BRN Discussion Ongoing


Arrggggghhhh!!!! Stop it! I can't take any more!!!!

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Edge Impulse Collaborates with STMicroelectronics to Develop New Capabilities for Edge AI Deployments

September 24, 2024 12:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Edge Impulse, the leading platform for building, deploying, and scaling edge machine learning models, and an ST Authorized Partner, has entered into a collaboration with ST on industry-leading solutions for practical applications of AI in edge environments.

STMicroelectronics’ portfolio of cutting-edge products and technologies, combined with Edge Impulse’s pioneering edge AI platform being deployed in production within global enterprises, will enable the development of compelling new offerings for customers. Furthermore, Edge Impulse’s generative AI-forward and edge-capable integrations with NVIDIA’s Tao and Omniverse platforms will complement STMicroelectronics’ previously announced support of the NVIDIA TAO Toolkit and unlock new opportunities to leverage these technologies on the ground floor.
Edge Impulse’s collaboration with ST is already underway and a series of new products and solutions from the two companies will be revealed in the coming months.
“STMicroelectronics’ products and technologies are an integral foundation for thousands of edge deployments around the world, and we are honored to collaborate with them to deliver new, practical, and impactful AI capabilities to those customers,” said Zach Shelby, co-founder and CEO at Edge Impulse. “Working with ST will help us build a richer ecosystem of solutions as more companies implement AI on the edge.”
“Edge Impulse was a first mover in establishing an enterprise foundation for edge AI models and systems, and its production-ready platform will now be fully optimized for STM32 microcontrollers,” said Marc Dupaquier, Managing Director Artificial Intelligence Solutions at STMicroelectronics. “This collaboration will support our customers as they continue to integrate AI into edge environments and help them stay one step ahead of this rapidly evolving sector.”
STMicroelectronics will be attending Edge Impulse’s Imagine 2024 conference on September 24 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California along with executives from Capgemini, Nestlé Purina, NVIDIA, and other business leaders. Visit here to learn more, or email for direct updates on STMicroelectronics’ presence at Imagine.
About Edge Impulse
Edge Impulse streamlines the creation of AI and machine learning models for edge hardware, allowing devices to make decisions and offer insight where data is gathered. Edge Impulse’s technology empowers developers to bring more AI products to market, and helps enterprise teams rapidly develop production-ready solutions in weeks instead of years. Powerful automations make it easier to build valuable datasets and develop advanced AI for edge devices from MCUs to CPUs to GPUs. Used by health and wearable organizations like Know Labs and Neurable, industrial organizations like TKE and Lexmark, as well as top silicon vendors and over 100,000 developers, Edge Impulse has become the trusted ML platform for enterprises and developers alike. To learn more, visit

This one could benefit us.
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Arrggggghhhh!!!! Stop it! I can't take any more!!!!

View attachment 69816

Edge Impulse Collaborates with STMicroelectronics to Develop New Capabilities for Edge AI Deployments

September 24, 2024 12:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Edge Impulse, the leading platform for building, deploying, and scaling edge machine learning models, and an ST Authorized Partner, has entered into a collaboration with ST on industry-leading solutions for practical applications of AI in edge environments.

STMicroelectronics’ portfolio of cutting-edge products and technologies, combined with Edge Impulse’s pioneering edge AI platform being deployed in production within global enterprises, will enable the development of compelling new offerings for customers. Furthermore, Edge Impulse’s generative AI-forward and edge-capable integrations with NVIDIA’s Tao and Omniverse platforms will complement STMicroelectronics’ previously announced support of the NVIDIA TAO Toolkit and unlock new opportunities to leverage these technologies on the ground floor.
Edge Impulse’s collaboration with ST is already underway and a series of new products and solutions from the two companies will be revealed in the coming months.
“STMicroelectronics’ products and technologies are an integral foundation for thousands of edge deployments around the world, and we are honored to collaborate with them to deliver new, practical, and impactful AI capabilities to those customers,” said Zach Shelby, co-founder and CEO at Edge Impulse. “Working with ST will help us build a richer ecosystem of solutions as more companies implement AI on the edge.”
“Edge Impulse was a first mover in establishing an enterprise foundation for edge AI models and systems, and its production-ready platform will now be fully optimized for STM32 microcontrollers,” said Marc Dupaquier, Managing Director Artificial Intelligence Solutions at STMicroelectronics. “This collaboration will support our customers as they continue to integrate AI into edge environments and help them stay one step ahead of this rapidly evolving sector.”
STMicroelectronics will be attending Edge Impulse’s Imagine 2024 conference on September 24 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California along with executives from Capgemini, Nestlé Purina, NVIDIA, and other business leaders. Visit here to learn more, or email for direct updates on STMicroelectronics’ presence at Imagine.
About Edge Impulse
Edge Impulse streamlines the creation of AI and machine learning models for edge hardware, allowing devices to make decisions and offer insight where data is gathered. Edge Impulse’s technology empowers developers to bring more AI products to market, and helps enterprise teams rapidly develop production-ready solutions in weeks instead of years. Powerful automations make it easier to build valuable datasets and develop advanced AI for edge devices from MCUs to CPUs to GPUs. Used by health and wearable organizations like Know Labs and Neurable, industrial organizations like TKE and Lexmark, as well as top silicon vendors and over 100,000 developers, Edge Impulse has become the trusted ML platform for enterprises and developers alike. To learn more, visit

