Thank you for this new thought for me. I fully agree with you too!I may be wrong but revenue has actually increased year over year?
Sean said lumpy revenue, it’s happening.
The company has been partnering with 1-2 companies every month, clearly stating they will adopt akida. They will not buy a board and simply evaluate it, they said they will adopt and drive akida into products.
Development cycles takes time with IP, 2-3-4 years, it is not Brainchips role to update at every achievement of their partners that they make and announce where they are up to!
An example, Renesas/Meagchips license the IP, Brainchip would not be allowed to tell shareholders exactly where they are up to in the cycle, that is up to Renesas.
Brainchips hands are tied running with the IP model, it is simply not up to Brainchip when all the boxes are ticked with prototype, design, test, implement, production with those companies to announce everything.
Sean stated at the AGM that one of their licensees would have akida in commercial products “hopefully” this year.
Now let me ask you all, if there’s been delays, is that Brainchips fault? Absolutely not.
As Antonio said, you don’t hear what’s being designed into the iPhone 16 or the Galaxy S26, it’s just not how it works. Yes some less sophisticated companies may announce things, but most won’t. We all need to get used to it otherwise our money is best invested elsewhere.
Let me say this, let’s say Brainchip was a private company not listed on a stock exchange, and we looked at Brainchips technology, the board/management, the massive growing ecosystem which is 1-2 a month, the industries in which these companies are involved in and service, the recognition we and neuromorphic are getting, would we be complaining? No we wouldn’t.
Show me another neuromorphic company that has the ecosystem we have? Show me another neuromorphic company that has the experience of the board we have?
No other company has what we have.
People are using Chris stevens departure as some type of negative? How is it a negative?? Look at his employment history, it wasn’t exactly stable to begin with and at the end of the day he was in it for money, he clearly got a better offer at Untether AI and good luck to him, maybe he couldn’t handle selling IP? He never sold Neuromorphic IP before, nor has anybody in the world for that matter.
When Nandan left Amazon did that mean Amazon was a bad sign for Amazon? NO.
When Duy-Loan left Texas Instruments did that mean it’s a bad sign for Texas Instruments? NO.
When Rob Todd Antonio Nandan and our Japanese Sales guy all left ARM at different stages did that mean it was a bad sign for ARM? NO!!
When our recent product development manager just left Facebook (Meta) and joined Brainchip does that mean that it’s looking bad for Meta? NO.
When Sean left Hewitt Packer (HP) as Global Ecosystem boss and joined Brainchip did that mean that HP was going under? NO.
People leave their jobs for all sorts of reasons.
People need to stop looking at Chris stevens departure with the eyes of a shareholder and start looking at it like he got a better opportunity which he did!!
This argument and the same people on this forum who keep projecting their emotional insecurity of their investment are just that, emotional.
I just read a post above that the share price may go to 6 cents? Please let it go to 6 cents.
With Renesas coming to market in the next few months, large tier ones working on driving akida into applications, with akida being rocketed into space in January, with neuromorphic being written about more and more and with the technology and board and ecosystem that Brainchip have and growing, I’ll keep buying shares and reap the rewards, whilst others suffer in fear.
People actually think that it’s like selling a new energy drink to the servo or the convenience store, we are talking about a technology that is ahead of its time, never been worked on before until recently.
Ill take my chances with Brainchip over any other neuromorphic company out there.
Let me say it again, if Brainchip was not a publicly listed company, and we knew the rapidly growing ecosystem, the partners we have, the multiple different industries, the experience of the board & management we have, the technology, the growing recognition, the soon to hit the market in mass volume mcu’s containing akida and everything else, we would be jumping for joy, only question we all want to know is how long is it going to take, but it is a wait I am happy to endure.
That's how it works with startups here in Germany. They are rarely listed, German Angst from the .com time. They do their work, someone buy their company because it is good. Nobody hears anything about this. Nobody whines about the SP. Nobody whines because others don't work faster or regulations don't allow it otherwise. Your picture is very interesting especially for us here.
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