BRN Discussion Ongoing


Founding Member
To the 1000 eyes today, Happy Orthodox Easter. I will be tending to the AKIDA powered lamb gyros spit today......
Well, umm, I wont be doing anything other than sharing a beer with Ken robot, and allow the technology to monitor the rotational rate, gyros level and basting frequency :)

View attachment 4900

Niiice. Love a good gyros spit (especially if it's Akida powered). Looks like a good 5kg log?
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Morning All,

I was thinking a little earlier about how we are unlikely to see AKIDA on a production Mercedes until 2024 when the company unveils new models based on its forthcoming MMA platform. What I'm interested in finding out more about is how familiar Mercedes would be with AKIDA 2000
which has additional features to execute sequence learning networks, known in the industry as LSTM and Transformer networks. As announced in the Annual General Meeting CEO and Chairman’s Address on the 26 May 2021, important parts of the AKD2000 were already working in the lab in Perth. Given the nature if the collaboration between Mercedes and BrainChip, I'm betting there's a good chance that Mercedes would be well aware of AKIDA 2000. We know that AKIDA 1000 is responsible for helping Mercedes achieve the brand’s claims to deliver more than 1,000km on one charge. But what we don't know is how much the potential inclusion of AKIDA 2000, could FURTHER increase the range and the functionality of the vehicles by the time 2024 rolls around.

B 💋
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Well even intelligent smart Professionals make mistakes and can become "emotional' and make foolish statements , much like us more common plebs.

A case to point is that of a certain " plastic surgeon" from Brisvegas who would fly home to central QLD every weekend (in his private jet) after work. He apparently was a anti-vaxxer and the AMA disapproved of this and suspended his medical licence.
Understandably he was rather emotional at having lost his income & probably his career he replied to "someone" in an email/text that if thats the case (suspended) then he might as well fly his (very nice) Cessna Mustang private jet into a bunch of Politicians crowded around in a room in Canberra! (got the drift?)

Well it apparently only took several hours before some anti-terrorist types along with AFP turned up at his mansion with the parked Cessna Jet outside and impounded it, not to be touched or moved!

End result is a big mess for an emotional outburst anybody could make, probably lost his PPL and aircraft($3 Mil +) and undoubtedly a negative against any further medical practition in the future.

Only "silver cloud" to be seen is he would have the {assets} Funds (if not frozen/seized) to launch a legal challenge to clear his name!

To "add" to this part of my own PPL Medical the CASA dept looks at my facebook, forums(such as here) and any emails they can access. careful what you say anywhere and at any time! lol. "They" truly are watching it would seem.

Not sure if this has been posted previously

I cannot wait to read similar triumphant validation from PVDM 🤖🦄

View attachment 4884
That's Gold!
The comment about having the meetings on customer premises, or coffee shops, to not scare them off, made me laugh 😛

"We can come to your office around 2pm?"

"No, No, don't do that!"
"I mean, we don't want to put you out, we will come to you"..

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Sean did say watch the financials. He just didn’t say when to start.
Personally ..... I think this 4C will be the start of Sean's " watch the financials " comment.

