Good Morning,
I have to say that I agree with the posts some have made in regards to Nandan's podcast series.
He has briefly interviewed a number of market players whom all send the same type of message, that is, AI is everywhere, education
has been taking a positive form, the net has been cast wide and far to the point that the questions being put forward by inquiring parties
is endless, the scope of which is being driven by the human imagination, AI has possibly changed the human prospective to the point
where nothing is impossible anymore.
It's clear to me at least that the journey we have all been on has turned a major corner, we have all become more educated to the point
where companies are now being approached to actually design and produce a product/s, meaning things have definitely moved onto the
next phase in the business cycle, not just for us, but for all companies in this space, that has to be seen as a huge positive.
"We don't make the sensors, we make them smart"
How many years ago did Brainchip achieve all 5 modalities in silicon...oh yes, AKD 1000.
Sensors were a huge part of CES this year, we are and have always been positioned at the right place in time to succeed.
And finally, for the ones who like to moan and keep focusing on how much money they have lost on paper (but strangely enough still
hold our stock) there has been no one more patient up to this point than Peter, who has been waiting a lifetime to see his dream become
reality, but money isn't his driving passion now is it, and there within lies the problem for many.
Have a positive day ahead, be assured that we are on the right track to succeed.......just my views....Tech