BRN Discussion Ongoing


Founding Member
I am not one for things like lucky numbers or even the concept of luck but in China the number 8 is thought to be lucky which gets some credibility here as anyone buying in the 80's will prove this to be true.

"The number 8 is believed to be the luckiest number in China because '8' is associated with wealth. 'Eight' (八) in Chinese is pronounced ba and sounds similar to fa (发, traditional character: 發) as in facai (发财), meaning 'well-off' or 'becoming rich in a short time'."

No opinion just an observation

I can't ignore the facts. Success is imminent IMO.
Something to remember:
"On 8 June 2020, Brainchip Holdings Ltd entered a joint development pact using BRN’s Akida neuromorphic SoC with Valeo Corporation, a Tier-1 European automotive supplier of sensors as well as systems for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Autonomous Vehicles (AV).
In ADAS & AV applications, the real-time processing of data is vital for security as well as dependability of the autonomous systems. From the automotive industry, the suppliers, as well as the manufacturers, have acknowledged that the advanced & highly efficient neuromorphic nature of the Akida SoC makes it ideally fit to process data at the “Edge” for their advanced system solutions.
With the integration of the Akida neural network processor with sensors, the subsequent system can attain ultra-low power, min. latency, max. reliability & incremental learning.
The Akida neural processor’s game-changing high performance & ultra-low power utilisation allows smart sensor combination by resolving power and footprint difficulties for a range of sensor technologies. Further, it consumes less power than alternative AI solutions and simultaneously maintaining the necessary performance as well as accuracy in a fraction of the physical space."

And then posted on youtube yesterday.

Ok Valeo works with BRN for last 2 years
If the sensors in this Mercedes are not made using brainchip I would be extremely concerned
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Dang Son

What if Russia had not invaded Ukraine?

IMO , BRN would have retraced because the bus was not prepared to keep our profit safe.
Haven't you seen the gifs
The bus went into a sideways drift on ice, and flew off a cliff then it was flattened by a dirty big fallen oak tree.
Leaving some holders as flat as that bus.🤣
It was a great rise and fall for traders and shorter but both elating then disappointing for holders.
I was just making comment in previous post on my lesson learnt.
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90% of this years gains retracted from the $2.34 high leaves me feeling silly I didn't follow Dolci's lead and sell a potion then also, If we had all sold enough near the top (above $2) to free carry , I doubt that would have changed anything in this current share price position now as a great time to top up again.
IMO that was a huge opportunity missed to accumulate a significantly larger holding.
Half the battle in timing our own stock trading actions is not being hypnotized by forum noise and the other half would be the difficulty obtaining effective company support for the share price, but 90% missed profit is a considerable sum lost.
"If in doubt, zoom out" An uptrend can be seen but sticking out like mountain peaks are the parabolic runs and subsequent retracements that could have been utilized for massive benefit.
With this hindsight , I'd like to apologize to @Dolci for my contributing to giving her a hard time for selling near the top.
Dolci I'm sorry. Please forgive me Oh Wise One .😞
You openly showed us how to make life changing profit from BRN's trading patterns and got whipped for it.
Don't beat yourself up DS, anticipating price moves accurately is almost impossible. It's like after the Melbourne Cup - knowing who the winner is and then saying 'gee I wish I bet my house on that horse'. Ask yourself one question: when the share price rises back to $2.34 are you going to sell or are you going to hold in anticipation of more gains (which is exactly what you and many of us did last time). I bet you'll hold because your main goal is to invest and profit on a long and sustained increase in the share price not to trade the inevitable ups and downs of false starts. If the SP declines then accumulate if you want more profit in the long run. THIS IS MY OPINION ONLY but you just never know when the share price will explode and never come back down - I want to be holding as many shares as I can afford when that happens.
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
I can't ignore the facts. Success is imminent IMO.
Something to remember:
"On 8 June 2020, Brainchip Holdings Ltd entered a joint development pact using BRN’s Akida neuromorphic SoC with Valeo Corporation, a Tier-1 European automotive supplier of sensors as well as systems for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Autonomous Vehicles (AV).
In ADAS & AV applications, the real-time processing of data is vital for security as well as dependability of the autonomous systems. From the automotive industry, the suppliers, as well as the manufacturers, have acknowledged that the advanced & highly efficient neuromorphic nature of the Akida SoC makes it ideally fit to process data at the “Edge” for their advanced system solutions.
With the integration of the Akida neural network processor with sensors, the subsequent system can attain ultra-low power, min. latency, max. reliability & incremental learning.
The Akida neural processor’s game-changing high performance & ultra-low power utilisation allows smart sensor combination by resolving power and footprint difficulties for a range of sensor technologies. Further, it consumes less power than alternative AI solutions and simultaneously maintaining the necessary performance as well as accuracy in a fraction of the physical space."