At this stage, I wouldn't be at all surprised if we see say ~$3 million revenue ....
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I'm Spartacus!
Hey BRN family, how are we looking for this coming week?
Hi Potato. :)
The start of next week maybe somewhat influenced by the American and broader markets on Anzac day.
As you know, their last run was a negative session pretty much everywhere (except Singapore) and the Yanks in particular often seem to give our general market a lead in sentiment and confidence.
I'm looking to top up at the moment so selfishly am not fussed with the current depression in our share price as I know it to be a temporary phenomena and a bit of lucky timing for me.
I was going to be buying some more around now whatever the price was and still think fair value atm is around the $1.50 mark and was quite prepared to pay that, however, am also happy to be the recipient of all that hard work and risk the shortee's have got going on and bagging a few extra bangs for my buck. :)
We here, all know that we are on a good thing, that the company is kicking goals and that we are in good hands as far as management are concerned. But we also know that we are not operating in a vacuum. Wars, shifting geopolitical tensions, ongoing global pandemics, climate change ffs let alone widespread supply chain issues along with transitions to new energy sources all have short and long term effects which are in the process of playing out.
Many subtle and gross influences, as well as big boy manipulation are playing on the old greed and fear levers that kick our share price around.
Things which I guess those who trade in the short term have to be more concerned with, at least in regard to the daily fluctuations of a particular share price.
I have chosen to invest, and so now have the luxury of being able to take a longer view and operate over a broader time scale and as far as I can see, all indications point in a very positive direction, for Brainchip.
The world needs what we have and we see, almost daily confirmation (as revealed here by the 1000 eyes) that we are getting noticed.
Traction will follow.
We have the right product, at the right price, at the right time, protected as we can be, by patent, commercially available now, with a pipeline of future enhanced versions of same, being finished as we speak or on test benches in labs awaiting their turn.
Much is going on in the labs and boardrooms of our customers and all the key players are doing their damnedest to keep it as secret squirrel as poss. for the sake of first mover advantage.
It will eventually all come out and as that occurs our share price will reflect it.
In the meantime, my strategy is to accumulate as much as possible and hold as long as I can in accord with my other general and financial considerations, in the expectation of future dividend payments, allowing me an ongoing income stream along with a legacy for my family and other worthy notables.
We are all impatient for the widespread adoption of our tech and the rewards which will flow, but ultimately, it will take as long as it's going to,
so I figure my best posture is to just relax and enjoy the journey.
It will be one of decades, not days. :)
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I'm Spartacus!
That's Gold!
The comment about having the meetings on customer premises, or coffee shops, to not scare them off, made me laugh 😛

"We can come to your office around 2pm?"

"No, No, don't do that!"
"I mean, we don't want to put you out, we will come to you"..

Been there, done that. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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Founding Member
Given Brainchip and SiFive have proven that AKIDA and RISC-V can be successfully integrated I think personally this has the potential to open the market available to Brainchip by increasing the processing power of Esperanto’s chip without any great add on to the electrical power consumption:

“Good software support, but is it too late?​

Karl Freund, principal analyst at Cambrian-AI Research, said Esperanto demonstrated "rock solid" performance for ET-SoC-1 with the ResNet 50, DLRM and Transformer models, though he can't share the results yet. He added that he expects the chip to only require 20 watts to run at full power.

Freund said he was initially skeptical that the ET-SoC-1 could provide a high level of inference performance using general-purpose RISC-V cores, but the results proved him wrong. "What really makes this approach unique, is that the RISC-V cores are actually doing the heavy lifting, not offloading the matrix multiplies to a MAC core or a GPU," he said.

Just as important, Freund said, Esperanto "has the programming tools and software stack to more easily adapt to new AI workloads, alongside non-AI workloads, all running on the same silicon."

However, Freund admitted that Esperanto's chip has arrived a "bit late," so there is a question of whether the startup can keep up with other companies working on low-power chips for inference”

My opinion only DYOR

lol yeah sorry mate, this is what happens when you find these things when you're half asleep..........

On a more definitive note..........(and this could have been posted before and could be old news, so apologies in advance if that's the case)


Estimated Technology Readiness Level (TRL) :
Begin: 1
End: 4
Technical Abstract (Limit 2000 characters, approximately 200 words)
The ultimate goal of this project is to create a radiation-hardened Neural Network suitable for Ede use. Neural Networks operating at the Edge will need to perform Continuous Learning and Few-shot/One-shot Learning with very low energy requirements, as will NN operation. Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) provide the architectural framework to enable Edge operation and Continuous Learning. SNNs are event-driven and represent events as a spike or a train of spikes. Because of the sparsity of their data representation, the amount of processing Neural Networks need to do for the same stimulus can be significantly less than conventional Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), much like a human brain. To function in Space and in other extreme Edge environments, Neural Networks, including SNNs, must be made rad-hard.
Brainchip’s Akida Event Domain Neural Processor ( offers native support for SNNs. Brainchip has been able to drive power consumption down to about 3 pJ per synaptic operation in their 28nm Si implementation. The Akida Development Environment (ADE) uses industry-standard development tools Tensorflow and Keras to allow easy simulation of its IP.
Phase I is the first step towards creating radiation-hardened Edge AI capability. We plan to use the Akida Neural Processor architecture and, in Phase I, will:

