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Explosion of sales in 2022 ;)
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Hi @Rockett577
I will go all in and bet MegaChips plus Sony and Socionext plus Panasonic based on:


My opinion only DYOR

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Deleted member 118

Hi @Rockett577
I will go all in and bet MegaChips plus Sony and Socionext plus Panasonic based on:


My opinion only DYOR

I’ll raise just because I can

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In light of today’s great podcast with Megachips, I decided to revisit SiTime. For those who may not be aware Megachips own approximately 25% of SiTime (as at Feb 2022). I know they have been discussed a while ago and @FactFinder amongst others posted about them but I was particularly interested in this extract from the 15th of March. I’m not saying they are using AKIDA, I’m just saying they are aware of the need for Edge devices. I would imagine Megachips would have communicated the advantages of AKIDA to the other companies they own/part own. This is from their webpage:

"Twenty-two million autonomous vehicles on the road by 2025, the rapid adoption of 5G, and the continued growth of data centers will require a large buildout in outdoor, decentralized edge networks,” said Piyush Sevalia, executive vice president of marketing at SiTime. “These new edge devices and their precision timing heartbeat must perform reliably in the presence of extreme temperatures, thermal shock, and vibration. Here, our Elite X Super-TCXO shines by delivering 2x better stability and 30x higher reliability than quartz. Consequently, we believe that Elite X will now be the precision timing device of choice in edge equipment.”

To enable new time-sensitive services such as ADAS, virtual reality, and smart manufacturing, edge devices will need to deliver faster speeds with lower latency. Precision timing plays a crucial role in their success. Legacy timing devices such as quartz TCXOs and mini-OCXOs have well-known weaknesses such as sensitivity to thermal shock and vibration, stability degradation at high temperatures, and shorter operating life. By using silicon MEMS technology that is inherently more robust and reliable, Elite X overcomes these problems and enables the next generation of time-sensitive services everywhere.

In edge networks, additional specifications such as aging, warm-up time, and power consumption are important for overall performance. Even here, SiTime Elite X outperforms legacy timing devices, simplifies system design, and offers dependable, consistent performance.

Their new Elite X Super TCXO SiT5501 uses 4 x lower power. Samples of the SiT5501 Elite X Super-TCXO are available now, with volume production in Q3’2022.
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Best bit of podcast for me was the mention of 'near term' and options of 4 foundries (might be selling IP but someone has to make and sell the chips).
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What’s this?

Fall Satisfying GIF by Millions

Yip that’s the start of the revenue domino starting and the outcome for those strong enough to have held or kept on buying.
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I think megachips were onboard a lot earlier than we think and I recon the announcement was made when megachips were ready to go live with something beneficial for there customers to purchase.
That’s my sensible written post done for the week.

I fully agree with you and that’s how every customer of Brainchip will behave so as to maximise their advantage over their competitors.Everyone knows that the rules do not apply to anything in China . So give the competitor nothing and take him nowhere except down the garden path
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I feel like they’d enjoy a yarn about an emerging Australian company contributing to that car’s range.



The game consoles look familiar....



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Hi FF,

Just to clarify I am saying Megachips own 25% of SiTime not SiFive.
Thanks should not watch TV and read. LOL
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bavarian girl ;-)
Angesichts des heutigen großartigen Podcasts mit Megachips habe ich beschlossen, SiTime erneut zu besuchen. Für diejenigen, die sich vielleicht nicht bewusst sind, dass Megachips ungefähr 25 % von SiTime besitzen (Stand Februar 2022). Ich weiß, dass sie vor einiger Zeit diskutiert wurden und @FactFinder unter anderem darüber gepostet hat, aber ich war besonders an diesem Auszug vom 15. März interessiert. Ich sage nicht, dass sie AKIDA verwenden, ich sage nur, dass sie sich der Notwendigkeit von Edge-Geräten bewusst sind. Ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass Megachips die Vorteile von AKIDA an die anderen Unternehmen, die sie besitzen/teilweise besitzen, kommuniziert hätte. Das ist von ihrer Webseite:

„Zweiundzwanzig Millionen autonome Fahrzeuge auf der Straße bis 2025, die rasche Einführung von 5G und das anhaltende Wachstum von Rechenzentren werden einen großen Ausbau dezentraler Edge-Netzwerke im Freien erfordern“, sagte Piyush Sevalia, Executive Vice President of Marketing bei SiTime "Diese neuen Edge-Geräte und ihr Präzisions-Timing-Herzschlag müssen bei extremen Temperaturen, Temperaturschocks und Vibrationen zuverlässig funktionieren. Hier glänzt unser Elite X Super-TCXO mit einer 2-mal besseren Stabilität und einer 30-mal höheren Zuverlässigkeit als Quarz. Folglich Wir glauben, dass Elite X jetzt das Präzisions-Timing-Gerät der Wahl für Edge-Equipment sein wird.“

