BRN Discussion Ongoing

I found the following article, even though a couple of years old, quite handy in better understanding the differences and views amongst a lot of the different companies (including Brainchip) working in the SNN area.

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This is not financial advise all in my opinion. But there are some books and strategies that have shown benifits of all eggs in one basket keeping the easter theme going.

It's also hard to understand how the market works and prices are pumped and manipulated down but that's out of the general investors control.

I will add that I have invested for 20 plus years in the markets and had wins losses and big losses. I analyze the losses cause a win is easy what you need it to learn from the losses to invest trade better.

One thing that sticks in my mind with small cap stocks there management and CEO hype the like crazzy and sell the market a blue sky story.

This I have not seen management do at anytime scince u have followed the stock. Louis may have been a little excited but the rest of the crew have been working hard. You also know that the CEO is serious when he's asked how can we monitor company progress with a reply like watch earning they will tell the story. To me that's a real honest awnser and my other marker is employee growth.

You need to do what you think is best for you and your risk tolarance mate!
Thanks and also to others that answered.

Well if I buy the 25K I will increase my position with around 20% so I already have a few.

I am still fairly spread out in other stocks but if I get those shares the boat will start listing a bit to BRN side, LOL.

Yes the CEO seems like the real deal, knows what he is talking about, honest and very likely very hard working and he makes it clear he can't in most cases tell us who dealing with the company but the ones we know about are very high profile in their different sectors.

When a company is hiring is always a very good sign, expanding the sale staff and also engineers, they are very busy it seems, a super good sign.

I know most people here are very bullish and so am I and I can't really find any negative things about the company and their Alkida chips since no one else have anything like it on the market.

I don't know if any of the big chip companies are getting closer to make a chip that can compete to Alkida? that's my biggest fear right now.

The big companies spend millions if not billions into research and they are not stupid so I wonder when they can come up with a similar product?
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@Slade I would have said more like two years mowing given the cost of fuel 😉
With an Akida inspired robotic electric mower I could make a killing and wouldn't have to lift a finger.
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Thanks and also to others that answered.

Well if I buy the 25K I will increase my position with around 20% so I already have a few.

I am still fairly spread out in other stocks but if I get those shares the boat will start listing a bit to BRN side, LOL.

Yes the CEO seems like the real deal, knows what he is talking about, honest and very likely very hard working and he makes it clear he can't in most cases tell us who dealing with the company but the ones we know about are very high profile in their different sectors.

When a company is hiring is always a very good sign, expanding the sale staff and also engineers, they are very busy it seems, a super good sign.

I know most people here are very bullish and so am I and I can't really find any negative things about the company and their Alkida chips since no one else have anything like it on the market.

I don't know if any of the big chip companies are getting closer to make a chip that can compete to Alkida? that's my biggest fear right now.

The big companies spend millions if not billions into research and they are not stupid so I wonder when they can come up with a similar product?
Agree. Luckily at the moment Intels product sounds inferior.

I am hopeful that Valeo, combined with software companies will make a plug and play type system using Akida to take all the work out of it for the other car makers so all they have to do is install it.

Oh wait, that’s what I think they are doing now!


If that comes to fruition we will be laughing. Either way it’s been said many times that we only need a small percent of the market to be profitable so in my opinion that makes it a pretty safe investment.

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Thanks and also to others that answered.

Well if I buy the 25K I will increase my position with around 20% so I already have a few.

I am still fairly spread out in other stocks but if I get those shares the boat will start listing a bit to BRN side, LOL.

Yes the CEO seems like the real deal, knows what he is talking about, honest and very likely very hard working and he makes it clear he can't in most cases tell us who dealing with the company but the ones we know about are very high profile in their different sectors.

When a company is hiring is always a very good sign, expanding the sale staff and also engineers, they are very busy it seems, a super good sign.

I know most people here are very bullish and so am I and I can't really find any negative things about the company and their Alkida chips since no one else have anything like it on the market.