  1. Understand the operation of Brainchip’s IP
  2. Understand 28nm instantiation of that IP (Akida)
  3. Evaluate radiation vulnerability of different parts of the IP through the Akida Development Environment
  4. Define architecture of target IC
  5. Define how HARDSIL® will be used to harden each chosen IP block
  6. Choose a target CMOS node (likely 28nm) and create a plan to design and fabricate the IC in that node, including defining the HARDSIL® process modules for this baseline process
  7. Define the radiation testing plan to establish the radiation robustness of the IC

Successfully accomplishing these objectives:
  • Establishes the feasibility of creating a useful, radiation-hardened product IC with embedded NPU and already-existing supporting software ecosystem to allow rapid adoption and productive use within NASA and the Space community.
  • Creates the basis for an executable Phase II proposal and path towards fabrication of the processor.

Potential NASA Applications (Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words)
NASA applications will include miniaturized instruments and subsystems that must operate in harsh environments, interplanetary CubeSats and SmallSats, instruments bound for outer planets and heliophysics missions to harsh radiation environments. Neural-network and machine learning capabilities are required for robotic vision, navigation, communication, observation and system health management in future autonomous robotic systems.
Potential Non-NASA Applications (Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words)
The greatest potential for the next computing revolution lies in scaling AI to the billions of smaller, power-constrained Edge devices, while making them Rad-Hard. Innovative signal processing and ML techniques will open up new opportunities for SoC architects to deliver new levels of efficient AI performance in microcontrollers targeted at both the space and terrestrial markets.
Duration: 6

Estimated Technology Readiness Level (TRL) :
Begin: 5
End: 7
Technical Abstract (Limit 2000 characters, approximately 200 words)
Tensor, along with several commercial partners, is developing new technology suitable for small satellites (SmallSat/CubeSat) and small launch vehicles. As part of this development, we are designing autonomy and artificial cognition capabilities for small scale satellites and vehicles that will be scalable to any space vehicle. Taking advantage of our previous experience in the areas of neural modelling and advanced automation algorithms we are proposing a deep neural net and in-space autonomy and cognition systems neuromorphic processing module for this solicitation. Using the COTS The BrainChip, Inc. Akida with fully configurable neural processing cores and scalable neural nets, we can design autonomy and artificial cognition capabilities for our prototype CubeSat that will be scalable to any space vehicle. The overarching goal is to make spacecraft autonomy affordable and ubiquitous.
For Phase I of this SBIR, we intend to develop a neuromorphic-based modular architecture suitable for SmallSat autonomous operation and create metrics to validate the SWaP performance of our hardware design in Phase II. As with any hardware, the driving cost factor is often the software that makes it useful. In AI systems, the cost of the deep learning needed to provide robust, adaptable performance is often prohibitive. In addition to a modular hardware design, Tensor will also design a cost effective, user-friendly suite of tools to support simplified training and implementation of spacecraft autonomy during Phase I for development and application during Phase II. It is our goal in Phase II of this SBIR to demonstrate an affordable package of prototype autonomous control hardware and software that is scalable and readily adaptable to a variety of spacecraft morphologies and mission classes.
Potential NASA Applications (Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words)
The possibilities and applications are practically limitless across a spectrum of mission types. Short list of the possibilities: Predictive and adaptive communications, radio, and system architecture, Opportunistic data collection, Continuous power allocation, Predictive failure/error detection, maintenance, mediation, and mitigation, Mission decision prioritization, Spacecraft constellation active collaboration optimizing, Continuous allocation optimization of system resources, Optimized integration of navigation, situation awareness, etc.
Potential Non-NASA Applications (Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words)
Our commercialization plan includes continuing development for the neuromorphic autonomous module for insertion into several commercial small launcher programs now and in the future. We will also apply the technology developed to other military applications with groups such as MDA, DARPA and USAF. The system will be available as a “plug and play module” for all future spacecraft.
Duration: 5
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Morning All,