And then posted on youtube yesterday.

Afternoon Slade,

Great find , Cheers for posting.

Any chance of a beer photo taken in a exotic location.

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IMO , BRN would have retraced because the bus was not prepared to keep our profit safe.
Haven't you seen the gifs
The bus went into a sideways drift on ice, and flew off a cliff then it was flattened by a dirty big fallen oak tree.
Leaving some holders as flat as that bus.🤣
It was a great rise and fall for traders and shorter but both elating then disappointing for holders.
I was just making comment in previous post on my lesson learnt.
I think there are ways to communicate and ways to trade.

I personally thought the problem never was whether a person holds or sells but that a person one day is attacking those who were claiming that Brainchip was a dog because it did not have any income and was over valued then they sell out and immediately join the ranks of those they were attacking and start proclaiming that Brainchip was overvalued because it did not have any income.

There are many here who sold on the way up and have either bought back or are waiting who did not cause any reaction for taking this approach despite posting about their choice.

In referencing Russia/Ukraine the point I am making is that while a pull back was likely the strength of that pull back has been magnified by Russia Ukraine invasion. The whole market is affected.

As for BRN compared to AXE for example it is actually doing better in percentage terms. AXE shot to $2.76 and today is 88.5 cents. If you read the posters on AXE HC the same discussion is going on.

No one can take credit when BRN and AXE were at $2.34 and $2.76 for predicting a pull back of these levels unless they had inside information directly from Puto himself.

My opinion only DYOR

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Top 20
Afternoon Slade,

Great find , Cheers for posting.

Any chance of a beer photo taken in a exotic location.

Thanks Esq, I haven't been on the beers much for a while but when I am I will make sure I take that photo for you.
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Technology stocks have always been sensitive to cash rate moves. Inflation increasing and in turn interest rates increasing has had more of an effect on Tech stocks around the world than the Russian war IMO.
We are only at the start of increasing money market rates .
Stay Calm The Office GIF
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
I think there are ways to communicate and ways to trade.

I personally thought the problem never was whether a person holds or sells but that a person one day is attacking those who were claiming that Brainchip was a dog because it did not have any income and was over valued then they sell out and immediately join the ranks of those they were attacking and start proclaiming that Brainchip was overvalued because it did not have any income.

There are many here who sold on the way up and have either bought back or are waiting who did not cause any reaction for taking this approach despite posting about their choice.

In referencing Russia/Ukraine the point I am making is that while a pull back was likely the strength of that pull back has been magnified by Russia Ukraine invasion. The whole market is affected.

As for BRN compared to AXE for example it is actually doing better in percentage terms. AXE shot to $2.76 and today is 88.5 cents. If you read the posters on AXE HC the same discussion is going on.

No one can take credit when BRN and AXE were at $2.34 and $2.76 for predicting a pull back of these levels unless they had inside information directly from Puto himself.

My opinion only DYOR

Evening Fact Finder ,

Thankyou for all of your input, Top shelf.

Something I have been pondering of late, and which you may be able to clarify, due to your background.

Mercedes Benz will accept all liability for accidents caused whilst the new driver assist is engaged.

