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The thing I worry about, if I worry at all about my investment in Brainchip, is that I am an older investor and like Warren Buffet suspicious of technology as I did not grow up with it and unlike my children still have trouble with many aspects. For the life of me I cannot reset the clock on our Bosch oven after a blackout but my son-in-law does it while talking about something unrelated in seconds.Aleks Vicko”bitch”![]()
So it does seem logical to me that the retail investor most likely to actually best grasp the technology on offer from Brainchip are the millennials as they are paid up educated members of the technology age.
They understand technology and can recognise when it is more advanced and are constantly critiquing the latest mobile phones, lap tops, iPads, PC's, movie channel interphases, the NBN fibre -v- wireless, the interphases in the latest Porsche or Jaguar and feel so comfortable with Google and their ability to research they do not need financial advisors who in most cases are far less well educated and technology savvy than themselves.
Only this last week we had to have a service on our gas log fire. The gas plumber arrived and by appearances he was a millennial. He lays out his rug undoes a few screws and reveals the workings of the fire. Out of his tool bag comes his pad and he hooks up a couple of wires then engages in an analysis of the system, identifies the faults and carries out the necessary service then tests the system with the pad. He then prepares the invoice on the pad takes the payment via my credit card on the pad and then emails me the receipt and warranty.
I go to my mechanic again he looks just like a millennial and he hooks my various cars up to his computer and off he goes running the diagnostics.
My plumber in the country when he sets up to install septic system lines is out with his computer driven level taking device and in seconds has his readings taken. He too looks like a millennial.
These are all trades people before we even get to those who work in offices, laboratories and what about C.A.D. systems used by drafts people, architects and builders. It just goes on and on millennials live and breath technology every day of their working and private lives.
Yet when millennials identify that a technology stock which they understand is worthy of investing in use the technology of modern communication to discuss and recommend that stock to other millennials they are abused by so called financial advisors and analysts who are WANCA's and have just like me no idea how to set the clock on their oven at home.
These same WANCA's have, I guarantee just like me used Google to find sites where these same millennials have reviewed the latest iPhone or Samsung and taken their advice as to which is the best phone to purchase.
I have reached a point where I think that on the scale that ranks professions and has at or near the bottom used car salesman these individual WANCA's would clearly have to be placed even lower down.
My opinion only DYOR