If you’ve done your research then the current share price whether $1 or 0.50 presents a buying opportunity if you have funds to be able to do so.
The company has never been in a more stronger position to execute on what it’s set out to do, and what has been presented to shareholders.
I’ve been on Brainchip for almost 3 years now and it’s the same cycle, when the share price goes down, the emotions of some come out and get the better of them, but ultimately we’ve gone up as time has gone on.
But the difference now is the company has entered into commercialisation phase and we’ve all seen how the share price can go up.
I don’t think there’s another company on the asx that you can be so sure of your investment if you’ve done your research and can hold your emotions.
I am about to board a flight in Manila to Boracay and have never been more happy with my investment despite all the background noise, it will not ruin my holiday, matter of fact I will be sipping on cocktails counting down the day this becomes a more regular thing with all that Brainchip will achieve
Enjoy your holiday Jesse.

As earlier posted I have some money becoming available soon and had already earmarked a portion of it to more Brainchip shares, with the view of topping up at these cheaper prices so as to be able to sell out a few, next fin. year, to pay for some upcoming holiday expenses and still keep my long term stash intact.

Was planning to put in another $20k of the 50 coming my way, but if she keeps getting pushed down like this, grrrr, will just have to take full advantage of all the shortee's hard work and put off everything else and put the lot in.

Making lemonade out of lemons etc......

Recently purchased a new van with about $4000 worth of BRN'ers bought back in 2019.

And that, even though I timed my sale (and indeed many of my purchases) atrociously......HAH

Who would have guessed she would so quickly continue the climb to $2.34???
Learnt a big lesson that week.

Fortunately, like you Jesse, and many others on here, I am no longer sweating on the day to day share price, as seemingly frustratingly low as it is being manipulated to presently, as I have quiet confidence in what the company is doing and achieving, and I know this will be reflected in the share price over time.
As others here have amply demonstrated Our Company is technically derisked, rapidly moving into commercialisation and with comprehensive patent protection and an upscaling of staff and the square footage to accommodate them.
We also have a Gung Ho new, young CEO with a fantastic Rolodex eager to prove hisself and freeing our Peter to get back to the lab and further evolve his creation's while Anil beavers away perfecting and crafting what's next to go into production as our COTS offerings are expanded.
Yeah, blub, blub, the share price is down this week again.
OK, fortunately no one's got a gun to my head making me sell atm, so if she stays down I just get to buy more.
I'll try not to spill too many croc tears whilst doing it.

No matter how concerted their efforts, the manipulators and shortee's will not be able to keep our Company in their pain box forever, and when she pops again, I'm gonna be there, smilin' my fucken head off.
That's my Vent for the day.