Your self, having a law background, what level of shority would Mercedes Ben's have in the accuracy of this onboard system being accurate .....90% plus???.

Pertaining to a Law Court verdict would 90% correct receive a favourable outcome ?

It is massive Mercedes have assumed all liability.

Appreciate your thoughts.

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90% of this years gains retracted from the $2.34 high leaves me feeling silly I didn't follow Dolci's lead and sell a potion then also, If we had all sold enough near the top (above $2) to free carry , I doubt that would have changed anything in this current share price position now as a great time to top up again.
IMO that was a huge opportunity missed to accumulate a significantly larger holding.
Half the battle in timing our own stock trading actions is not being hypnotized by forum noise and the other half would be the difficulty obtaining effective company support for the share price, but 90% missed profit is a considerable sum lost.
"If in doubt, zoom out" An uptrend can be seen but sticking out like mountain peaks are the parabolic runs and subsequent retracements that could have been utilized for massive benefit.
With this hindsight , I'd like to apologize to @Dolci for my contributing to giving her a hard time for selling near the top.
Dolci I'm sorry. Please forgive me Oh Wise One .😞
You openly showed us how to make life changing profit from BRN's trading patterns and got whipped for it.
Sorry, not necessarily true. Don't forget that if you sell you trigger a CGT liability. Could be up to 45% depending on your income bracket if you sell within 12 months and will be 25% if you sell after 12 months. So if you sell with the view of re-buying, you need to be sure that the share price will fall more than 45% to be sure that you will be able to accumulate more and be able to cover your tax liability. That's a big gamble to take if you want to hold for the long term. I have a lot invested in this company and I'm quite prepared to ride the current roller coaster for long term gain. For all the reasons identified by FF and others on here, there is every indication the company is delivering on the business level and the share price will sooner or later follow and reflect that. What happens in between is just Moody Mr Market at work. Keep the faith and long term perspective!
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I think there are ways to communicate and ways to trade.

I personally thought the problem never was whether a person holds or sells but that a person one day is attacking those who were claiming that Brainchip was a dog because it did not have any income and was over valued then they sell out and immediately join the ranks of those they were attacking and start proclaiming that Brainchip was overvalued because it did not have any income.

There are many here who sold on the way up and have either bought back or are waiting who did not cause any reaction for taking this approach despite posting about their choice.

In referencing Russia/Ukraine the point I am making is that while a pull back was likely the strength of that pull back has been magnified by Russia Ukraine invasion. The whole market is affected.

As for BRN compared to AXE for example it is actually doing better in percentage terms. AXE shot to $2.76 and today is 88.5 cents. If you read the posters on AXE HC the same discussion is going on.

No one can take credit when BRN and AXE were at $2.34 and $2.76 for predicting a pull back of these levels unless they had inside information directly from Puto himself.

My opinion only DYOR

Very true. With hindsight, everybody is an expert.

What if a few high-powered EAPs like NASA, Ford etc. announce next month that they are buying 10 million Akida chips or the IP and the price shoots up to $5, would you be glad that you did not follow someone else and sell?

Everybody has a reason to buy or sell, unless the information based on which you bought or sold has changed, just stick to your original thesis. If you are proven wrong in the future, you have nobody but yourself to blame.
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Been driving all day and just thought I'd do a quick catch-up before dinner.....but seem to have logged on to the HC site by accident! Investors won't be worried - traders will gnash their teeth because they missed some ups and downs. I remain too scared to trade - but not too scared to accumulate.

Once again, red wine assists most things...
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Thanks Esq, I haven't been on the beers much for a while but when I am I will make sure I take that photo for you.

A cocktail garnished with carved tropical fruit & a little umbrella would suffice.


