Hi all,
I have this serious question to many of you holders and I welcome both positive comments and negative. I'm not here to start a fight just want some honest opinions.
So July 2020 BRN SP was at 16.5 cents which is what our current sp sits around plus minus a penny or 2.
We still had not released Akida just yet but everything else was unknown.
Today January 2024 3.5 years later we sit at 15.5 cents. I do not think I need to write up our IP deals or partnerships that have been reported. No data just the PR the ASX and what's been stated by the board.
This is not advice to buy or sell shares I'm just looking for genuine comments.
If you bought post July 2020 and look at the accomplishment and potential products what would stop you from buying today compared to you buying post July 2020?
What is your real outlook for the company do you feel they will succeed? Fail and Why?
My awnser is that I would feel comfortable making a buying more shares if I could but unfortunately my circumstances do not allow for it.
I feel today's price has less risk and more value wuth the know partnerships that have been disclosed.
I feel that revenue from our past deals is around the corner.
I do feel that there was a larger expectations then has been delivered so far and its been disappointing to say the least thats on the revenue front.
On the ecosystem and partnership front the company has really grown there are quite a few leads to revenue streams that will make the company buoyant financially IMO.
I guess when I look at the SP I view what could be in1 year in 2 years as very positive. When I look at the past its easy to see why many have
A nice balanced post.Hi all,
I have this serious question to many of you holders and I welcome both positive comments and negative. I'm not here to start a fight just want some honest opinions.
So July 2020 BRN SP was at 16.5 cents which is what our current sp sits around plus minus a penny or 2.
We still had not released Akida just yet but everything else was unknown.
Today January 2024 3.5 years later we sit at 15.5 cents. I do not think I need to write up our IP deals or partnerships that have been reported. No data just the PR the ASX and what's been stated by the board.
This is not advice to buy or sell shares I'm just looking for genuine comments.
If you bought post July 2020 and look at the accomplishment and potential products what would stop you from buying today compared to you buying post July 2020?
What is your real outlook for the company do you feel they will succeed? Fail and Why?
My awnser is that I would feel comfortable making a buying more shares if I could but unfortunately my circumstances do not allow for it.
I feel today's price has less risk and more value wuth the know partnerships that have been disclosed.
I feel that revenue from our past deals is around the corner.
I do feel that there was a larger expectations then has been delivered so far and its been disappointing to say the least thats on the revenue front.
On the ecosystem and partnership front the company has really grown there are quite a few leads to revenue streams that will make the company buoyant financially IMO.
I guess when I look at the SP I view what could be in1 year in 2 years as very positive. When I look at the past its easy to see why many have abandoned ship or lost faith in BRN.
Holders are suffering a paper loss thats fore sure. But if you pulled out the excel sheet and looked at all the cross trades and CXA going at 15.25 cents and selling it make me wonder who is in control. There is very little interest buyer atm clearly.
If you look at the short increase pre CES and during the CES there was no shorts taken very little post CES again they are hitting it hard this week. Clearly the shorter did not was concerned about some news or interested buying but any time there is momentum short increase and kill it. They have their algorithms and systems tweeked and will run the SP as the choose only time the lose out is when there is a change in momentum and buyers return or one of the institution will feel enough is enough lets buy here. So who now when this day comes is beyond me. We have not had a good ASX announcement in years
But remember one Buffet quote
Stock market is a device where money transfer from impatient to patient.
I heard a lot of people who says they burned their wealth in share market.
But I would like to add investment is only for brave people and week hearted persons should remain away from stock investment.
Lastly as per Buffet saying become greedy when everyone is afraid and get afraid when everyone else is greedy.
So to me it is time to be greedy and trying to get as many as I can.
If you invested in a stock with good understanding and fundamentals then you are on firm feet.