BRN Discussion Ongoing

Subjective indeed.
My guess is we should be anywhere between 4.20 and 10x Microsoft.
My only humble opinion.
Not advice

Can't wait till the next podcast btw. Surely major news as expected. Exciting times!
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Founding Member
Subjective indeed.
My guess is we should be anywhere between 4.20 and 10x Microsoft.
My only humble opinion.
Not advice

Can't wait till the next podcast btw. Surely major news as expected. Exciting times!


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Give it rest Bacon. You just don’t have the intelligence to be clever or witty. Focus on your night shift and try to save a few pennies.
I'm not sure if it is the once loved and lovable BaconLover, or if, as it's been suggested, that BaconLover is now Tom&Jerry on the crapper.

But if either are, what the Hell happened to them?

I remember BaconLover, had a major sook, when FactFinder criticised his Iceberg posts and that was the beginning of the end..
Before that, he was a Great and positive contributor.

We have all obviously gotten older and some weary, over this long BrainChip journey..

But it appears BaconLover, became old and bitter.

And that's the worst kind of old.

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Yes I have added another 200,00 shares to the pot today, and looking to double/triple that again tomorrow depending on where Tony responds. Very silly not to top up when prices are this low.
Soon I will be joining the ranks of Peter and Sean in terms of shareholding.

Not advice obviously hehe
…… And finally , THE GOLDEN KNOB Award of 2024 for post contributions goes to
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What a bunch of boring narrow minded people here.
Omg what happened to this site.
Really sad
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What a bunch of boring narrow minded people here.
Omg what happened to this site.
Really sad

Looking back at all your posts I cannot see any valuable contribution, so I would not be sad if you just left. Bye!
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I'm not sure if it is the once loved and lovable BaconLover, or if, as it's been suggested, that BaconLover is now Tom&Jerry on the crapper.

But if either are, what the Hell happened to them?

I remember BaconLover, had a major sook, when FactFinder criticised his Iceberg posts and that was the beginning of the end..
Before that, he was a Great and positive contributor.

We have all obviously gotten older and some weary, over this long BrainChip journey..

But it appears BaconLover, became old and bitter.

And that's the worst kind of old.

View attachment 67356
Ahhh, thanks for the background. It explains a lot.
A serial negative poster over on the crapper.
Always criticises a positive post and buries them. I thought he may be just another shorter.
I have him and others over there on ignore for some time. I can see that they have posted on the mobile but not content.
If you put the pests on ignore over there, the threads are quick reads.
The downrampers have really increased activity on the crapper of late.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Subjective indeed.
My guess is we should be anywhere between 4.20 and 10x Microsoft.
My only humble opinion.
Not advice

Can't wait till the next podcast btw. Surely major news as expected. Exciting times!
200w (3).gif
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!


9-12 September, 2024

Partners  pm.png

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The Pom's got the idea 😉

When Life gives you lemons..

View attachment 67346

Are we all just the Walleys of the World, for investing in BrainChip?..

Personally, I don't think so.

I was actually thinking of looking at the short positions this morning, but it slipped my mind.

It was pretty obvious, that the 2 large pushes down yesterday, were caused by shorting games.

The thing to remember, is that these moves are forced.
In forcing, they are pushing down a spring.
Now the spring can break, it can buckle and it can lose it's "spring".
But it can also do what springs do and give a much more positive effect, to a positive move.

Sentiment after this recent CR is probably lower than it's been for a while, but while some are glum, the BrainChip team are still hard at work, to make this Company, the Global success story, we all know it can be.

This is a potentially hugely risky time, for shorters to be betting against BRN, or is it?

Let's hope they are the ones, that end up like this...

View attachment 67348

Again, untimely it's the Company, that must prove it's the Real Deal.
It's clearly an orchestrated push that volume of shorts.

My question is 4.4 million covered on the 25th so it really seams to me that the houses are playing a game of hot potato I mean really let's be honest who would take 8 million short at 19 cents the same entity buying the shares IMO.

Did BRN basicly lose all engagements? Be nice to have news maybe tomorrow for more then one reason 🤔
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Ahhh, thanks for the background. It explains a lot.
A serial negative poster over on the crapper.
Always criticises a positive post and buries them. I thought he may be just another shorter.
I have him and others over there on ignore for some time. I can see that they have posted on the mobile but not content.
If you put the pests on ignore over there, the threads are quick reads.
The downrampers have really increased activity on the crapper of late.
Well let's be honest hear the company has not given us any real reason to be overly optimistic at this points things have gone quiet.