I was thinking a little earlier about how we are unlikely to see AKIDA on a production Mercedes until 2024 when the company unveils new models based on its forthcoming MMA platform. What I'm interested in finding out more about is how familiar Mercedes would be with AKIDA 2000
which has additional features to execute sequence learning networks, known in the industry as LSTM and Transformer networks. As announced in the Annual General Meeting CEO and Chairman’s Address on the 26 May 2021, important parts of the AKD2000 were already working in the lab in Perth. Given the nature if the collaboration between Mercedes and BrainChip, I'm betting there's a good chance that Mercedes would be well aware of AKIDA 2000. We know that AKIDA 1000 is responsible for helping Mercedes achieve the brand’s claims to deliver more than 1,000km on one charge. But what we don't know is how much the potential inclusion of AKIDA 2000, could FURTHER increase the range and the functionality of the vehicles by the time 2024 rolls around.

B 💋

Sorry, I should have added this excerpt from the General Meeting CEO and Chairman’s Address on the 26 May 2021. I guess what I'm saying is that I wouldn't be at all surprised by the time 2024 comes around if the Mercedes vehicles coming off the production line were able to (as an example) learn the difference between a plastic bag, blowing across the street and a pedestrian or a rock, thus bringing the vehicles to an even higher level of safety and sophistication than was demonstrated on the Mercedes Vision EQXX.

Today, if a plastic bag blows across the street, a car equipped with AI sees an object and
hits the brakes, or worse, takes evasive action.
Our future networks will be able to learn the difference between a plastic bag, blowing
across the street and a rock by their behaviour. They will learn from sequences of events
and from observing behaviour. A rock does not get blown in the wind. A door has a handle
that makes it open. Objects have not only a shape, but also behaviour and a location in
space. Our brain understands and predicts the behaviour of objects and sounds. We aim to
build that intelligence into future products so that we enable our clients not only to build
intelligent products, but safe and beneficial
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107 years ago today ANZACS were boarding ships in preparation for the dawn landing at Gallipoli. Amazing how technology has changed since then, but their efforts and bravery all those years ago helped lay the foundation that still supports our prosperous lives today. In many ways BRN, AKIDA and the incredible future they represent would not even exist if it wasn't for the courage and ultimate sacrifice made by that generation of men and women who had to suffer and fight through World Wars.

I'm glad that the world order has shifted and we now regard our former foes as firm friends and allies.

Regardless of how BRN's share price performs in the future, spare a moment today and tomorrow to reflect and gain perspective. We are fortunate to live in the current era and owe so much for that privilege.

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Founding Member
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To the 1000 eyes today, Happy Orthodox Easter. May you all be blessed with health, prosperity and AKIDA wealth!
I will be tending to the AKIDA powered lamb gyros spit today......
Well, umm, I wont be doing anything other than sharing a beer with Ken robot, and allow the technology to monitor the rotational rate, gyros level and basting frequency :)

View attachment 4900
I hope you have lots of lemons ready. FF
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I know something you don’t know.
I know something you don’t know.

Guess who won’t be reading Brainchip’s 4C when it comes out this week?

Guess who won’t be reading Brainchip’s 4C when it comes out this week?

Wanna know? Wanna know?

Mercedes Benz
And ten or so EAP’s.

Guess who will keep on stretching Brainchip’s technology lead regardless of the 4C Peter van der Made, Anil Mankar and the engineering hardware and software development teams.

Guess who will keep negotiating with the large communications provider the Brainchip CEO Sean Hehir and Rob Telson regardless of the 4C.

