Hi Diogenese, I believe you are best person for this question.. Are the VVDN edge box use for research and development purposes or it can be used by end user? Let's say I want to set up a face recognition security system in my office, can I just buy an edge box and plug it into my camera system and it is ready to go or I still need to go and develop some software system to interact with the edge box?Because of Akida's 4-bit capability, it can have "home-made" models which are more compact than the standard 8-bit models, and, of course, Akida can handle the 8-bit models as well, with the accompanying reduction in efficiency advantage. And let's not forget Akida's 1 and 2-bit capability for super low power consumption.
I think that developing Akida-specific models for Valeo, Mercedes and others is where a lot of our effort will be focussed. These will not be universal models. They will be more functionally biassed.
Thank you in advance if you can provide me with the answer..