Hi Potato.

The start of next week maybe somewhat influenced by the American and broader markets on Anzac day.
As you know, their last run was a negative session pretty much everywhere (except Singapore) and the Yanks in particular often seem to give our general market a lead in sentiment and confidence.
I'm looking to top up at the moment so selfishly am not fussed with the current depression in our share price as I know it to be a temporary phenomena and a bit of lucky timing for me.
I was going to be buying some more around now whatever the price was and still think fair value atm is around the $1.50 mark and was quite prepared to pay that, however, am also happy to be the recipient of all that hard work and risk the shortee's have got going on and bagging a few extra bangs for my buck.

We here, all know that we are on a good thing, that the company is kicking goals and that we are in good hands as far as management are concerned. But we also know that we are not operating in a vacuum. Wars, shifting geopolitical tensions, ongoing global pandemics, climate change ffs let alone widespread supply chain issues along with transitions to new energy sources all have short and long term effects which are in the process of playing out.
Many subtle and gross influences, as well as big boy manipulation are playing on the old greed and fear levers that kick our share price around.
Things which I guess those who trade in the short term have to be more concerned with, at least in regard to the daily fluctuations of a particular share price.
I have chosen to invest, and so now have the luxury of being able to take a longer view and operate over a broader time scale and as far as I can see, all indications point in a very positive direction, for Brainchip.
The world needs what we have and we see, almost daily confirmation (as revealed here by the 1000 eyes) that we are getting noticed.
Traction will follow.
We have the right product, at the right price, at the right time, protected as we can be, by patent, commercially
available now, with a pipeline of future enhanced versions of same, being finished as we speak or on test benches in labs awaiting their turn.
Much is going on in the labs and boardrooms of our customers and all the key players are doing their damnedest to keep it as secret squirrel as poss. for the sake of first mover advantage.
It will eventually all come out and as that occurs our share price will reflect it.
In the meantime, my strategy is to accumulate as much as possible and hold as long as I can in accord with my other general and financial considerations, in the expectation of future dividend payments, allowing me an ongoing income stream along with a legacy for my family and other worthy notables.
We are all impatient for the widespread adoption of our tech and the rewards which will flow, but ultimately, it will take as long as it's going to,
so I figure my best posture is to just relax and enjoy the journey.
It will be one of decades, not days.