I don't know if any of the big chip companies are getting closer to make a chip that can compete to Alkida? that's my biggest fear right now.

The big companies spend millions if not billions into research and they are not stupid so I wonder when they can come up with a similar product?
The competition will always chase BRN. They have a lead based on Peters words 2 or 3 years let be critical and say 1.5 so this basicly gives them to the end of 2023 to deliver. Also the market is growing they will never be the sole provider but again nobody has done what they achieved either.
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With an Akida inspired robotic electric mower I could make a killing and wouldn't have to lift a finger.
@Slade, & also help you dodge traffic on your paper round 😂
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That about 1.7 beer now lol it's insane
Yesterday my wife burst into the room where I was saying “can you believe it they want $9.00 for a coffee” she said the name of the place but I will not damn them here.

This was a new high for me but perhaps this is what is becoming common place???

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Yesterday my wife burst into the room where I was saying “can you believe it they want $9.00 for a coffee” she said the name of the place but I will not damn them here.

This was a new high for me but perhaps this is what is becoming common place???

Yeah things keep going up crazzy all we can do is be smart with investments to protect wealth and maintain ones standard of living.
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Are you referring to @uiux thread title " Brainchip + Intellisense Systems, Inc "
Intellisense Systems, Inc. (Torrance, Calif.) for Radiofrequency One-Shot Learning for Emission Recognition

Mr. Viana currently serves as the executive chairman at QuantalRF AG, an emerging next-generation, front-end RF company developing transformative wireless communication solutions

QuantalRF was established based on the inventions of Co-Founder and former NASA scientist, Dr. Forrest J. Brown. These inventions developed into our RFFE technology known as Quantal Technology. Headquartered in Zürich, Switzerland, with operations in the USA and Sweden, QuantalRF has an impressive portfolio of over 250 granted patents and applications with broad geographic coverage.
RF was included on one of BRN's slides as another potential use-case...
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I wrote in my last post that I will stop following the forum so much but I can't stay away because we have so many excellent posters here that can dig up interesting information and others that can connect the dots making it very interesting reading, so I guess I was lying, sorry;)

I am getting more and more excited the more I read and connect my own dots, the possibilities with Alkida is just totally mind-blowing and it looks to me that more and companies are starting using our chips and we will rapidly gain traction here during 2022 I firmly believe.

I have decided that I have to buy around 25k more shares despite some of my friends have warned me and saying; don't put all your eggs in one basket, especially in a little start-up company! This is far from the case but okay if I buy those shares on top of what I have, my fairly modest portfolio will be quite heavy loaded by BRN.

I argue hard with my friends and tell them that it's you that are blind and can't see the wood because of all the trees:)

Please give me input, should I take some of my retirement cash (I am early retired at 60) out and buy those shares or should I just keep them in the bank, dropping in value every day due to the heavy WW inflation?

Fxxx it, I will be putting in a limited order for 25k at 0.9 and see how that pans out.

Thanks to all the great contributors on the board, you are truly awesome.
Well there's Fine Cotton and there's Phar Lap. Your choice.
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With an Akida inspired robotic electric mower I could make a killing and wouldn't have to lift a finger.
You could then change your name to Jobe😉
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That's about 3 months of mowing lawns here lol you should see what they charge to mow the yards.
You get your lawns mown every 3 months - luchsury!
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You get your lawns mown every 3 months - luchsury!
I do it my self but at the moment I'I'imnba unit but i hear what people pay 😳
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Thanks and also to others that answered.

Well if I buy the 25K I will increase my position with around 20% so I already have a few.

I am still fairly spread out in other stocks but if I get those shares the boat will start listing a bit to BRN side, LOL.

Yes the CEO seems like the real deal, knows what he is talking about, honest and very likely very hard working and he makes it clear he can't in most cases tell us who dealing with the company but the ones we know about are very high profile in their different sectors.

