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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Here's an interesting read. The article states that security will become more important in-line with increased levels of autonomous driving.

It also suggests “Targets include USB ports, Wi-Fi, and any infotainment systems".

We know what role Akida plays in terms of voice control and the infotainment system in the Mercedes EQXX, but this makes me think that Akida also plays a vital role in terms of it's security, which would make sense given Mercedes did say that they were developing systems (plural) with BrainChip's Akida.

Article published April 11th, 2022
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I top up at $1.50. Does the current sp worries me? Not at all. I'm still up by 20% my target sp is 1k and I believe in this company so I will wait for that 1k to come.

My opinion only

The Don
your 1.5 makes my last entry of 1.45 feel much better now. (my average is way below the current SP though)
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
If you’ve done your research then the current share price whether $1 or 0.50 presents a buying opportunity if you have funds to be able to do so.

The company has never been in a more stronger position to execute on what it’s set out to do, and what has been presented to shareholders.

I’ve been on Brainchip for almost 3 years now and it’s the same cycle, when the share price goes down, the emotions of some come out and get the better of them, but ultimately we’ve gone up as time has gone on.
But the difference now is the company has entered into commercialisation phase and we’ve all seen how the share price can go up.

I don’t think there’s another company on the asx that you can be so sure of your investment if you’ve done your research and can hold your emotions.

I am about to board a flight in Manila to Boracay and have never been more happy with my investment despite all the background noise, it will not ruin my holiday, matter of fact I will be sipping on cocktails counting down the day this becomes a more regular thing with all that Brainchip will achieve 😎

Make sure you have a few cocktails for the rest of us!

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Leaked before you're supposed to see it (with all that detail) - what a marketing coup for $0.
I fixed then when I saw it was leaked info I did not read it. Completely destroyed their cunning plan. FF
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I am not one for things like lucky numbers or even the concept of luck but in China the number 8 is thought to be lucky which gets some credibility here as anyone buying in the 80's will prove this to be true.

"The number 8 is believed to be the luckiest number in China because '8' is associated with wealth. 'Eight' (八) in Chinese is pronounced ba and sounds similar to fa (发, traditional character: 發) as in facai (发财), meaning 'well-off' or 'becoming rich in a short time'."

No opinion just an observation FF.
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At $1,000 a share I would make the billions but not the tens or hundreds of billions. @Straw and @Deena and I could form a non exclusive club. But as Groucho Marks used to say ‘I would not want to be a member of a club that would have me as a member.’ LOL FF
Fortunately I don't need billions.
Though I can't speak for Deena. Might have plans for world domination 🤔
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I'm Spartacus!
If you’ve done your research then the current share price whether $1 or 0.50 presents a buying opportunity if you have funds to be able to do so.

The company has never been in a more stronger position to execute on what it’s set out to do, and what has been presented to shareholders.

I’ve been on Brainchip for almost 3 years now and it’s the same cycle, when the share price goes down, the emotions of some come out and get the better of them, but ultimately we’ve gone up as time has gone on.
But the difference now is the company has entered into commercialisation phase and we’ve all seen how the share price can go up.

I don’t think there’s another company on the asx that you can be so sure of your investment if you’ve done your research and can hold your emotions.

I am about to board a flight in Manila to Boracay and have never been more happy with my investment despite all the background noise, it will not ruin my holiday, matter of fact I will be sipping on cocktails counting down the day this becomes a more regular thing with all that Brainchip will achieve 😎
Enjoy your holiday Jesse. :)
As earlier posted I have some money becoming available soon and had already earmarked a portion of it to more Brainchip shares, with the view of topping up at these cheaper prices so as to be able to sell out a few, next fin. year, to pay for some upcoming holiday expenses and still keep my long term stash intact. :)
Was planning to put in another $20k of the 50 coming my way, but if she keeps getting pushed down like this, grrrr, will just have to take full advantage of all the shortee's hard work and put off everything else and put the lot in. :)
Making lemonade out of lemons etc...... ;)
Recently purchased a new van with about $4000 worth of BRN'ers bought back in 2019. :)
And that, even though I timed my sale (and indeed many of my purchases) atrociously......HAH :)
Who would have guessed she would so quickly continue the climb to $2.34???
Learnt a big lesson that week. :)
Fortunately, like you Jesse, and many others on here, I am no longer sweating on the day to day share price, as seemingly frustratingly low as it is being manipulated to presently, as I have quiet confidence in what the company is doing and achieving, and I know this will be reflected in the share price over time.
As others here have amply demonstrated Our Company is technically derisked, rapidly moving into commercialisation and with comprehensive patent protection and an upscaling of staff and the square footage to accommodate them.
We also have a Gung Ho new, young CEO with a fantastic Rolodex eager to prove hisself and freeing our Peter to get back to the lab and further evolve his creation's while Anil beavers away perfecting and crafting what's next to go into production as our COTS offerings are expanded.
Yeah, blub, blub, the share price is down this week again.
OK, fortunately no one's got a gun to my head making me sell atm, so if she stays down I just get to buy more.
I'll try not to spill too many croc tears whilst doing it. :)
No matter how concerted their efforts, the manipulators and shortee's will not be able to keep our Company in their pain box forever, and when she pops again, I'm gonna be there, smilin' my fucken head off.
That's my Vent for the day. :)
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I can understand some of the angst with the SP at the moment. I’m hoping BRN is the main factor for an earlier retirement and to help my family. When the price dropped to 10 or 11 cents a couple of years ago I had the same battles as now. Do I buy some more while I think they’re cheaper because I trust where I think the company will be in a couple of years. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and I am always smarter after the fact. I’ve been buying small chunks as I can afford. Compared to some figures on here, my amounts aren’t much, but they’re adding to my numbers as much as I can. I’m the only one who can make these decisions and not blame others. I’m forever grateful for some of the posters here who are continually unselfish with their information & guidance. Still my decision though. All of us want the big names exposed, whether you have hundreds of shares or thousands. Do your homework and good luck whatever you decide!
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I'm Spartacus!
Bring It, BrainChip. :love::love::love:.
Think She's cryin' cause the Pantene got in her eyes.
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I'm Spartacus!
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Deleted member 118

If you’ve done your research then the current share price whether $1 or 0.50 presents a buying opportunity if you have funds to be able to do so.