Guess who will continue putting the finishing touches on the industry marketing campaign due to be launched second half 2022 Jerome Nadel.

It is only a 4C don’t build it up into something more important than it actually is as it makes no sense to do so.

BRAINCHIP is in the best financial position it has ever been.

Even when it was 4 cents a share and was on the brink of financial collapse the listed players kept on engaging with Brainchip because they were following the AKIDA Technology Revolution ie the science unlike anything they had ever seen before.

The importance of this 4C is zero as far as why I personally am invested in Brainchip.

My opinion only DYOR

The purpose of this post is to remind that the following is the purpose of the 4C for a publicly listed company on the ASX:

"A Quarterly Cashflow Report (officially known as Appendix 4C or 5B) is a quarterly reporting requirement for some ASX listed entities designed to provide investors with additional information around whether these entities are meeting their operating objectives."

The stated operating objective of Brainchip regarding income has consistently been since last years AGM for income to start to ramp up second half of 2022.

The other more important operating objectives is to remain solvent and capable of meeting its debts as and when they fall due for at least 6 months. They have on my calculations at least $33 to $35 million Australian in the bank.

So already in my mind this 4C will be compliant and meet all the necessary benchmarks so as not to raise any questions from the regulators.

Anything else more than this will be a bonus but entirely unnecessary and should not lead any real investor in Brainchip to have pause.

My opinion only DYOR

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I don't mean to throw a turd in the punchbowl, but watch out for the US markets this coming week. (The U.S. markets....) they WANT to keep falling. They NEED to keep falling. With a few of the big boys reporting next week even good results from them could be punished.

The U.S. Fed is running the countries equities market show for awhile more. I think the best that Brainchip could do in this environment is a "meh" market reaction. Not too hot and not too cold. Just give us some incremental improvement hopefully, management reporting on continued customer engagement progress and an overall thumbs up report from management.

And then let the necessary passage of time put the worldwide macro events impacting markets everywhere right now (Ukraine, rising interest rates in U.S., inflation- at least in the U.S., worker shortages, etc), behind us, ...and pray that no significant virus varients pop up to shut things down again.

Brainchip is still in the early stages, afterall. I will always want them to under promise, and over deliver.

Sorry everyone, but that's just my opinion on the coming week ahead. Regards, dippY
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I don't mean to throw a turd in the punchbowl, but watch out for the US markets this coming week. (The U.S. markets....) they WANT to keep falling. They NEED to keep falling. With a few of the big boys reporting next week even good results from them could be punished.

The U.S. Fed is running the countries equities market show for awhile more. I think the best that Brainchip could do in this environment is a "meh" market reaction. Not too hot and not too cold. Just give us some incremental improvement hopefully, management reporting on continued customer engagement progress and an overall thumbs up report from management.

And then let the necessary passage of time put the worldwide macro events impacting markets everywhere right now (Ukraine, rising interest rates in U.S., inflation- at least in the U.S., worker shortages, etc), behind us, ...and pray that no significant virus varients pop up to shut things down again.

Brainchip is still in the early stages, afterall. I will always want them to under promise, and over deliver.

Sorry everyone, but that's just my opinion on the coming week ahead. Regards, dippY
Spot on dippY22, the headwinds are many. The coming weeks will test the nerves of the most seasoned trader.
We need to remind ourselves that the BRN story keeps getting better and will weather the coming storms.
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Top 20
These are exciting times. Every quarterly is like Xmas to me. I love the build up.
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I don't mean to throw a turd in the punchbowl, but watch out for the US markets this coming week. (The U.S. markets....) they WANT to keep falling. They NEED to keep falling. With a few of the big boys reporting next week even good results from them could be punished.

The U.S. Fed is running the countries equities market show for awhile more. I think the best that Brainchip could do in this environment is a "meh" market reaction. Not too hot and not too cold. Just give us some incremental improvement hopefully, management reporting on continued customer engagement progress and an overall thumbs up report from management.