They kick the can down the road it's really pathetic and IR is silent does not awnser hard questions that really are not NDA.

So in hindsight I'll.say it that the serial posters with a negative outlook have been correct.

The few positive people and investment money that holding BRN is really either overloaded with share or just won't put any money into the company. Hence the price is what it is. If there was to be some investment you would see 18.5 cents actually hold we would be trading north of the SPP but yeah I guess who ever shorted sold down that load of shares left hand to right is playing games shaking people.

But have it we have not gotten any positive comercial news scice I don't remember. I'm actually shocked that 22 million nwas raise they mist have been shown something cause I seen nothing.
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To date no one has been able to find any fault with the Pitt Street report. They mainly rely on fact based information and interviews with key management.
If they were dodgy they would be out of business by now.
They provide reports for uncovered and under the investment radar companies and are aimed at the larger investment community.
They recognise that AI at the Edge is new and is about to embark on exponential growth and that BRN has a stellar patent portfolio. The $1.59 value is basically the patent value with any later deals and business growth thrown in.
Basically everyone connected with BRN knew/knows the patents alone are very valuable. BRN just had to get Pitt Street to tell the investment world.
The down rampers/shorters over on the crapper have a Financial interest in a falling SP so they bury talk of patent value and flog the no revenue angle.
Even if deals are signed off later this year BRN may be only able to release limited information.
I suspect some of the shorters have many accounts. Some posts of late amount to psychotic rage filled outbursts.
I don’t think many would find any of the facts or information presented in the Pitt street report to be false or incorrect.

However, the report and its SP valuation are clearly underpinned by a relatively optimistic case in which the companies commercial viability begins to come to fruition - of which we have seen no evidence yet.

This, coupled with the fact that the report was funded by BRN leave even strong brainchip supporters wondering whether or not the report is actually worth the paper it’s written on (I personally don’t think so).

I understand that the company is scrambling for some positive news and appreciate management trying to have some level of positive effect on the SP (or secure investment for a CR?). However, in the longer term I would rather see our investment dollars contributed to furthering our tech advantage/procuring deals than put into reports which are fundamentally meaningless given recent SP movement and company events.

Just my take.
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Great find, I think we need to be more proactive in pushing for signings. I was thinking following each and everyone of them and throwing the odd "you guys working with AKIDA" comment under their posts. Jesse used to be very good at doing this.
Those using LinkedIn should consider helping out.
Your sarcastic posts are beginning to annoy me. Why don't you piss off back to the crapper...
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Your sarcastic posts are beginning to annoy me. Why don't you piss off back to the crapper...
Nothing sarcastic about my post.
I really want the company to succeed so that I can laugh at the naysayers. If you don't like positivity, then this forum is not the right place for you buddy. Back to the crapper you go then..
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As previuosly stated by @TECH and now confirmed to me via TD , there will be a June Quarter 2024 Podcast.

I have submitted a question on why the CEO/BOD decided to close the R&D facility in Perth.

So, as you all have expressed your dismay/concerns regarding the state/direction of the company, get off your arses and submit questions you would like addressed.

Akida Ballista
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Well let's be honest hear the company has not given us any real reason to be overly optimistic at this points things have gone quiet.

They kick the can down the road it's really pathetic and IR is silent does not awnser hard questions that really are not NDA.

So in hindsight I'll.say it that the serial posters with a negative outlook have been correct.

The few positive people and investment money that holding BRN is really either overloaded with share or just won't put any money into the company. Hence the price is what it is. If there was to be some investment you would see 18.5 cents actually hold we would be trading north of the SPP but yeah I guess who ever shorted sold down that load of shares left hand to right is playing games shaking people.

