BRN Discussion Ongoing

Total payments to suppliers and employees of US$4.9M in the current quarter was slightly higher
than the prior quarter (US$4.2M) due to the payment of 2023 bonuses to employees of US$0.1M,
increased third party marketing & sales services and the renewal of corporate insurance policies
($0.22M) and other increased corporate costs.

Time has come to Vote NO.

The boys club needs to be broken up
I am bitterly disappointed. I will still be voting YES .
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Oh come on guys… what did you expect? I’m really more surprised about the disappointment of some, than of the quarterly results….
Some people here always warned about posting everything related on AI without directly linking to brainchild. This is misleading and wakes hope without reason. It Will take time remember that. Someone need patience in here. If not, better invest in something else. Only my opinion

The dump is always happening because of investors who expect huge gains. If they are disappointed, they sell because they know “no lambo today”… patient investors don’t sell
Really? 90k is legit so small, if it was like 400k - 500k, it would be more understandable given they should be getting paid for providing tech support to the buyers. They are spending millions each quarter on the employees, 90k is just ridiculous.
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Annual Meeting is gonna be a pleasant experience lol
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I am bitterly disappointed. I will still be voting YES .
Hi Frank,

What has the company done to deserve your YES vote?

IP signing?

In 2020 We were ahead of the competition by 3 years and now we are coming upto 4 years since the AKD1000 was released.

Does that make sense to you?

How’s the 5 year plan going?

In my opinion management will continue collecting all the 💵 from the company.

then they just walk away with all the shares after 4 years and let the next manager do the hard yards.

Wake up people.
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On a positive note regarding this quarterly it does not look like there will be any amendments this time round.
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I was expecting alot more carnage.
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Really? 90k is legit so small, if it was like 400k - 500k, it would be more understandable given they should be getting paid for providing tech support to the buyers. They are spending millions each quarter on the employees, 90k is just ridiculous.
If you think so, than just do what you have to do. Everyone is coming out now with his personal frustration and anger against the board! I’m really not interested in anonymous persons negativ feelings and opinions.. that’s all.. as I said. Vote how you want to vote. And go to work for brainchip. I hope they will cut off the payment when they employ you because you all complain about they pay too much to their employees. Maybe you go to work for free? Hm? No? Oh I see…
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Hi Frank,

What has the company done to deserve your YES vote?

IP signing?

In 2020 We were ahead of the competition by 3 years and now we are coming upto 4 years since the AKD1000 was released.

Does that make sense to you?

How’s the 5 year plan going?

In my opinion management will continue collecting all the 💵 from the company.

then they just walk away with all the shares after 4 years and let the next manager do the hard yards.

Wake up people.
We have all had a bit of a fall today but by ridding ourselves of our fear we will Getupthere again to face the next quarterly report . Suicidal behaviour like selling our shares or voting NO results in nothing positive especially when the company and its employees are forging ahead with an increasing number of respected and powerful partners to reach successful end points with our products.Hold fast to all that is good
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After discovering a partnership can simply mean BRN gave them an box to trial, terrible quarterly and NO new IP for a few years I'll be voting No at the agm. Will sell at the end of year if it continues along the same route.. my opinion only
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I hope everyone who is planning on voting No to Resolution 1 , and even worse, voting Yes to Resolution 9 understands the consequences.
If you do, I assume you also have the common sense to sell most of your shares now, before you voluntarily crush your own investment.
It's clear you want a return on your investment, don't cut off your nose to spite your face.

You've got 3 full pages of CEO statement demonstrating the work put into this quarter, probably the most I have ever seen in a single quarter, but the "receipts" figure is apparently the only metric worthy of their remuneration. Forget the fact that Brainchip precedes the Edge Ai market, creating the first NM Edge box that's not even out yet.

Maybe I'm wrong, I must have missed the news about another rival company selling Neuromorphic IP to every other business out there.
Hopefully someone can link me to this Neuromorphic giant that has pushed Brainchip into the gutter.
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I had no expectations of revenue. I think it will be the Sept'24 or the following Dec quarter before we start to see revenue. Likely 2025 before we start to see a consistently growing revenue stream.
We are in a new AI industry segment that is barely out of the revenue starting blocks, perhaps still preparing to leave.
The best BRN can do is best prepare to be 1st choice chip/IP suppliers when the market starts moving.
Just like you won't get crops without rain, we will not get revenue until the market in this new segment picks up.
Still, for me, it will provide further top-up opportunities.
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I hope everyone who is planning on voting No to Resolution 1 , and even worse, voting Yes to Resolution 9 understands the consequences.
If you do, I assume you also have the common sense to sell most of your shares now, before you voluntarily crush your own investment.
It's clear you want a return on your investment, don't cut off your nose to spite your face.