And then let the necessary passage of time put the worldwide macro events impacting markets everywhere right now (Ukraine, rising interest rates in U.S., inflation- at least in the U.S., worker shortages, etc), behind us, ...and pray that no significant virus varients pop up to shut things down again.

Brainchip is still in the early stages, afterall. I will always want them to under promise, and over deliver.

Sorry everyone, but that's just my opinion on the coming week ahead. Regards, dippY
I agree but remember the OECD has recently predicted that once again Australia will be the miracle economy and grow at more than 4% for the rest of this year.

When my son was in primary school he came home one day and asked his mother “When are you and Dad getting divorced?” She said “We are not.” He said “All my friends parents are.”

His logic was flawless but things are much more complex underneath than they appear from the outside.

The ASX will react to what the US does because that is what it does.

The US reacts because their economy is not performing well.

Australia’s economy according to the OECD is a miracle but just like my son Aussie investors look at America from the outside and draw a false conclusion about Australia.

The fact that this occurs is what traders and institutions rely upon safe volatility.

No real concern about fundamentals involved so even if we get stuck in a trade we are at no risk of losing the lot.

Hence they cultivate the idea of the US sneezing and Australia gets a cold. It is massive institutionalised manipulation and Australia falls for it every single time.

I suspect if Australia became wealthier than the US they would still engage the same lie and out of habit Australians would follow.

My opinion only DYOR

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Hi Potato. :)
The start of next week maybe somewhat influenced by the American and broader markets on Anzac day.
As you know, their last run was a negative session pretty much everywhere (except Singapore) and the Yanks in particular often seem to give our general market a lead in sentiment and confidence.
I'm looking to top up at the moment so selfishly am not fussed with the current depression in our share price as I know it to be a temporary phenomena and a bit of lucky timing for me.
I was going to be buying some more around now whatever the price was and still think fair value atm is around the $1.50 mark and was quite prepared to pay that, however, am also happy to be the recipient of all that hard work and risk the shortee's have got going on and bagging a few extra bangs for my buck. :)
We here, all know that we are on a good thing, that the company is kicking goals and that we are in good hands as far as management are concerned. But we also know that we are not operating in a vacuum. Wars, shifting geopolitical tensions, ongoing global pandemics, climate change ffs let alone widespread supply chain issues along with transitions to new energy sources all have short and long term effects which are in the process of playing out.
Many subtle and gross influences, as well as big boy manipulation are playing on the old greed and fear levers that kick our share price around.
Things which I guess those who trade in the short term have to be more concerned with, at least in regard to the daily fluctuations of a particular share price.
I have chosen to invest, and so now have the luxury of being able to take a longer view and operate over a broader time scale and as far as I can see, all indications point in a very positive direction, for Brainchip.
The world needs what we have and we see, almost daily confirmation (as revealed here by the 1000 eyes) that we are getting noticed.
Traction will follow.
We have the right product, at the right price, at the right time, protected as we can be, by patent, commercially available now, with a pipeline of future enhanced versions of same, being finished as we speak or on test benches in labs awaiting their turn.
Much is going on in the labs and boardrooms of our customers and all the key players are doing their damnedest to keep it as secret squirrel as poss. for the sake of first mover advantage.
It will eventually all come out and as that occurs our share price will reflect it.
In the meantime, my strategy is to accumulate as much as possible and hold as long as I can in accord with my other general and financial considerations, in the expectation of future dividend payments, allowing me an ongoing income stream along with a legacy for my family and other worthy notables.
We are all impatient for the widespread adoption of our tech and the rewards which will flow, but ultimately, it will take as long as it's going to,
so I figure my best posture is to just relax and enjoy the journey.
It will be one of decades, not days. :)
Extremely well articulated and what I envisage to be a summary of the sentiment we s/holders & posters hold dear to our own investment strategies and potential outcomes.
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Deleted member 118

These are exciting times. Every quarterly is like Xmas to me. I love the build up.

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