I can't tell if you have your pixie boots on!!??

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
I can't tell if you have your pixie boots on!!??


I do.They go really well with that black dress.

Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 1.32.44 pm.png
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Part time reader and poster here.

Not sure if i'm late to the party on this one, but i've noticed this partnerships between Edge Impulse X Celus on Linkedin. Akida surely?
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Sales have been abysmal lately. I put this down to the cost of living crisis. No-one has any spare cash to splash out on rocks or boyfriends who have tinnitus.

PS: I have quarterly sale up and running ATM - 50% off on any of the below items. PM me if interested.

View attachment 69806

Is the boyfriend of good quality? I might be interested depending on size and price.
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Das ist nicht Ihr Ernst!!! Früher Edge Impulse + CEVA und jetzt Edge Impulse + ZEEDA!

Was ist mit uns?????


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ZEDEDA und Edge Impulse kooperieren, um KI am Edge zu beschleunigen

Zusammenarbeit zur Optimierung der Entwicklung, Bereitstellung und Überwachung von KI-Modellen am Edge

24. September 2024, 13:00 Uhr Eastern Daylight Time

SAN JOSE, Kalifornien--( BUSINESS WIRE )-- ZEDEDA , der Marktführer im Bereich Edge-Management und -Orchestrierung, und Edge Impulse , die führende Plattform zum Erstellen, Verfeinern und Bereitstellen von Modellen und Algorithmen für maschinelles Lernen auf Edge-Geräten, gaben heute eine Partnerschaft bekannt, die eine End-to-End-Automatisierung der Entwicklung, Bereitstellung und Orchestrierung von KI-Modellen im großen Maßstab ermöglicht. Durch ihre Zusammenarbeit werden ZEDEDA und Edge Impulse die Herausforderungen der Implementierung von KI in verteilten Umgebungen erleichtern, indem sie einen sicheren, geräteunabhängigen automatisierten Workflow bereitstellen, der den heutigen manuellen, zeitintensiven Prozess ersetzt.

