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Listening to that infuriated me 🤬 I gotta take a chill pill now. They don’t know a thing about the company yet feel they are qualified to pass judgement about it.
"Whatever you do, don't put it in your super."

Definitely not financial advice.
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This is much better than good this is goodest. Great find so much to unpack.

My opinion only DYOR

I have a question for ALL s/hs. Are we smart, or are we dumb suckers? I just don't get the constant negative diatribe put forward by so called analysts. I would have thought at this stage a few would raise their head above the parapet, and start spruiking BRN thru a megaphone. My opinion on the stock won't change. Just interested in the view of others. I'm mystified. GLTA
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I have been reading these types of announcements for so long now I feel able to use all my five senses when they are deliberately vague about power consumption and use terms like ultra low power, low power and in this case a fraction of the power of a data centre and not mention it can run on a tiny battery and sniff, taste, feel, hear and see multi watts of power not milli or micro watts.

I also ask if this can run the same work loads as a data centre on a single chip why not simply replace servers and suggest your market is only Edge acceleration.

Gosh I sound jaded.

My opinion only DYOR

From my very limited viewpoint, I agree FactFinder 👍
In memory compute sounds the goods, bragging about 40 Tera Operations per second, does not.

If some company comes out with how few operations per second, it needs to complete the task, then I'd be more worried..

Still sounds like a computational solution, which is not how the brain works.

And therefore a poor facsimile of "Artificial Intelligence".
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It’s my opinion that FF’s “Tipping Point“ is about to come to fruition!
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I have a question for ALL s/hs. Are we smart, or are we dumb suckers? I just don't get the constant negative diatribe put forward by so called analysts. I would have thought at this stage a few would raise their head above the parapet, and start spruiking BRN thru a megaphone. My opinion on the stock won't change. Just interested in the view of others. I'm mystified. GLTA
This is way outside their comfort zone. They have no understanding of the technology so they fall back on the "technical" (in a financial sense) stats where they feel more comfortable.
Give 'em a good old dig-it-up-truck-it-off-and-ship-it-out-hole-in-the-ground and they are in their element.
They lambast the earnings v burnings, showing not the least comprehension of the task of getting a hi-tech startup off the ground.
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What a bunch of knob heads. Kochi pffffft
Koshi wouldnt know what a neuromorphic chip was if it landed in his lap :ROFLMAO:
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Koshi wouldnt know what a neuromorphic was if it landed in his lap :ROFLMAO:
AKIDA wouldn’t do that it’s not that kind of chip. 😂


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I have a question for ALL s/hs. Are we smart, or are we dumb suckers? I just don't get the constant negative diatribe put forward by so called analysts. I would have thought at this stage a few would raise their head above the parapet, and start spruiking BRN thru a megaphone. My opinion on the stock won't change. Just interested in the view of others. I'm mystified. GLTA
Hey Hamilton66, with all the diatribe towards BrainChip over the years and how we didn't have a hope, against the better funded Goliaths, it will take no less than AKIDA's loaded gun of success, against the collective heads of those you speak! 😉
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Not directed at anyone here,
You gotta ask yourself a question punk-
Do I listen to these 2minute noodle analysts (2mins is about the amount of time theyve spent reasearching BRN by the sounds of it) who say BRN is a joke basically or Do I listen to some of the smartest minds in computing etc(not to mention thr 1000 eyes)who are saying BRN is a gamechanger(the ducks nuts). I know who Im backing in and it aint the likes of MF, koshi,et al! DYOR
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seeds have the potential to become trees.
Very valid point re the autonomous cars not breaking the law. So two options 1) disable that feature or 2) buy vintage petrol or diesel cars with no IT.
Hey that could be the next exploding market, classic cars, , except for the fact of having to find and distill your own fuel🤣
European commission car safety features required to be applied to all cars from 2022:

View attachment 6818
View attachment 6819

I assume these will not be confined to Europe it will become a global push/initiative.

If we look at companies offering this type of monitoring, we find the following:

View attachment 6820


Not seen that vid before but published in Feb 2021

View attachment 6821


View attachment 6822

View attachment 6823


View attachment 6824

As seen by the Iceberg graphic we know the relationships these companies have with BRN

BRN website states Akida will become the global industry-standard for Edge AI
View attachment 6825

We have also been informed that not only are BRN the first to offer Neuromorphic compute but they are on a mission:
View attachment 6826
View attachment 6829

I can see their new website marketing playing out in this automotive space.

