going to suggest this as financial advice….it’s a great example of why you shouldn’t listen to WANCA’s…:p
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Infrastructure bill mandates that new cars monitor drivers for signs of impairment

The $1.2 trillion infrastructure passed by Congress last week is headed to President Joe Biden's desk for signing, and included in the 2,700-page legislation is a mandate that all new cars will soon need to be outfitted with monitors aimed at detecting whether a driver is impaired and to shut down when unusual activity is flagged.

The new regulation requires that "monitoring systems to stop intoxicated drivers would roll out in all new vehicles as early as 2026, after the Transportation Department assesses the best form of technology to install in millions of vehicles and automakers are given time to comply."

Systems under consideration for the requirement include technology for monitoring a driver's breath, eye movements, or sweat, and if unusual activity is detected, the car "will either not start, not move, or will pull itself over," according Otte. She told the AP that "it will virtually eliminate the No. 1 killer on America's roads."

But some experts are pointing to privacy concerns over having drivers monitored by their own cars – and who would have access to that information.


when the systems are running locally, free from the cloud, privacy is less of a concern
amazing stuff.... well, if there is something out there, which can smell and taste and see and hear like a human brain but is a kind of robotic, so maybe future traffic accidents caused by drunken cardrivers will be avoided.
Would be a great improvement to mankind.

......and the police will be only informed by the cloud, if the drunken driver gets the motor started.:LOL:
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With Nvisio going public about there partnership with Akida, is that them just trying to play catch up.

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MegaChips is one of the world’s leading custom ASIC providers for consumer, telecom/network, industrial and automotive applications.​

Headquartered in Japan, with offices in Silicon Valley and Taiwan, Megachips has over 30 years in business and has successfully completed more than 1,500 ASIC projects. MegaChips operates as an extension of our customers’ design teams, to provide a whole solution from concept-to-silicon and has recently expanded to address the growing global demand for embedded AI solutions. With a strong emphasis on cost effectiveness, delivery schedule, and product quality, MegaChips is ISO9001 certified and ensures the highest levels of intellectual property security.


MegaChips Japan
Starting in Japan
MegaChips is an unusual example of a Japanese company founded by an entrepreneur and bootstrapped into the largest ASIC company in Japan. Masahiro Shindo founded the company in 1990 as the country’s first fabless semiconductor company. The company was profitable in its first year of operation. The company has faced many challenges, including the 1992 economic downturn and the 1995 earthquake which forced 30% of the employees into evacuation centers. However, MegaChips overcame them all and continued to grow.
In 1998, the company achieved the goal that all startups dream of, an initial public offering (IPO). And like so many US-based startups, all the initial 21 employees held stock options, and at the time of the IPO, all the employees were shareholders.
Moving to the US
MegaChips Silicon Valley
MegaChips came to the United States in 1995, but kept a low profile. However it has made a number of strategic investments in the US. It acquired SiTime Corp, located in Santa Clara CA, in 2014 and then spun it out as a public company in 2019. In July 2021, MegaChips invested in SiliconBrite, a company focused on analog and mixed-signal technologies. Later in 2021, MegaChips struck a strategic partnership with Motus-Labs to work jointly on products for the robotics and automated equipment.
In a much more aggressive move, in mid-2020, founder and Chairman, Masahiro Shindo, identified AI/ML technology to be critical to Megachips’ future and asked the US operation to take a leadership position in moving the company in that direction.
MegaChips began an internal training program to allow a group of dedicated engineers to become experts in this important technology. The company made significant investments in the US to identify key partners, build relationships with local universities, and acquire key talent in this space. In 2021, the company made multi-million-dollar investments in two key AI/IP partners, Brainchip and Quadric, to bolster its offerings in the Edge AI market. The company is now positioned to make an aggressive move into the US ASIC market, using its skills in Edge AI as a key component of that move.

I like the last paragraph.
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Maybe Benosman is bitter that PVDM beat him and GrAI Matter Labs to the punch with commercialisation of Akida

Made worse by PVDM’s awesome NASA comment on Benosman’s post 🤣

View attachment 6863
View attachment 6862

Benosman’s CV

View attachment 6864
Thank you for this post! I read about it in a thread that was new to me. I am a total space fan. Peter, of course, is rooting for it, but my 💓 also softens when I see it. There are lots of Rocket gifs here. Maybe someone can make one with an Akida?!
Buying BRN shares is just a small consolation of not being able to be there. Peter would love to be there too, more directly he can't knock. He also seems to be really into it - seems to be a subject close to his heart.

of course Benosman would also be there - bad luck...
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By 2023, you're likely to see the first mobile phone with RISC-V," SiFive Chief Executive Patrick Little said in an October interview. "I think we have an excellent shot at the phone.

And now they have Akida

Plus this bloke use to work for Apple

Apple looking for someone with experience in edge computing

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So have arm been using Akida to test out this new product, because If you want the best you might as well use the best.

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