I'm just as frustrated as everyone else, I have always been honest on this forum as well as that other one.
My confidence in the technology has NEVER waned, I plan on contacting both Peter and Anil for a comment on the
current situation, as my trust in this company was first borne out of forming friendships with the founders who I
have immense respect for.
Time is what is causing a lot of the heartache in my opinion.
@TECH, yes the time horizon just keeps sliding away and everyone (mostly) knows that, it is getting to the point where some tangible (money) results need to be delivered, the SP has become the plaything of corrupt market manipulators and is not worth anywhere near what even the BRN IP portfolio by itself would be worth.
I wasn't at the AGM but checked out the virtual version, both Sean and Antonio went to great lengths in order to assure S/H'ers that the whole company was fully focussed on delivering contracts and income, there was some anger directed toward Sean & Antonio by one person in particular, but on the whole the room at the AGM could be described as resigned and patient considering the long drawn out path to a cash producing business BRN has become.
I know that a poster(s ??) has put up a verbatim copy of some of Sean & Antonio's responses to questions re contracts/income at the AGM, but I have not seen to this point a verbatim copy of Sean's remarks in the interview he did with Mark Kennis of Stocks DownUnder/Pitt St who also asked the question re contracts/income. This interview was done same day as AGM, so what Sean said was slightly different to what he said at the AGM, but IMO it should/could have been said the same way at the AGM.
I am sure many here have listened to this interview, but as I said, I am going to type verbatim the bits that stood out to me, and I have listened to this interview several times and am crystal clear on what was said:
"The biggest takeaway...........I really want to stress this,.......the confidence we have coming out of this year.........going into the next short period of time......(is) our ability to win."
then moving further on he also said:
"We know that decisions are coming in a relatively short period of time.......This gives us great hope for the future of BRN".
I take the bit about "coming out of this year" as meaning coming out of Financial Year 2023/24 given the AGM was in late May, so we would be in that short period of time right now (FY 23/24 is finished), I would think, why would he say that if he was expecting something later in 2024 ???
So don't get your hopes up, but Sean said "the next short period of time", but then how long is a piece of string. Regardless, to my way of looking at things, something could happen anytime now - with a touch of good luck.