Behind each of these products/services offered by the above companies, (NVISO, Socionext, Renesas, Valeo and Clerence) which all seek to meet the required standard, is an AKIDA IP.

No wonder Mercedes broke the script and shouted out

“We found Brainchip first” with our EQXX 1000km

There is going to be an avalanche for the only neuromorphic IP in its class to cater for this requirement at scale.
It is already available from many OEM and software developers but sourced from one location

It’s a game of poker until true value is achieved.

I have my ambitious plan… sell a small % at $10 to work on the house/ buy one of those Akida powered cars, the rest is working for me for the remainder of my life

I’m having to pinch myself every time I stop to think about the fact that the above is ONLY the automotive industry.

Amazing find! The only thing that doesn’t add up is the fact Nviso stated in their recent in car video that they expect to see this tech deployed in 2025.

It does sound like a perfect fit for Nviso/Akida combo though, and with time it has to be the way to go because of latency/power consumption/ battery life/ privacy and all the other things Brainchip has the answer to.
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Not directed at anyone here,
You gotta ask yourself a question punk-
Do I listen to these 2minute noodle analyts (2mins is about the amount of time theyve spent reasearching BRN by the sounds of it) who say BRN is a joke basically or Do I listen to some of the smartest minds in computing etc(not to mention thr 1000 eyes)who are saying BRN is a gamechanger(the ducks nuts). I know who Im backing in and it aint the likes of MF, koshi,et al! DYOR
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Amazing find! The only thing that doesn’t add up is the fact Nviso stated in their recent in car video that they expect to see this tech deployed in 2025.

It does sound like a perfect fit for Nviso/Akida combo though, and with time it has to be the way to go because of latency/power consumption/ battery life/ privacy and all the other things Brainchip has the answer to.

Infrastructure bill mandates that new cars monitor drivers for signs of impairment

The $1.2 trillion infrastructure passed by Congress last week is headed to President Joe Biden's desk for signing, and included in the 2,700-page legislation is a mandate that all new cars will soon need to be outfitted with monitors aimed at detecting whether a driver is impaired and to shut down when unusual activity is flagged.

The new regulation requires that "monitoring systems to stop intoxicated drivers would roll out in all new vehicles as early as 2026, after the Transportation Department assesses the best form of technology to install in millions of vehicles and automakers are given time to comply."

Systems under consideration for the requirement include technology for monitoring a driver's breath, eye movements, or sweat, and if unusual activity is detected, the car "will either not start, not move, or will pull itself over," according Otte. She told the AP that "it will virtually eliminate the No. 1 killer on America's roads."

But some experts are pointing to privacy concerns over having drivers monitored by their own cars – and who would have access to that information.


when the systems are running locally, free from the cloud, privacy is less of a concern
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works to spec. In other words we have no way of knowing:
Not directed at anyone here,
You gotta ask yourself a question punk-
Do I listen to these 2minute noodle analyts (2mins is about the amount of time theyve spent reasearching BRN by the sounds of it) who say BRN is a joke basically or Do I listen to some of the smartest minds in computing etc(not to mention thr 1000 eyes)who are saying BRN is a gamechanger(the ducks nuts). I know who Im backing in and it aint the likes of MF, koshi,et al! DYOR
When you read that these guys Koshi and co talk about BRN you know they are not even in the environment of understanding what it is or how it might possibly work.

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I have a question for ALL s/hs. Are we smart, or are we dumb suckers? I just don't get the constant negative diatribe put forward by so called analysts. I would have thought at this stage a few would raise their head above the parapet, and start spruiking BRN thru a megaphone. My opinion on the stock won't change. Just interested in the view of others. I'm mystified. GLTA

Good question 66!

I like to think i am a bit of a forward thinker.

I’ve only been investing for 18 months but I essentially tried to envisage where the future was headed and what we were going to need.

I could have backed “Safe” stocks but didn’t see much high growth potential and although I preach patience I’m on a 5-7 year timeframe to expedite my retirement before I burn out.