„Wir erleben das explosive Wachstum von KI- und datengesteuerten Initiativen in unserem gesamten Kundenstamm aus erster Hand und haben die Herausforderungen gesehen, die mit der Bereitstellung und Iteration dieser Projekte in Remote- und verteilten Umgebungen verbunden sind“, sagte Said Ouissal, CEO und Gründer von ZEDEDA. „Die führende Rolle von Edge Impulse bei der Bereitstellung von Edge-KI-Modellen ist eine großartige Ergänzung zu ZEDEDAs Expertise bei der Orchestrierung und Sicherung von Edge-Anwendungen und -Geräten in großem Maßstab, und ich freue mich, unseren Kunden eine umfassende Lösung zur Rationalisierung und Beschleunigung ihrer KI-Transformationsbemühungen anbieten zu können.“
Kunden, die KI am Rand implementieren, müssen sich mit einem schwierigen, mehrstufigen Prozess auseinandersetzen, der oft sowohl die Beteiligung der IT als auch der OT erfordert. Mit dieser gemeinsamen Anstrengung können Kunden ihre Edge Impulse-KI-Modelle über den ZEDEDA Marketplace zusammen mit anderen Anwendungen in einem sicheren Ein-Klick-Prozess auf Geräteflotten verteilen. Die automatische Überwachung der Modelle liefert relevante Informationen an die Datenpipeline für eine kontinuierliche Neuschulung der Modelle. Die umfangreichen Ökosysteme von Edge Impulse und ZEDEDA bieten außerdem eine breite Palette von Partnertechnologien, die Edge-Computing-Initiativen weiter vorantreiben können.
„Wir freuen uns sehr über die Partnerschaft mit ZEDEDA, mit der wir Unternehmensentwicklern ermöglichen, das volle Potenzial von Edge-KI auszuschöpfen. Durch die Nutzung der Edge-Sicherheits- und Virtualisierungsplattform von ZEDEDA wollen wir die Bereitstellung, Verwaltung und Orchestrierung intelligenter Anwendungen näher an den Datenquellen vereinfachen und beschleunigen“, sagte Zach Shelby, CEO und Mitbegründer von Edge Impulse. „Diese Zusammenarbeit stellt einen bedeutenden Schritt hin zur weit verbreiteten Einführung von Edge-Computing in Unternehmen dar.“
Die Nutzung von KI/ML am Rand nimmt rasant zu. Gartner prognostiziert, dass bis 2026 mindestens 50 % der Edge-Computing-Bereitstellungen maschinelles Lernen beinhalten werden, gegenüber 5 % im Jahr 2022.* Gartner prognostiziert außerdem, dass bis 2029 mindestens 60 % der Edge-Computing-Bereitstellungen zusammengesetzte KI (sowohl prädiktive als auch generative KI [GenAI]) verwenden werden, gegenüber weniger als 5 % im Jahr 2023.**
ZEDEDA und Edge Impulse werden diese Zusammenarbeit in einem kommenden Webinar ausführlicher besprechen. Melden Sie sich an, um weitere Einzelheiten zu erhalten .
* Gartner, Prognose 2024: Edge-Computing-Technologien gewinnen an Zugkraft und Reife, Thomas Bittman, Tony Iams, Sandeep Unni, Eric Goodness und Bob Gill, 18. Oktober 2023.
** Gartner, Market Guide for Edge Computing, Thomas Bittman, Jeffrey Hewitt, Eric Goodness, Sylvain Fabre, Tim Zimmerman, Scot Kim, Tony Harvey, Sandeep Unni und Mohini Dukes, 12. März 2024. GARTNER ist eine eingetragene Marke und Dienstleistungsmarke von Gartner, Inc. und/oder seinen Tochtergesellschaften in den USA und international und wird hier mit Genehmigung verwendet. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
ZEDEDA macht Edge Computing mühelos, offen und intrinsisch sicher – und erweitert das Cloud-Erlebnis bis an den Rand. ZEDEDA reduziert die Kosten für die Verwaltung und Orchestrierung verteilter Edge-Infrastrukturen und -Anwendungen und erhöht gleichzeitig Transparenz, Sicherheit und Kontrolle. ZEDEDA liefert sofortige Wertschöpfung, verwaltet Zehntausende von Knoten und wird von erstklassigen Investoren mit Teams in den USA, Deutschland und Indien unterstützt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter .
Über Edge Impulse
Edge Impulse vereinfacht die Erstellung von KI- und maschinellen Lernmodellen für Edge-Hardware, sodass Geräte Entscheidungen treffen und Einblicke dort bieten können, wo Daten gesammelt werden. Die Technologie von Edge Impulse ermöglicht es Entwicklern, mehr KI-Produkte auf den Markt zu bringen, und hilft Unternehmensteams, produktionsreife Lösungen in Wochen statt Jahren zu entwickeln. Leistungsstarke Automatisierungen erleichtern den Aufbau wertvoller Datensätze und die Entwicklung fortschrittlicher KI für Edge-Geräte von MCUs über CPUs bis hin zu GPUs. Edge Impulse wird von Gesundheits- und Wearable-Organisationen wie Hyfe und Ultrahuman, Industrieunternehmen wie Lexmark, HP und Halma sowie führenden Siliziumanbietern und über 100.000 Entwicklern verwendet und ist zur vertrauenswürdigen ML-Plattform für Unternehmen und Entwickler geworden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter .


Again my question: What is wrong with Akida or BrainChip that even Edge Impulse does not use it???
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Again my question: What is wrong with Akida or BrainChip that even Edge Impulse does not use it???
You know it might be that it hasn’t been certified?
Might be the person selling it
Might be the price
Might be the on going fees
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Again my question: What is wrong with Akida or BrainChip that even Edge Impulse does not use it???
The company in question,designs chips for other companies,they put together other companies IP,s etc. to make a chip that meets their customers requirements,in a streamlined/faster process to get to market faster,they are not competing with us.
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Again my question: What is wrong with Akida or BrainChip that even Edge Impulse does not use it???
Never mind, a small company with around 110 employees, and we don't know if they suggest customers using something from BRN or not.

My understanding of Edge Impulse is that they make solutions to other companies.

We are still listed as an ecosystem partner, so no need to start getting worried about it.

I hope a real big fish will take the bait soon.

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Never mind, a small company with around 110 employees, and we don't know if they suggest customers using something from BRN or not.

My understanding of Edge Impulse is that they make solutions to other companies.

We are still listed as an ecosystem partner, so no need to start getting worried about it.

