I'm Spartacus!
Hi again 7.If by a complete stranger you are thrown off, for the internet you are not yet ready. View attachment 70781
Before this haven was created for us, by one of us, we all put up the good fight and thrust and parried amongst each other, over on the crapper.
After the unprecedented rapid rise of our share price following the MB reveal and subsequent inclusion in the ASX 200 we were suddenly thrust upon the radar of a much wider group of primarily traders, looking for a quick buck.
Most of us are ok with that as its a primary motivation for many of us too and the rest are investors willing to play the longer game.
But, the problem comes for many of us with the unscrupulous tactics that were employed against us which have been honed on countless victims before and since. (Exhibit A- poor old Weebit.)
Over on the crapper, we were the most discussed stock for months and topped the gainers listing for a considerable period.
This brought us a lot of attention and we became targeted by a host of shorter's and other assorted would be manipulators.
Unfortunately for those of us who believed in the Company and its promise and wanted to see it thrive for reasons including, but not limited to monetary considerations, getting further contracts and revenue has taken much, much longer than most of us considered probable, or indeed, likely. More fools us, and I guess we have been paying for that hubris for years now.
The psychological pressure that was brought to bear upon us was considerable and very nasty and despicable at times.
You had to be there and experience it to know.
Unremittingly it continued for month after month as our share price declined, pushed through resistance after resistance by an apparently ruthless and implacable and extraordinarily capitalised opponent.
I'm sure you think I am exaggerating the experience but look at the charts and you can see it went on for close to two years straight, with a respite for 2 months at the beginning of this year, and then we were pushed down again, even further.
Many of us who post here have walked this path together which perhaps explains the comradery often exhibited and also the closing of ranks when we identify an infiltrator.
So whilst the current situation over there may seem deplorable, believe me when I tell you it is merely a pale shadow of what it once was.
Some of us still visit over there from time to time to monitor the infestation or as a method of gauging sentiment, but often now it's just for the laughs and as a kind of booster shot, reinoculating us against the infection.
But, over the years, many worthy souls have fallen by the wayside, or gone dark, or just given up.
I don't blame any for their choices, it's been a long hard grind.
But those of us who remain, who have endured, have paid, and we have learned from our experience, and we will extract our due when the time is right.
In the meantime the pallid, flaccid familiars like t&j can get off on themselves over at the cesspit they've made of the crapper.