Um neue zeitkritische Dienste wie ADAS, Virtual Reality und intelligente Fertigung zu ermöglichen, müssen Edge-Geräte höhere Geschwindigkeiten mit geringerer Latenzzeit liefern. Genaues Timing spielt eine entscheidende Rolle für ihren Erfolg. Herkömmliche Zeitgeber wie Quarz-TCXOs und Mini-OCXOs haben bekannte Schwächen wie Empfindlichkeit gegenüber Wärmeschock und Vibration, Stabilitätsverlust bei hohen Temperaturen und kürzere Betriebslebensdauer. Durch die Verwendung von Silizium-MEMS-Technologie, die von Natur aus robuster und zuverlässiger ist, überwindet Elite X diese Probleme und ermöglicht überall die nächste Generation zeitkritischer Dienste.

In Edge-Netzwerken sind zusätzliche Spezifikationen wie Alterung, Aufwärmzeit und Stromverbrauch wichtig für die Gesamtleistung. Selbst hier übertrifft SiTime Elite X ältere Zeitmessgeräte, vereinfacht das Systemdesign und bietet zuverlässige, konsistente Leistung.

Ihr neuer Elite X Super TCXO SiT5501 verbraucht 4 x weniger Strom. Muster des SiT5501 Elite X Super-TCXO sind ab sofort verfügbar, die Serienproduktion beginnt im 3. Quartal 2022.
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Picked up a mention of BRN in a video / transcript from a few days ago.

Details below and vid link end of post if felt like watching but is about an hour long.

So to make it easier, snip of the transcript where we get a brief....but pertinent mention. Nice to see these industry guys aware and possible use cases :)

Now....where have I heard of traffic lights / cameras :unsure:

Panel of Tech Analysts, Research CTO's discussing...

Power Panel: Does Hardware Still Matter.


Bob O'Donnell is president and chief analyst at TECHnalysis Research.

Zeus Kerravala is the founder and principal analyst at ZK Research. David Nicholson is a CTO and tech expert. Keith Townson is CEO and founder of CTO Advisor. And Marc Staimer is the chief dragon slayer at Dragon Slayer Consulting and oftentimes a Wikibon contributor. Guys, welcome to theCUBE.

From about the 42 min mark discussing edge:

>> Right. Marc, I wanted to go to you. You had indicated to me that you wanted to chat about this a little bit. You've written quite a bit about the integration of hardware and software. You know, we've watched Oracle's move from, you know, buying Sun and then basically using that in a highly differentiated approach. Engineered systems. What's your take on all that? I know you also have some thoughts on the shift from CapEx to OPEX chime in on that.

>> Sure. When you look at it, there are advantages to having one vendor who has the software and hardware. They can synergistically make them work together that you can't do in a commodity basis. If you own the software and somebody else has the hardware, I'll give you an example would be Oracle. As you talked about with their exit data platform, they literally are leveraging microcode in the Intel chips. And now in AMD chips and all the way down to Optane, they make basically AMD
database servers work with Optane memory PMM in their storage systems, not MVME, SSD PMM. I'm talking about the cards itself. So there are advantages you can take advantage of if you own the stack, as you were putting out earlier, Dave, of both the software and the hardware.

Okay, that's great. But on the other side of that, that tends to give you better performance, but it tends to cost a little more. On the commodity side it costs less but you get less performance. What Zeus had said earlier, it depends where
you're running your application. How much performance do you need? What kind of performance do you need? One of the things about moving to the edge and I'll get to the OPEX CapEx in a second.

One of the issues about moving to the edge is what kind of processing do you need? If you're running in a CCTV camera on top of a traffic light, how much power do you have? How much cooling do you have that you can run this? And more importantly, do you have to take the data you're getting and move it somewhere else and get processed and the information is sent back? I mean, there are companies out there like Brain Chip that have developed AI chips that can run on the sensor without a CPU.

Without any additional memory. So, I mean, there's innovation going on to deal with this question of data movement.

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Definitely. The logo is unique and is reference to Nintendo's Switch Console.

View attachment 5462
Over 100 million of these consoles have been sold (so far). Not sure when the next version of the console will be out. Maybe next year?
Be right back. Loading up on some more shares.
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