I hope a real big fish will take the bait soon.

"I hope a real big fish will take the bait soon"

I think some really big fish, have already taken the bait and swallowed it.
Real good in fact and if the hook was to be taken out now, it's gonna take out some "important" bits with it..

We just haven't pulled them out of the water yet, is all..
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"I hope a real big fish will take the bait soon"

I think some really big fish, have already swallowed the bait.
Real good in fact and if the hook was to be taken out now, it's gonna take out some "important" bits with it..

We just haven't pulled them out of the water yet, is all..
I’m still thinking something with Intel. They didn’t put us up on that screen for all to see for nothing!
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Intel 18A is my guess.
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Was having a flick through the last Neurotech Report I could find from the EU. Was on their deliverable roadmap and in late 22 or something.

Anyway, was more about some of the Yole info they put in there that I liked re the state of neuromorphic and projections.

Can see in the first snip where we kicked in and yeah, about 3+ years ahead of the newbies at that time. 2024 was also indicated that the crossover would see some potential traction.

Report HERE


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Embedded World NA 2024​

Join BrainChip at Embedded World North America, taking place from October 8-10, 2024, at the Convention Center in Austin, TX. This premier event is the global platform for the embedded community, attracting top experts, key players, and industry associations from around the world. Visit us at Booth 1947B, where we will be showcasing exciting demos, including our Temporal Event-based Neural Networks (TENNs) and the Raspberry Pi 5 with Face and Edge Learning. Don’t miss the opportunity to connect and learn more about our innovative solutions.

The sold-out Raspberry Pi Akida Dev Kit was based on a Raspberry 4…

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Embedded World NA 2024​

Join BrainChip at Embedded World North America, taking place from October 8-10, 2024, at the Convention Center in Austin, TX. This premier event is the global platform for the embedded community, attracting top experts, key players, and industry associations from around the world. Visit us at Booth 1947B, where we will be showcasing exciting demos, including our Temporal Event-based Neural Networks (TENNs) and the Raspberry Pi 5 with Face and Edge Learning. Don’t miss the opportunity to connect and learn more about our innovative solutions.

The sold-out Raspberry Pi Akida Dev Kit was based on a Raspberry 4…

View attachment 69849

Raspberry Pi offers an AI Kit with a Hailo AI acceleration module containing an NPU for use with the Raspberry Pi 5.


Maybe there has been something similar in the works for our company?

Steve Brightfields Presso from the recent AI Hardware & Edge AI Summit,

Hadn't noticed if posted but haven't read every post as been bit busy.

Link to Kiasco who posted it or I scrolled it below for quick reading.

View attachment 69769

Could the mysterious Akida Pico have anything to do with the Raspberry Pi Pico series of microcontrollers? 🤔

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Again my question: What is wrong with Akida or BrainChip that even Edge Impulse does not use it???
Thinking glass half full, we could still be part of the 3 partnerships mentioned on these last 2 pages of the thread, ie the much talked about NDA's preventing BRN from being mentioned?
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Energy required to power AI data centres really becoming an issue as we all know.........edge computing must be compelling for these AI giants

Happy as Larry

"OpenAI has pitched the Biden administration on the need for massive data centers that could each use as much power as entire cities, framing the unprecedented expansion as necessary to develop more advanced artificial intelligence models and compete with China.

Following a recent meeting at the White House, which was attended by OpenAI Chief Executive Officer Sam Altman and other tech leaders, the startup shared a document with government officials outlining the economic and national security benefits of building 5 gigawatt data centers in various US states, based on an analysis the company engaged with outside experts on. To put that in context, 5 GW is roughly the equivalent of five nuclear reactors, or enough to power almost 3 million homes."
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Not my DD but FF's.

Robust Iterative Value Conversion: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Neurochip-driven Edge Robots​

A neurochip is a device that reproduces the signal processing mechanisms of brain neurons and calculates Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) with low power consumption and at high speed. Thus, neurochips are attracting attention from edge robot applications, which suffer from limited battery capacity

We verified RIVC's effectiveness on a neurochip-driven robot. The results showed that RIVC consumed 1/15 times less power and increased the calculation speed by five times more than an edge CPU (quad-core ARM Cortex-A72)

5.1.1. Entire Experiment Settings
This section describes the construction of the proposed framework shown in
Fig. 2. We utilized a desktop PC equipped with a GPU (Nvidia RTX3090) for
updating the policies and an Akida Neural Processor SoC as a neurochip [9, 12].
The robot was controlled by the policies implemented in the neurochip. SNNs
were implemented to the neurochip by a conversion executed by the MetaTF
of Akida that converts the software [9, 12].

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