BRN Discussion Ongoing


As long as there is new low, the fall won’t be stopping. 😭
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View attachment 46049
View attachment 46051
View attachment 46053

That look like the Akida 1000 PCIe Board to me?

Anyone has a zooming software?

Learning 🪴
Great news!
Shout out to Learning for spotting this early.
Keep it up mate
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Keep in mind individual satellites cost anywhere between $100-400 million to produce and send into space. Hopefully we see some of that if our technology can improve them!
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BRN's share price is pure unadulterated nonsense. How can anyone (or entity) sell millions at 16c? You can't be that stupid ... can you?
As long as there is new low, the fall won’t be stopping. 😭
BRN's share price is pure unadulterated nonsense. How can anyone (or entity) sell millions at 16c? You can't be that stupid ... can you?
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I bought a few more just to piss off the big boys this morning :)
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As long as there is new low, the fall won’t be stopping. 😭
That statement is a way too broad brush for me and also it is not true.

Following the logic implied all new lows will be followed by another new low (the fall necessarily continues) which would inexorably lead to zero.

You might reconsider such nonsense.
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BRN's share price is pure unadulterated nonsense. How can anyone (or entity) sell millions at 16c? You can't be that stupid ... can you?

BRN's share price is pure unadulterated nonsense. How can anyone (or entity) sell millions at 16c? You can't be that stupid ... can you?
They obviously don’t share the confidence that is present here? But with that amount invested, one would think they would know as much as we do?
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I get as frustrated as the next person sometimes with the lack of official channel news flow but I always go back to the following to clear my head as to the exemptions that are allowed by the ASX exactly for these sorts of situations with companies eg NDAs.

These are just my personal thoughts and interpretations and shouldn't be relied on by anyone else. The source info is there for anyone to review themselves and interpret as they feel.

Below is an excerpt of the Continuous Disclosure Rule and link to the abridged version I took it from, noting that there are still requirements on a company, if it is using the carve out, to monitor if any information starts to appear in public channels in which case the exemption(s) may come into question.

Read that section 3/4 way through the below paste and now I know why they maybe do actually read what we post....not out of interest....maybe cause they have to watch the 1000 eyes just in case :ROFLMAO:

The key underlying points for me personally re the recurring argument of if a contract has been signed for example and whether it needs to be disclosed, essentially could fall under item 1 & 5.

Remembering that::

An NDA creates the legal framework to protect ideas and information from being stolen or shared with competitors or third parties. Breaking an NDA agreement triggers a host of legal ramifications, including lawsuits, financial penalties, and even criminal charges. NDAs offer a level of protection to your business so that even accidental breaches are covered.

There are three essential functions of an NDA:
  • Identifying protected information: By drawing a line between what information is confidential and what can be shared, NDAs classify information. This allows parties to work freely within the boundaries created by the confidentiality agreement.
  • Protecting sensitive information: Signing an NDA creates a legal obligation to keep sensitive information confidential. Any leak of that information is a breach of contract.
  • Protecting patent rights: Because public disclosure of a pending invention can sometimes void patent rights, an NDA can protect an inventor as they develop their new product or concept.

So, does breaching a NDA breach a law? the NDA part of a trade secret?

Abridged Disclosure rules:


13.1 Listing Rule 3.1A.1 - the categories of information excluded

The first requirement for Listing Rule 3.1A to apply is that the information must fall within one of the categories
mentioned below:

  1.  it would be a breach of a law to disclose the information;
  2.  the information concerns an incomplete proposal or negotiation
  3.  the information comprises matters of supposition or is insufficiently definite to warrant disclosure;
  4.  the information is generated for the internal management purposes of the entity; or
  5.  the information is a trade secret.

More detailed guidance on each of these categories can be found in Guidance Note 8 Continuous Disclosure:
Listing Rules 3.1 – 3.1B.

13.2 Listing Rule 3.1A.2 - the requirement for information to be confidential

The second requirement for Listing Rule 3.1A to apply has two components: (1) the information must be
confidential; and (2) ASX has not formed the view that the information has ceased to be confidential.

