Can you name any other company from any part of the world that does this?What other "Australian" Companies, are making "Space grade" Edge A.I. solutions?..
I might have missed a couple..
Can you name any other company from any part of the world that does this?What other "Australian" Companies, are making "Space grade" Edge A.I. solutions?..
I might have missed a couple..
Well I know Intel have/are trying their hand at it, but apparently their Loihi, only likes baby bear's porridge and refuses to work, if it's too cold and then it gets too hot...Can you name any other company from any part of the world that does this?
Hi DingoBorat-Well I know Intel have/are trying their hand at it, but apparently their Loihi, only likes baby bear's porridge and refuses to work, if it's too cold and then it gets too hot...
We don't actually know, how AKIDA does in Space yet either..
I'm sure there are plenty of other companies working on it, but Northrop mentioned "Australian".
There are other Australian companies, working on various types of A.I. but we seem to fit the bill well, especially where "hardware" is concerned.
“The impact of radiation damage to the performance of the newest generations of microelectronic technologies is still not very well understood in the scientific community,” explained Dr Shojaii.Hi DingoBorat-
Check this out from 2022-
Work done on a memory chip for low earth orbit,
Space Radiation Tested on Prototype Chip | Spaceaustralia
A new prototype radiation-hardened semiconductor chip has been successfully tested using the ANSTO’s Sirius
Just to clarify ....your example yields shares not US dollars.Oh wow, check out the BCHPY OTC at the moment. Already biggest volume ever in one day @ over 52k (avg about 1.6k)
A couple of huge orders gone through. One about 20k and another about 28k. In other words, for 28k, it's 28,000 X 40 = $1.12 million US (not 100% sure if I've calculated this right though, as I haven't considered that one unit is also going at $4.78). If someone can assist with this, please do.
The German exchanges aren't doing anything special..Just to clarify ....your example yields shares not US dollars.
However today effectively 2.1m shares have exchanged hands via BCHPY
Plus 290k via BRCHF
This is at least twice the most volume ever for BCHPY...... TWICE
Expect more volume in the future via BCHPY as it costs $7 to execute a trade and BRCHF is $50 (USD if you can believe it)
With the recent purchase by Schwab of Ameritrade any with BRCHF from a formerly Ameritrade account will have to pay up (7x) to buy and sell these shares via Schwab.
So one might consider future transactions via BCHPY.
I hope we are involved in ChipletsHey FJ, what became known as "Akida" was always the end goal, it's in our name
The software solutions of "BrainChip" Studio and "BrainChip" Accelerator, were supposed to be a profitable bridge, to that goal.
They spent way too much money, building that bridge, which wasn't spanning the length and then decided to focus solely on "The Chip".
BrainChip, has encountered many roadblocks and detours, some of its own making and some outside our control..
We've been working at providing the market, something that it didn't need yet (going against the wisdom, of someone like Steve Jobs).
"We" can see the pure genius, in truly "Independent A.I." but the Market wasn't there yet.
Ken Scarince, said a few years ago now, that we were "disrupting a Market that hadn't been created yet".
Well that Market is now being created.
So I don't think we'll have to wait too much longer..
Software is now back on the table, in a big way too, due to everything changing so quickly, but "chips" will still be needed, in "Far Edge" applications, which will be practically everywhere and in everything.
Unless we're all wrong of course..
Well the post by Rayz on HC shows a comment by Laurent Hili on the picture every one is critical.The German exchanges aren't doing anything special..
Each time I see an image of Sean H my spirits sink. This latest photo is as bad as it can get. We are trying to introduce an elegant and clever idea, at precisely the time when it is relevant. As with all companies selling the almost incomprehensible, the external massaging has to be one of evident care. Everything we do externally, in our design, our dressing, our words, we do carefully, elegantly and skilfully. So you can believe that the bits you cannot see, the chip design, the software, continue this thread of care, for the finest details. Everything matters, top to bottom.
I hope we are involved in Chiplets
Is this some kind of a joke, by the ASIC??..Can only hope that this is the start of something beautiful.
24-177MR ASIC sues ASX for alleged misleading statements | ASIC
Fair, strong and efficient financial system for all