So I had a thought about why do the CR now before the IP deals if they are inement.
Say Akida did win on the technical level with a customer.
But on signing and having reviewed all paperwork it was observed that they lack funding. Our companies governance will not do business if your funds don't show you have cash flow available over x number of quarters.
Insolvency riskes are real so basicly now this company will see now that BRN are stable and sign off on the final documents to sing up for the IP.
Remember the IP deal is only worth x dollars once royalties kick in it will go further. So we do need a bank roll.
The second thought is that no IP no money for the next 2 years so we need a cap raise.
Step back and think who as a sophisticated investor would sink in this financing to a company for equity if its the second option on no revenue to come. They will be hard pressed getting half their money back in one year.
They would have had a look under the hood and also had to sign off on no selling for 1 year. So there must have been some interest even the smell of 1 deal to be signed of one would not be enough clearly there is more to it. Imo