BRN Discussion Ongoing

Trying to see the sarcasm in the post but can't? Maybe you didn't understand the meaning. What I'm saying is, many come here to post about BRN, but so far there are lots of (including myself) people posting abut getting out of hotcrapper. So if we keep the BRN threads clean of that stuff and have a dedicated thread to vent how fucked up hotcrapper is, it may be helpful to keep the BRN threads clean. But yes I work undercover for HC and TMH lol.

Maybe this will help ease your mind lol. Tweets with Jag Sanga.
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Hey lovlies,

Does anyone know if TSEx comes with an instruction manual? I am on my L plates and am finding it all a bit discombobulating ATM.

PS: I've always wanted to use 'discombobulating' in a sentence, but never had an opportunity to do so until just now!
PSS: It's the TSEx operation manual that I'm after, not The Beginners Guide to Karma Sutra, thanks.

Yaaaay!!! You made it!!!
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Trying to see the sarcasm in the post but can't? Maybe you didn't understand the meaning. What I'm saying is, many come here to post about BRN, but so far there are lots of (including myself) people posting abut getting out of hotcrapper. So if we keep the BRN threads clean of that stuff and have a dedicated thread to vent how fucked up hotcrapper is, it may be helpful to keep the BRN threads clean. But yes I work undercover for HC and TMH lol.

Maybe this will help ease your mind lol. Tweets with Jag Sanga.
View attachment 347
Don't know what happened there but I put forward the idea that as we are all here to promote our understanding of Brainchip and make money and as hating HC does neither that from midnight tonight we just go with Branchip and making money. I have not read that anyone objects to that idea. HC is the past and the 1,000 eyes came out of it so we should celebrate the positive and move on into the future which is AKIDA technology.
My opinion only DYOR

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Hi all,

Well, I spent a few hours watching videos, reading links and looking at patents (XILINX has 3500 pantents: wow). This was after seeing Xilinx had been working with Daimler on the MBUX project several years prior.

They are a massive company which is why I got excited thinking Brainchip were working with them. However I couldn’t find anything concrete to say that they are which is dissapointing. Their SP atm is $209 so being part of their business plan (as well as others) would have been awesome.
There was also the fact that Xilinx are looking to get bought out by AMD which I thought might have been a back door way of getting involved with BRAINCHIP if Xilinx were using AKIDA. Mind you AMD have permission to use the front door.

Another issue was that Cerence, another massive auto company is involved with Daimler so it was hard to get my head around who’s actually still working with who.

So the great news is that if Mercedes came out to state they are using AKIDA in their car it means we have displaced some of these massive companies, Xilinx and Cerence to some degree which is very impressive!

The market must be extremely competitive and worth a fortune so I fully understand the need for NDA’s. It could make or break a business to get a competitive advantage.

The other company which took me down the rabbit hole was Leddartech who deal in sensors and lidar are an obvious competitor with Valeo. Valeo I believe is working with Daimler/Mercedes atm and is where I see a strong link with us as well.

Luckily my understanding is Brainchip does not do exclusive deals to limit who can use their product so hopefully both Valeo and Leddartech will be using us in the future. My money’s on Valeo at least!

I haven’t completely discounted Xilinx or Cerence or Leddartech which is the beautiful reason why Brainchip to me is such a good investment: Akida could turn up anywhere and at any time! So much potential… Sleep well shorters!!

Hi Stable, do you, or any other forum members, have any thoughts on Luminar technologies who are also involved in Lidar? there was an announcement linking them to Mercedes last month so I found the timing interesting. I did have a look on HC and found some old 2019 mentions of them but nothing more. In addition, there was another announcement last month that Volvo have partnered with Luminar also. I have not had the chance to dig any deeper yet (and it may all be coincidence) but it is definitely on my to do list.
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@zeeb0t I was wondering if there is a setting where you can chose how many post per page I can view. Not a big deal, but I prefer unlimited scrolling compared to pages. Again, love your work!
hi FM, this was the format i enjoyed on the "old hotcrapper "site
this is being discussed and possibly implemented, ( see; Formatting TSEx thread )
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Don't know what happened there but I put forward the idea that as we are all here to promote our understanding of Brainchip and make money and as hating HC does neither that from midnight tonight we just go with Branchip and making money. I have not read that anyone objects to that idea. HC is the past and the 1,000 eyes came out of it so we should celebrate the positive and move on into the future which is AKIDA technology.
My opinion only DYOR