The company has never been in a more stronger position to execute on what it’s set out to do, and what has been presented to shareholders.

I’ve been on Brainchip for almost 3 years now and it’s the same cycle, when the share price goes down, the emotions of some come out and get the better of them, but ultimately we’ve gone up as time has gone on.
But the difference now is the company has entered into commercialisation phase and we’ve all seen how the share price can go up.

I don’t think there’s another company on the asx that you can be so sure of your investment if you’ve done your research and can hold your emotions.

I am about to board a flight in Manila to Boracay and have never been more happy with my investment despite all the background noise, it will not ruin my holiday, matter of fact I will be sipping on cocktails counting down the day this becomes a more regular thing with all that Brainchip will achieve 😎

There is only one saying for the week hands

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I can't ignore the facts. Success is imminent IMO.
Something to remember:
"On 8 June 2020, Brainchip Holdings Ltd entered a joint development pact using BRN’s Akida neuromorphic SoC with Valeo Corporation, a Tier-1 European automotive supplier of sensors as well as systems for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Autonomous Vehicles (AV).
In ADAS & AV applications, the real-time processing of data is vital for security as well as dependability of the autonomous systems. From the automotive industry, the suppliers, as well as the manufacturers, have acknowledged that the advanced & highly efficient neuromorphic nature of the Akida SoC makes it ideally fit to process data at the “Edge” for their advanced system solutions.
With the integration of the Akida neural network processor with sensors, the subsequent system can attain ultra-low power, min. latency, max. reliability & incremental learning.
The Akida neural processor’s game-changing high performance & ultra-low power utilisation allows smart sensor combination by resolving power and footprint difficulties for a range of sensor technologies. Further, it consumes less power than alternative AI solutions and simultaneously maintaining the necessary performance as well as accuracy in a fraction of the physical space."

And then posted on youtube yesterday.
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What’s worse:

Waiting to find out as predicted by Oxfam if you are one of the quarter billion people about to be pushed into poverty by rising fuel and food prices in countries without social security and health care nets to catch you and your family caused by the Russia Ukraine conflict, or

Waiting for share prices to recover on the ASX in a country like Australia.

My opinion only. DYOR and put things into proper perspective

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The signs are undeniable. This is Akida in Mercedes. We have waited years for something like this (some getting onto a decade). The Company is achieving what it set out to do. We just got to sit back a ride the wave. Stay strong Chippers!

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Yes it is amazing what an impact it has but this might add a lift to your day.

I was just over on the Mercedes thread and someone asked a question about Daimler which I answered but then thought maybe it was only something obvious to me.

Daimler is no longer the overall organisations name it has rebranded itself and is now Mercedes Benz.

So when we say Mercedes Benz is using AKIDA technically we are not saying just automobiles as Mercedes Benz is the whole box and dice.

Now before you go saying FF is off with the fairies again consider the following statement by Mercedes Benz:

“Mercedes acknowledges that while neuromorphic computing is still in its infancy, it says similar systems will be available in a variety of consumer products within a few years”

Why would a prestige car maker feel the need to mention AKIDA will be in doorbells and fridges.

It of course would not but if it has seen the future which it clearly has it would not as an organisation hive off this technology in a bubble it would explore its benefits across all of its product range.

Blind Freddie and me have thought it so obvious that it did not need to be mentioned but as I said it was a question raised elsewhere that made me think the significance had been missed.

My opinion only DYOR

I have been thinking about the above post and the quote attributed to Mercedes Benz:

“Mercedes acknowledges that while neuromorphic computing is still in its infancy, it says similar systems will be available in a variety of consumer products within a few years”

Unless Mercedes Benz is the one using AKIDA technology in consumer products how can it possibly know this?

One answer might be that Brainchip disclosed to them the other EAP customers using the AKIDA technology in breach of the NDA's which seems entirely out of the question.

The only other plausible answer I can think of is that those who are partnered with Mercedes Benz in bringing the EQXX vehicle to life are definitely working with Brainchip and the knowledge of this became known as part of the EQXX development.

So which of these two possibilities seems the most likely keeping in mind that Brainchip's technology is unique, patent protected and 5 to 10 times more efficient according to Mercedes than any competitor in the Hey Mercedes key word space?

My opinion only DYOR

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90% of this years gains retracted from the $2.34 high leaves me feeling silly I didn't follow Dolci's lead and sell a potion then also, If we had all sold enough near the top (above $2) to free carry , I doubt that would have changed anything in this current share price position now as a great time to top up again.
IMO that was a huge opportunity missed to accumulate a significantly larger holding.
Half the battle in timing our own stock trading actions is not being hypnotized by forum noise and the other half would be the difficulty obtaining effective company support for the share price, but 90% missed profit is a considerable sum lost.
"If in doubt, zoom out" An uptrend can be seen but sticking out like mountain peaks are the parabolic runs and subsequent retracements that could have been utilized for massive benefit.
With this hindsight , I'd like to apologize to @Dolci for my contributing to giving her a hard time for selling near the top.
Dolci I'm sorry. Please forgive me Oh Wise One .😞
You openly showed us how to make life changing profit from BRN's trading patterns and got whipped for it.
What if Russia had not invaded Ukraine?
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