You've got 3 full pages of CEO statement demonstrating the work put into this quarter, probably the most I have ever seen in a single quarter, but the "receipts" figure is apparently the only metric worthy of their remuneration. Forget the fact that Brainchip precedes the Edge Ai market, creating the first NM Edge box that's not even out yet.

Maybe I'm wrong, I must have missed the news about another rival company selling Neuromorphic IP to every other business out there.
Hopefully someone can link me to this Neuromorphic giant that has pushed Brainchip into the gutter.
Exactly this is what they don’t understand! And I wrote about it few weeks ago. Every action is followed by a reaction. And maybe they think after their voting (no) the share price will magically go up. I also think it’s better they sell and invest in something else. Only my opinion. I hope the majority of investors have more understanding and patience then others
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I hope everyone who is planning on voting No to Resolution 1 , and even worse, voting Yes to Resolution 9 understands the consequences.
If you do, I assume you also have the common sense to sell most of your shares now, before you voluntarily crush your own investment.
It's clear you want a return on your investment, don't cut off your nose to spite your face.

You've got 3 full pages of CEO statement demonstrating the work put into this quarter, probably the most I have ever seen in a single quarter, but the "receipts" figure is apparently the only metric worthy of their remuneration. Forget the fact that Brainchip precedes the Edge Ai market, creating the first NM Edge box that's not even out yet.

Maybe I'm wrong, I must have missed the news about another rival company selling Neuromorphic IP to every other business out there.
Hopefully someone can link me to this Neuromorphic giant that has pushed Brainchip into the gutter.
Other companies are pretend AI at the Edge. Learning on chip and no visit to the cloud is unique to AKIDA.
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How about addressing the substance of my argument on a factual level rather than launching personal attacks on me, insinuating I have a mental health problem (for the record, I don’t!) or I had been drunk when posting (not at all, I was perfectly sober!) and condescendingly recommending me to “take a chill pill”? Not to mention starting off your post with a patronising “settle petal”…
And YOU of all people have the audacity to tell me I was being rude?!

I am not attacking good posters, I’ve pointed out inaccurate facts, challenged unfounded claims and dissected flawed arguments - that’s a huge difference you and others evidently fail to see. I use sarcasm, in particular when reacting to posts that were equally sarcastic, but I don’t insult others like some do here and elsewhere, when they belittle or deride fellow posters by claiming they have a brain the size of a peanut, by telling them they should “go and get some help”and by calling them “morons”, “retarded” or “mentally challenged”, to name just a few of those insults. Strangely, you have never felt the need to rebuke those bullying posters.

I never said I did not respect the users whose posts I criticise. But respect for other posters doesn’t (and shouldn’t) preclude me (or anyone else) from calling BS. When somebody (regardless whether or not you deem them a “good poster”) chooses to post “alternative facts” in public, they gotta live with fellow users publicly exposing the truth, simple as that. Don’t shoot the messenger!
Take note that I am not talking about differences of opinions here, but about verifiable facts.

So you claim I am rude, just because I dared to criticise Bravo’s misleading comparison (once again, I should add, hence the exasperated “Puh-leeze!”)? She literally referred to a specific product by name, but then used a totally different (and far less capable) product by the same company for her comparison instead - pray tell (without insulting me this time!) how such a misleading juxtaposition will benefit our company? Do you really want to arm the BRN downrampers with free extra weapons?
yes me of all people to say that you are being rude. and I actually also said that it may not been anything to do with bipolar or drunk, so please do not twist my words. Its obvious that its not that you dared to criticise Bravo, its the way in which you did so, big difference.
Anyway as I said I do read your posts and many are good but quit with the rude attacks on posters. Sure you may have a difference of opinion and say it as such but you might need to reread your own posts before hitting reply.
And me of all people as you say, and to answer your question without insulting you - "again i say we are years ahead of competitors" so take it easy. No need to reply as its not a war here.
kind regards,
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Edge Box is $US800 ~ $AU1400, so $AU90,000 ~ 65 EBs.

Of course, there may be other sources of the income.
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Other companies are pretend AI at the Edge. Learning on chip and no visit to the cloud is unique to AKIDA.
The other thing that is unique to Brainchip is no IP signing lol
Just kidding
But I would think it’s a hard push at first to get the ball rolling
A new market
A new dimension to how the world operates
Come on everyone
Stay positive it will happen just not today
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I'm thinkng something like this:

Dear Peter,

I write to express my dissapointent with the current performance of the board.