im sure @uiux will read this, ........... right uiux? 😃
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Hi Stable, do you, or any other forum members, have any thoughts on Luminar technologies? there was an announcement linking them to Mercedes for supply of Lidar sensors last month so I found the timing interesting. I did have a look on HC and found some old 2019 mentions of them but nothing more. In addition, there was another announcement last month that Volvo have partnered with Luminar also. I have not had the chance to dig any deeper yet (and it may all be coincidence) but it is definitely on my to do list.
Hi Stable, do you, or any other forum members, have any thoughts on Luminar technologies? there was an announcement linking them to Mercedes for supply of Lidar sensors last month so I found the timing interesting. I did have a look on HC and found some old 2019 mentions of them but nothing more. In addition, there was another announcement last month that Volvo have partnered with Luminar also. I have not had the chance to dig any deeper yet (and it may all be coincidence) but it is definitely on my to do list.
I have not read about Luminar but I keep in mind CEO Sean Hehir’s statement that AKIDA will be the foundation of all edge computing. A pretty big statement but I can see the logic behind it.

Mercedes like all automakers have a range of vehicles across a range of markets and price ranges.

The Lidar system we saw Valeo demonstrate is clearly high end and aimed squarely at the ADAS to AV market.

Existing Mercedes already have radar and Lidar sensors of varying degrees of sophistication and doing many different things from parking warning to is there someone in the vehicle so it is anyones bet how many suppliers they have. Bosch is definitely a supplier to Mercedes.

To an extent Sean Hehir’s statement and AKIDA technologies scalability and five senses processing has almost caused me to give up looking because Brainchip can be everywhere.

When I was deep diving in the Valeo space I found they have built electric Covid buses to bring their employees to work in Germany. One feature of these buses is an air scrubbing system that also detects Covid on the spot. These buses are prototypes and not for general release YET.

Anyway with the secrecy in play who knows none of us got Socionext, Renesas or MegaChips.

Uiux picked up on NASA, Valeo and almost Mercedes. Ford was a fifty fifty pick because it was either them or GM in Detroit.

Professor Barry Marshall stated Ai would change the face of medicine over the next 20 years to a point where it will be unrecognisable.

So don’t write off any company but also don’t expect to find the smoking gun either.

My opinion only DYOR

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Yaaaay!!! You made it!!!
You are Sladius and I am Bravorious and together we will be VICTORIOUS (along with all the believers: the Brainers, the Chippers and especially the Neuromorphomaniacs)!
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You are Sladius and I am Bravorious and together we will be VICTORIOUS (along with all the believers: the Brainers, the Chippers and especially the Neuromorphomaniacs)!
Did you have to battle with spell check over that last word it is so close to another one that if it were that word would certainly attract a younger male investor to Brainchip until they realised. LOL
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I have not read about Luminar but I keep in mind CEO Sean Hehir’s statement that AKIDA will be the foundation of all edge computing. A pretty big statement but I can see the logic behind it.

Mercedes like all automakers have a range of vehicles across a range of markets and price ranges.

The Lidar system we saw Valeo demonstrate is clearly high end and aimed squarely at the ADAS to AV market.

Existing Mercedes already have radar and Lidar sensors of varying degrees of sophistication and doing many different things from parking warning to is there someone in the vehicle so it is anyones bet how many suppliers they have. Bosch is definitely a supplier to Mercedes.

To an extent Sean Hehir’s statement and AKIDA technologies scalability and five senses processing has almost caused me to give up looking because Brainchip can be everywhere.

When I was deep diving in the Valeo space I found they have built electric Covid buses to bring their employees to work in Germany. One feature of these buses is an air scrubbing system that also detects Covid on the spot. These buses are prototypes and not for general release YET.

Anyway with the secrecy in play who knows none of us got Socionext, Renesas or MegaChips.

Uiux picked up on NASA, Valeo and almost Mercedes. Ford was a fifty fifty pick because it was either them or GM in Detroit.

