Hi Taproot,Yes,
I have noticed that the Safran + Diota relationship continues to evolve, but everything is very quiet as far as Brainchip is concerned ?
From 2017
It was developed by the Diota company in Massy-Palaiseau, in which Safran Corporate Ventures took a stake in 2016. The system also uses an image processing application to check that the cable is correctly plugged in, produced by Spikenet Technology (BrainChip) in Toulouse.“We want to validate the system by the summer to deploy an industrial solution in 2018 on all the wiring sites that make complicated plug-ins ,” says Valentin Safir.
A Villemur-sur-Tarn, Safran digitalise le câblage
Réalité augmentée, table numérique, robot : le groupe teste des procédés digitaux dans son usine pilote.www.lesechos.fr
Safran as a customer is an absolute octopus for Brainchip. Just wish there was something a little more concrete to chew on.
Any current supporting linkages between Diota and Brainchip would do the trick, given Safran have a financial interest etc.
Here's a thought - Brainchip Studio was a precursor of Akida, and, I'm guessing, evolved from Spikenet.
Now a part of the Akida Development Environment ADE/MetaTF is an Akida software simulator, which may be an updated version of, or a replacement for BrainChip Studio.
So it is not impossible that BrainChip has been able to continue support for BrainChip Studio customers incidentally to developing the Akida SoC.
Sydney, Australia – 28 February, 2019:
BrainChip Holdings Ltd (ASX: BRN), the leading neuromorphic computing company, today provided a product development and business update. Akida product development Since inception BrainChip has been committed to providing an artificial intelligence solution as an integrated circuit.
The Company’s acquisition of Spikenet Technologies in September of 2016 has provided software validation of a spiking neural network (SNN) specific to image processing. The Spikenet research and engineering team have proved invaluable in the area of image processing and have provided significant insight for the development of Akida.