I, and many other investors, have taken on the dream of Alkida everywhere. Akida's abilities are urgently needed in the world. It's ability to detect what's not normal, and do this locally on very low power is a boon for humanity, especially since these things are being done locally and not on a cloud service that on-sells our personal lives.

The podcasts are misleading. I haven't heard a podcast yet that has ended in a license.

I can understand that signed agreements need to be initially covered by an NDA. I haven't heard of an agreement announcement that has resulted from any NDA. Isn't there any NDA agreement that has come close enough to a successful outcome that can now be announced?

The board seems to clinging to a lazy methodology. What good does it do Brainchip to have its executives attend sales conferences attended by executive teams from rival companies? This is not an alternative to fostering long term strategic partnerships.

The laziness of the board can be described as a gold miner saying to a gold buyer: "There is the hill of gold. Pay us money and mine it at your own expense."

Peter, many have followed your dream of a technology that puts power into the hands of common people. You need to personally direct the board to tell us and provide evidence as to how they are going.

If they can announce an IP deal, then fine. If they can't do that, then they must announce the manufacture of the chip with the highest prospect of take up.

Let's have a strategy that will show Brainchip's engagement with the AI world, instead of social media and podcasts. Let's have agreements that have reached a point of iminanent success where both parties are committed to each other. That's a real ecosystem and you can feel free to call on LDA for a capital raising, for that specific purpose.

These are the ways ahead that we are simply not taking. This need to change, and the change should be announced at the AGM.

Yours, etc
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Other companies are pretend AI at the Edge. Learning on chip and no visit to the cloud is unique to AKIDA.
Very true but can our sales team sell this characteristic as a benefit in a wide commercial sense? History thus far would suggest they are struggling to do so. Other competitors are literally making billions from AI, even though they are selling (arguably) technically inferior solutions. I am heavily invested in BRN and hope we are not seeing another VHS/Beta episode...........
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I'm thinkng something like this:

Dear Peter,

I write to express my dissapointent with the current performance of the board.

I, and many other investors, have taken on the dream of Alkida everywhere. Akida's abilities are urgently needed in the world. It's ability to detect what's not normal, and do this locally on very low power is a boon for humanity, especially since these things are being done locally and not on a cloud service that on-sells our personal lives.

The podcasts are misleading. I haven't heard a podcast yet that has ended in a license.

I can understand that signed agreements need to be initially covered by an NDA. I haven't heard of an agreement announcement that has resulted from any NDA. Isn't there any NDA agreement that has come close enough to a successful outcome that can now be announced?

The board seems to clinging to a lazy methodology. What good does it do Brainchip to have its executives attend sales conferences attended by executive teams from rival companies? This is not an alternative to fostering long term strategic partnerships.

The laziness of the board can be described as a gold miner saying to a gold buyer: "There is the hill of gold. Pay us money and mine it at your own expense."

Peter, many have followed your dream of a technology that puts power into the hands of common people. You need to personally direct the board to tell us and provide evidence as to how they are going.

If they can announce an IP deal, then fine. If they can't do that, then they must announce the manufacture of the chip with the highest prospect of take up.

Let's have a strategy that will show Brainchip's engagement with the AI world, instead of social media and podcasts. Let's have agreements that have reached a point of iminanent success where both parties are committed to each other. That's a real ecosystem and you can feel free to call on LDA for a capital raising, for that specific purpose.

These are the ways ahead that we are simply not taking. This need to change, and the change should be announced at the AGM.

Yours, etc
His reply:

“For you I’am Mr. Peter Van der Made and second, don’t disturb my retirement. Thanks”

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Exactly this is what they don’t understand! And I wrote about it few weeks ago. Every action is followed by a reaction. And maybe they think after their voting (no) the share price will magically go up. I also think it’s better they sell and invest in something else. Only my opinion. I hope the majority of investors have more understanding and patience then others
You guys are not getting the point, nobody cares if the share price is 15 cents or 40 cents…. Means nothing.

What would people want…… 2 addition IP deals and the shares 15 cents? or the share price at 40 cents with no real world progress, just fluff news being released!

Like everyone says it takes 3 to 4 years for a IP license customer to bring a product to market.

In my view management will milk the 5 years plan then leave it to the next management to do the hard yards.

Just my opinion
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