Professor Barry Marshall stated Ai would change the face of medicine over the next 20 years to a point where it will be unrecognisable.

So don’t write off any company but also don’t expect to find the smoking gun either.

My opinion only DYOR

I agree with you. To my mind, in the automotive space Valeo is definitely the biggest guy in the room (that we are aware of) and I am optimistic on them going forward. Not looking for a smoking gun, just hoping to contirbute and bring to the forum anythng that may be of interest or have potential. There are many on here that are far more itelligent than me so hoping to benefit from everyone's experience.
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Hey Slade, that feature will appear this evening. I need to do some more setting up. I'll ping you with it later on. :)
Same here please zeebot. I have an iPhone and would also work better for me if I could have a feature ( a 🧠) on my screen.
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They would have to prove financial loss for my single post to even have a case against me lol. This guy is running down BRN on twitter, so even if I'm wrong, I'm not far off.

Hi Csharmo, whilst I do appreciate the passion it is probably better to leave pitchforks in the shed.

Time to rise above.

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That mouse is scary he is probably the one that roared. My old calculator cannot do $90,000 x my share holding so that must be a lot of money. Do you think it could be a bit high? LOL FF
Did you have to battle with spell check over that last word it is so close to another one that if it were that word would certainly attract a younger male investor to Brainchip until they realised. LOL
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Jeez,Only been here for a couple a day and I think I might have to change my avatar to AusOprah -you get a like and you get a like EVERYBODY GETS A LIKE!😁
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Cheers @zeeb0t great work! GL77 occasional
poster, long term holder 😎
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Zeeb0t, I assume a cost in setting up this site for us BRNers. Would you like donations to defray your expenses?
(Don't get your hopes up, I'm just a lowly aged pensioner, but happy to make a contribution)
Edit: I meant don't get your hopes up for a mega donation from me :)
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Hi Stable, do you, or any other forum members, have any thoughts on Luminar technologies who are also involved in Lidar? there was an announcement linking them to Mercedes last month so I found the timing interesting. I did have a look on HC and found some old 2019 mentions of them but nothing more. In addition, there was another announcement last month that Volvo have partnered with Luminar also. I have not had the chance to dig any deeper yet (and it may all be coincidence) but it is definitely on my to do list.
Hi Okeydokey,

I found this article on the Mercedes aquiring a stake in Luminar. If Luminar are making sensors and using Lidar then Akida can help. Interesting as I thought Valeo was going to be doing Mercedes Lidar?

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These two paragraphs from a news item out of Sweden are telling of where the world is at with social media and why a safe place like this is absolutely essential if you are an investor not just in Brainchip but in any ASX stock:

"The mission of the Swedish psychological defence agency, which has around 45 staff and is expected to grow, is to “safeguard our open and democratic society, the free formation of opinion, and Sweden’s freedom and independence.”

Citing the 2016 US election and attempts to interfere with the 2017 election in France – which last year set up a similar agency to combat foreign disinformation and fake news – as examples, Hjort said: “Authoritarian states have for years been trying to influence elections. The difference today is that through social media you have better opportunities to influence people. That’s why we need to have the capacity to monitor for an interference in our democracy.”

When governments like those in Sweden see national security being dependent upon preventing misinformation in Social Media then what we witness every day across all the social media platforms where individuals with nothing to commend them but a web site and a business name with the word Capital in it offering so call informed expert advice the public as to what is a good and or bad investment we should be very concerned about where this will lead and start to take back the credibility high ground.

My son who worked in senior roles at the FCA in the UK before moving to the Bank of England and now into private enterprise made me aware of so many proven and successfully prosecuted corrupt schemes engaged in by the so called big end of town and the huge bonuses paid by the so called golden circle companies who were reaping the rewards and turning blind eyes and covering up the activities of their traders was horrifying and convinced me that the only person I could trust where my money was concerned was myself and at times I even worry about me.

My opinion only DYOR

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Hello Fellow Chippers,

Thanks to ZeeBot for creating this amazing new forum so we can all have civilized thoughtful BrainChip discussions.

I'll get us started, 2022 has already exceeded my expectations & we are only in the first few days of February.

Can't wait to see what the year brings.

Love all you guys & Girls xxxx
Great site
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