"The problem seems to be that our software is........SHIT!!!"
Fair enough, that's your opinion, but based on what ?....are you a software engineer ?
I'm certainly not, but I'm sure if any of the guys based out of our Toulouse office read that, they would be pretty unimpressed.
Our teams are world class in the Neuromorphic sphere, getting staff who are qualified or at the level that we require is extremely
hard, many have to adopt to this new architecture, it takes time, maybe I'm the only shareholder in Australia who believes that we
currently have the best team to drive us forward in spiking neural architectures, I challenge any Australian shareholder to name
another company specializing in this field who currently have around 75 staff focused, trained in this ground breaking technology.
Our share price is an honest reflection of bot trading, manipulation, no revenue...interestingly, the share market traditionally focuses
on the future, but not 3 years out, where we have been placed since 2015, it's always been a lonely road, just ask Peter.
I certainly would never criticize any of your team, hardware, software, management or Board, they are way more qualified than I
am to make professional decisions, the hard unpopular decisions, the sort of decisions that will define us as a company, who is not
only trustworthy. but one who has good morals and acts with integrity, maybe, just maybe that's why our partnerships have exploded
over the last 18 months !!
To be in an industry where trust plays such a huge part, Brainchip can hold it's head up high, we have proven ourselves worthy to
deal with, apart from Ford, maybe.
Cheers and goodnight........Tech x