But have it we have not gotten any positive comercial news scice I don't remember. I'm actually shocked that 22 million nwas raise they mist have been shown something cause I seen nothing.
Shorters deal with the now and short term SP. Yes they have done well. There job is to get the current SP to fall. BRN's role is to set the future up, hence an eco system etc. No short cuts unfortunately.
I am a long term holder so I deal with the longer term and I am confident that AI at the Edge will arrive and enjoy exponential growth. We are just not there yet.
I am also confident that BRN will play a role in the fast growing Edge industry.
In the meantime even 20% or 25% of the Pitt street patent valuation will see a handy short term profit on the current SP if we sold now. However the short term is not a worry for long termers only shorters.
If we received an offer of say 25% of the Pitt Street valuation the shorters would be stampeding the exits worried about a possible bidding war. We have after all a stellar patent portfolio. Will not happen short term IMO.
I am not the slightest bit worried about revenue. It's an easy target for shorters sow a bit of fear and uncertainty.
Wonder if we get the usual after raise open news to kick things on a bit.
Brokers advise companies to make an effort to get something out. The quarterly is due soon. Anything else?
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To date no one has been able to find any fault with the Pitt Street report. They mainly rely on fact based information and interviews with key management.
If they were dodgy they would be out of business by now.
They provide reports for uncovered and under the investment radar companies and are aimed at the larger investment community.
They recognise that AI at the Edge is new and is about to embark on exponential growth and that BRN has a stellar patent portfolio. The $1.59 value is basically the patent value with any later deals and business growth thrown in.
Basically everyone connected with BRN knew/knows the patents alone are very valuable. BRN just had to get Pitt Street to tell the investment world.
The down rampers/shorters over on the crapper have a Financial interest in a falling SP so they bury talk of patent value and flog the no revenue angle.
Even if deals are signed off later this year BRN may be only able to release limited information.
I suspect some of the shorters have many accounts. Some posts of late amount to psychotic rage filled outbursts.

There are no faults in the content. Nobody is denying that.

Value of patents? A patent means nothing if nobody is buying the product that is covered by the patent. And every week that passes without a sale actually decreases the value of our patents because they are time constrained.

I'm not trying to be negative but I understand it is probably coming off that way.

I have a tonne of shares. Deep in the red and hurting as are most are other shareholders. A Pitt St advertisement is not going to affect market sentiment and it sure as hell isn't going to turn around our share price.

The only thing that will turn us around now are multiple IP sales.
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Shorters deal with the now and short term SP. Yes they have done well. There job is to get the current SP to fall. BRN's role is to set the future up, hence an eco system etc. No short cuts unfortunately.
I am a long term holder so I deal with the longer term and I am confident that AI at the Edge will arrive and enjoy exponential growth. We are just not there yet.
I am also confident that BRN will play a role in the fast growing Edge industry.
In the meantime even 20% or 25% of the Pitt street patent valuation will see a handy short term profit on the current SP if we sold now. However the short term is not a worry for long termers only shorters.
If we received an offer of say 25% of the Pitt Street valuation the shorters would be stampeding the exits worried about a possible bidding war. We have after all a stellar patent portfolio. Will not happen short term IMO.
I am not the slightest bit worried about revenue. It's an easy target for shorters sow a bit of fear and uncertainty.
Wonder if we get the usual after raise open news to kick things on a bit.
Brokers advise companies to make an effort to get something out. The quarterly is due soon. Anything else?
We just had the June quarterly results...
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Top 20
Shorters deal with the now and short term SP. Yes they have done well. There job is to get the current SP to fall. BRN's role is to set the future up, hence an eco system etc. No short cuts unfortunately.
I am a long term holder so I deal with the longer term and I am confident that AI at the Edge will arrive and enjoy exponential growth. We are just not there yet.
I am also confident that BRN will play a role in the fast growing Edge industry.
In the meantime even 20% or 25% of the Pitt street patent valuation will see a handy short term profit on the current SP if we sold now. However the short term is not a worry for long termers only shorters.
If we received an offer of say 25% of the Pitt Street valuation the shorters would be stampeding the exits worried about a possible bidding war. We have after all a stellar patent portfolio. Will not happen short term IMO.
I am not the slightest bit worried about revenue. It's an easy target for shorters sow a bit of fear and uncertainty.
Wonder if we get the usual after raise open news to kick things on a bit.
Brokers advise companies to make an effort to get something out. The quarterly is due soon. Anything else?
The "job" of getting the SP to fall is a crime.

Legally, all they can do is due diligence and base their bets on that. They can't use a jigger to get the horse to move, and we can rest easy that the ASX and ASIC police this to the hilt.
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