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Says the guy you is literally attacking permanently others. Bravo Mr. Australian “Anzeigenhauptmeister” (it’s a guy in Germany who is not working for the government in the municipal office, but is writing out tickets to everyone who commits an administrative offence)How about addressing the substance of my argument on a factual level rather than launching personal attacks on me, insinuating I have a mental health problem (for the record, I don’t!) or I had been drunk when posting (not at all, I was perfectly sober!) and condescendingly recommending me to “take a chill pill”? Not to mention starting off your post with a patronising “settle petal”…
And YOU of all people have the audacity to tell me I was being rude?!
I am not attacking good posters, I’ve pointed out inaccurate facts, challenged unfounded claims and dissected flawed arguments - that’s a huge difference you and others evidently fail to see. I use sarcasm, in particular when reacting to posts that were equally sarcastic, but I don’t insult others like some do here and elsewhere, when they belittle or deride fellow posters by claiming they have a brain the size of a peanut, by telling them they should “go and get some help”and by calling them “morons”, “retarded” or “mentally challenged”, to name just a few of those insults. Strangely, you have never felt the need to rebuke those bullying posters.
I never said I did not respect the users whose posts I criticise. But respect for other posters doesn’t (and shouldn’t) preclude me (or anyone else) from calling BS. When somebody (regardless whether or not you deem them a “good poster”) chooses to post “alternative facts” in public, they gotta live with fellow users publicly exposing the truth, simple as that. Don’t shoot the messenger!
Take note that I am not talking about differences of opinions here, but about verifiable facts.
So you claim I am rude, just because I dared to criticise Bravo’s misleading comparison (once again, I should add, hence the exasperated “Puh-leeze!”)? She literally referred to a specific product by name, but then used a totally different (and far less capable) product by the same company for her comparison instead - pray tell (without insulting me this time!) how such a misleading juxtaposition will benefit our company? Do you really want to arm the BRN downrampers with free extra weapons?
Please calm down and buy more shares! No financial advice DYOR