I was lucky and jagged Battery manufacturer NVX for electric cars; rising lithium producers SYA and LKE as my top 3 earners and multi-baggers. A few duds as well that I realised and sold off and put into BRN.

I still hold the belief that BRN is going to be my best stock. I unfortunately can’t grasp all the technical aspects of it all. However I can appreciate the massive potential Brainchip could achieve if they are taken up as the default standard AI chip. I’m sure other companies will try and throw up hurdles along the way but in my opinion the next 3 years are crucial to becoming pervasively embedded everywhere.

That is why I’m glad Mr Hehir is in a hurry. Once Brainchip becomes the de facto standard it will become very hard for a competitor to dislodge us. To get around the patents and make a better product which is cheaper to compete!

All the other big competitors understand this and will do their best to protect their market share of existing technology Akida can unseat!

Once the tipping point is reached then it will be a case of use Akida or get left behind: no CEO wants to be the next Kodak! So I think there are a lot of entities that want to keep Akida unknown or ridiculed for as long as possible; either to accumulate or blunten the competitive edge. Or our NDA’s to gain the competitive advantage; we could be talking billion dollar markets!

So I’m still convinced we have a revolutionary technology, best of class and able to achieve what others can’t eg LiDAR compute for autonomy’s vehicles or pattern recognition for Nanose like devices.

If that’s the case I can’t see how Brainchip won’t be profitable. How quickly and how much are the current variables.

I’ll either be very rich or not. Reality is we learn to live within our means and happiness is a mindset!

I’d rather try rich though 😀
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Infrastructure bill mandates that new cars monitor drivers for signs of impairment

The $1.2 trillion infrastructure passed by Congress last week is headed to President Joe Biden's desk for signing, and included in the 2,700-page legislation is a mandate that all new cars will soon need to be outfitted with monitors aimed at detecting whether a driver is impaired and to shut down when unusual activity is flagged.

The new regulation requires that "monitoring systems to stop intoxicated drivers would roll out in all new vehicles as early as 2026, after the Transportation Department assesses the best form of technology to install in millions of vehicles and automakers are given time to comply."

Systems under consideration for the requirement include technology for monitoring a driver's breath, eye movements, or sweat, and if unusual activity is detected, the car "will either not start, not move, or will pull itself over," according Otte. She told the AP that "it will virtually eliminate the No. 1 killer on America's roads."

But some experts are pointing to privacy concerns over having drivers monitored by their own cars – and who would have access to that information.


when the systems are running locally, free from the cloud, privacy is less of a concern
Great to hear from you Uiux.

You’re a very valued member so I’d missed your insights.

Glad you’re well, I was concerned.

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Been trying to find the Ericsson job ad re neuromorphic & spiking neural network

I like this though…

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seeds have the potential to become trees.

Infrastructure bill mandates that new cars monitor drivers for signs of impairment

The $1.2 trillion infrastructure passed by Congress last week is headed to President Joe Biden's desk for signing, and included in the 2,700-page legislation is a mandate that all new cars will soon need to be outfitted with monitors aimed at detecting whether a driver is impaired and to shut down when unusual activity is flagged.

The new regulation requires that "monitoring systems to stop intoxicated drivers would roll out in all new vehicles as early as 2026, after the Transportation Department assesses the best form of technology to install in millions of vehicles and automakers are given time to comply."

Systems under consideration for the requirement include technology for monitoring a driver's breath, eye movements, or sweat, and if unusual activity is detected, the car "will either not start, not move, or will pull itself over," according Otte. She told the AP that "it will virtually eliminate the No. 1 killer on America's roads."

But some experts are pointing to privacy concerns over having drivers monitored by their own cars – and who would have access to that information.


when the systems are running locally, free from the cloud, privacy is less of a concern
Hey @uiux ! Haven’t seen you post for a while. Feel like giving us another NASA type present? I know you can do it 😁
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Nice picture of the Peacock representing the 1000 eyes. I’d suggest a Peacock could be our animal mascot.

A group of Peacocks is called a pride!

I’m proud of being part of this investment community who continuously find information ahead of the market through research and sharing.

Thanks everyone!
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