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The following appeared in my Linkedin feed earlier today:

"The next-gen 7 Series will use a new LiDAR unit from Innoviz"

Innoviz have been commented on here and on HC previously....
What are your thoughts and any potential dot joining?
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Sorry, not necessarily true. Don't forget that if you sell you trigger a CGT liability. Could be up to 45% depending on your income bracket if you sell within 12 months and will be 25% if you sell after 12 months. So if you sell with the view of re-buying, you need to be sure that the share price will fall more than 45% to be sure that you will be able to accumulate more and be able to cover your tax liability. That's a big gamble to take if you want to hold for the long term. I have a lot invested in this company and I'm quite prepared to ride the current roller coaster for long term gain. For all the reasons identified by FF and others on here, there is every indication the company is delivering on the business level and the share price will sooner or later follow and reflect that. What happens in between is just Moody Mr Market at work. Keep the faith and long term perspective!
VERY GOOD POINT - particularly relevant for those who hold outside a SMSF I think....
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bavarian girl ;-)
perhaps you find something important because of BRN???
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Technology stocks have always been sensitive to cash rate moves. Inflation increasing and in turn interest rates increasing has had more of an effect on Tech stocks around the world than the Russian war IMO.
We are only at the start of increasing money market rates .
Stay Calm The Office GIF
I agree it is not a direct line war to price on share markets fall.

It is war, scarcity, price of scarce goods rises, inflation increases, reserve banks raise interest to counter inflation markets respond to rising interest rates.

However if Putin uses chemical weapons as currently seems imminent this will immediately affect the markets because no one knows what will be done.

Let’s say it is even more sanctions then the scarcity cycle begins again.

If Puto drops a tactical nuke then again if the response is sanctions it starts over again.

It cannot be argued that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is not playing out in the markets.

My opinion only DYOR

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VERY GOOD POINT - particularly relevant for those who hold outside a SMSF I think....
Even within your self managed fund if the ATO considers you are a trader it can declare your fund non compliant and wack you with penalties and the highest marginal tax rate. If you are going to do other than adjust your holding you need to take proper advice first.

My opinion only DYOR

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Been driving all day and just thought I'd do a quick catch-up before dinner.....but seem to have logged on to the HC site by accident! Investors won't be worried - traders will gnash their teeth because they missed some ups and downs. I remain too scared to trade - but not too scared to accumulate.

Once again, red wine assists most things...
Shiraz won't do any good, cab/sav does everything IMO
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What if Russia had not invaded Ukraine?
Very true. With hindsight, everybody is an expert.

What if a few high-powered EAPs like NASA, Ford etc. announce next month that they are buying 10 million Akida chips or the IP and the price shoots up to $5, would you be glad that you did not follow someone else and sell?

Everybody has a reason to buy or sell, unless the information based on which you bought or sold has changed, just stick to your original thesis. If you are proven wrong in the future, you have nobody but yourself to blame.
Imagine if Akida could Learn Hindsight? There would be some huge "Benefits of", conversely the world would fall into Chaos with those that have Akida taking advantage of past opportunities. Science Fiction?
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Evening Fact Finder ,

Thankyou for all of your input, Top shelf.

Something I have been pondering of late, and which you may be able to clarify, due to your background.

Mercedes Benz will accept all liability for accidents caused whilst the new driver assist is engaged.

Your self, having a law background, what level of shority would Mercedes Ben's have in the accuracy of this onboard system being accurate .....90% plus???.

Pertaining to a Law Court verdict would 90% correct receive a favourable outcome ?

It is massive Mercedes have assumed all liability.

Appreciate your thoughts.

The first thing to recognise is that there are no degrees of negligence.

In civil law you are either negligent or not. Even a little bit of negligence is enough.

If I as a human driver had an accident and I gave the explanation that I thought I had a 90 percent chance of changing lanes safely or stopping if the car in front braked suddenly as far as the law is concerned that is negligence and I should pay for the damage I have caused.

The clever aspect of what Mercedes has done is to be found in the fact they are the first and that they have limited their risk to low speed collisions.

So Mercedes have the first 1,000 kilometre EV and the first acceptance of liability for consequences of an autonomous driving system.

Mercedes 2
Tesla 0

My opinion only DYOR

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