When a company is hiring is always a very good sign, expanding the sale staff and also engineers, they are very busy it seems, a super good sign.

I know most people here are very bullish and so am I and I can't really find any negative things about the company and their Alkida chips since no one else have anything like it on the market.

I don't know if any of the big chip companies are getting closer to make a chip that can compete to Alkida? that's my biggest fear right now.

The big companies spend millions if not billions into research and they are not stupid so I wonder when they can come up with a similar product?
Can I make something clear Guzzi none of those that have replied have offered you advice what they have offered you is simply their opinions.

ASIC has currently a blitz on and is shutting down and prosecuting what they call financial influencers on social media.

We here cannot give financial or investment advice but we can give opinions.

Here is a fact that you might not have considered.

If you have $10,000 in your superannuation account in retirement and you need $1,000 a year to survive on then you need a minimum return of 10% every single year until you die to maintain your principle and earn the $1,000 you need to live on.

Now if there is an inflationary environment you need the returns to exceed the $1,000 so your principle increases so that the $1,000 can increase each year just to maintain your living standards.

However we constantly hear from so called investment advisors taking their commissions rain, hail or shine about having to accept the swings and roundabouts as nothing goes up in a straight line. This is probably the only true or accurate thing I have heard said by that industry. So taking the example above let’s assume the following:

You have $10,000 to retire on and you need $1,000 to live on.

In the first year of your retirement instead of a 10% increase you have a 10% loss. So now your $10,000 is $9,000 but you have to live so you take out your $1,000 so now you have $8,000.

The next year the market turns around and you earn 10% so you have $8,800 less $1,000 to live on so you have $7,800.

The point of all this is you need much larger returns on the upside to get back to square one.

It therefore makes sense to actively seek out opportunities and greater returns but every investment opportunity comes with risk and everyone’s tolerance for risk is different.

As such the only person you should take notice of is yourself and your own research.

That research can include the opinions of others but in the end it is your decision and you need to be comfortable with how it turns out.

My opinion only DYOR

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RF was included on one of BRN's slides as another potential use-case...
I was looking at that other place in passing and noticed you had been modified was it an out of frustration post or did you post something of value that did not suit the hidden agenda over there? FF
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I would personally not write off Collins Aerospace as AKIDA offered more features than Studio and the security side of aerospace may well keep things out of the light.

The same story goes for Safran. AKIDA offers much more than Studio did. Safran is large in Australia which I did not know until reading about them after the sub deal went south and it was the Australian Government not private Australian companies involved in that contract rescission.

The same goes for the French Police and Homeland Security. The French arm of Brainchip was the foundation stone of that engagement and the dispute over the subs was Government to Government. Once again AKIDA added an extra dimension to what they were doing and I personally as a result of my background could always see this going stealth.

If you want to see this in play just go into any Court where a major drug importation case is being tried and at some point you will see entered into evidence a certificate exempting discovery of details of the technology used to listen to the private conversations of the accused on the basis that to release such information would prejudice present and future operations.

So to be clear I would not write them off but I would not hit speed dial to your mortgage broker either.

My opinion only DYOR

If memory serves, the initial engagement with French police (Maigret?) was BrainChip Studio software. Now, if they were impressed with it in 2017, there's no reason to suppose it has stopped working in the interim.

In addition, that would be grounds for guessing that they are an EAP participant covered, as FF implies, by an NDA ... after all, I'm sure they have Pierrot la Fou's mug shot on file .. along with Peppe la Pew.
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I was looking at that other place in passing and noticed you had been modified was it an out of frustration post or did you post something of value that did not suit the hidden agenda over there? FF
It was a Team America vomit gif:

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With an Akida inspired robotic electric mower I could make a killing and wouldn't have to lift a finger.
Stuff working, I’m hoping to be retired and sailing around the Mediterranean on my 55 ft catamaran called Akida 1 in the next 5 years 😆
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