Simply WOW!Cosors- maybe - WE CAN WORK TOGETHER-
I'm excited about physics and love it! When I see that, my heart softens. Unfortunately, my fascination begins in practice and ends before science, I'm far too unknowing for that. I'm more of a practical engineer. But I currently work purely theoretically, without a factory, lab or workshop.
Oh yes, and unfortunately I live 16434Km away from you
You have a really interesting box lying there
My brainship immediately starts racing about what you could do with it in your institution. Your colleagues seem to be busy with AI and tissue examinations.
=> Dynamic 3D X-ray examination with extremely high resolution?!! I am buff! Are you going to use the Akida to detect anomalies?
It is not quite true that I have not dealt with something scientifically. I was once intensively involved with the automation of simulation technology. And immediately it clicks again. FEM and AI and neural networks? That should be possible. And lo and behold, someone has already dealt with it. Maybe a new use case?
Deep learning in the finite
element method
I could have used an Akida very well for the FEM.
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