The word “confidential” in Listing Rule 3.1A.2 means “secret”. Thus, information will be confidential for the purposes
of that rule if:

  1.  it is known to only a limited number of people;
  2.  the people who know the information understand that it is to be treated in confidence and only to be used
  3. for permitted purposes; and
  4.  those people abide by that understanding.

Whether information has the quality of being confidential is a question of fact, not one of the intention or desire of
the listed entity. Accordingly, even though an entity may consider information to be confidential and its disclosure
to be a breach of confidence, if it is in fact disclosed by those who know it, then it is no longer a secret and it ceases
to be confidential information for the purposes of this rule.

It is therefore incumbent on a listed entity which wishes to rely on the carve-out from disclosure in Listing Rule 3.1A
to ensure that it has in place suitable and effective arrangements to preserve confidentiality. Guidance on the steps
that can be taken in this regard can be found in the joint publication by the Governance Institute of Australia and
the Australasian Investor Relations Association entitled Handling confidential, price-sensitive information:
Principles of good practice.

Even with strong confidentiality safeguards, it is important to recognise that the more people who know information,
the greater the risk that it will cease to be confidential. So, for example, if a party proposing to acquire a business
wants, as part of its due diligence, to make enquiries of employees, customers or suppliers, or a party proposing to
undertake an issue of securities wants to take soundings from brokers and potential investors, it and the other
parties involved in the transaction need to be prepared for the chance that information about the transaction will
not be kept in confidence.

An entity which is relying on Listing Rule 3.1A not to disclose information about a market sensitive transaction it is
negotiating should as a matter of course be monitoring, either itself or through its advisers:

  1.  the market price of its securities and of the securities of any other listed entity involved in the transaction;
  2.  major national and local newspapers;
  3.  if it or its advisers have access to them, major news wire services such as Reuters and Bloomberg;
  4.  any investor blogs, chat-sites or other social media it is aware of that regularly post comments about the
  5. entity; and
  6.  enquiries from analysts or journalists,

for signs that information about the transaction may no longer be confidential and have a draft letter to ASX
requesting a trading halt and a draft announcement about the negotiations ready to send to ASX to cater for that
eventuality. The closer the transaction gets to being concluded, the higher the risk of leaks and the more diligent
that monitoring should be.

In relation to the second component of Listing Rule 3.1A.2, ASX may form the view that information about a matter
involving a listed entity has ceased to be confidential if there is:

  1.  a reasonably specific and reasonably accurate media or analyst report about the matter;
  2.  a reasonably specific and reasonably accurate rumour known to be circulating the market about the matter;
  3. or
  4.  a sudden and significant movement in the market price or traded volumes of the entity’s securities that
  5. cannot be explained by other events or circumstances.

Each of these is an indication that the matter is no longer confidential and therefore Listing Rule 3.1A.2 no longer
Great confirmation of EDGX and a MOU to boot.

Whilst non binding, they usually lay a framework and conditions to be met which if are, generate a more formal agreement.

Couple bits from my previous post the other day.

Haven't gone back to see if any correlations to 1000 eyes other reveals that have prompted other media Ann's straight after :LOL:

Read that section 3/4 way through the below paste and now I know why they maybe do actually read what we post....not out of interest....maybe cause they have to watch the 1000 eyes just in case.

  1.  any investor blogs, chat-sites or other social media it is aware of that regularly post comments about the entity;
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BRN may not have generated much revenue yet but at this stage with world best tech they are very definitely DEBT fee.
Listen folks…….here is the deaaaal!


Just kidding!
I am also, let's say satisfied but not entirely pleased, with the progress they are making by not simply giving up. They have listened to their customers and improved their product. This is not something you see every day in today's world. It shows the team's dedication. However, I wonder (and I mean this absolutely not negatively but purely out of curiosity as a dry investor), why should another company spend millions on licenses when they can access the product through non-binding partnerships? I know there are additional services depending on the package, etc. And perhaps, as a partner, you can't push your products into the market right away. But I have this underlying thought that partners are buying time to see what the competition offers. Or am I mistaken in my thinking?
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Sp is f$#$# . Who is doing it . Hmmmm
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Another tweet about it
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starting to hurt...
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How is it BRN hasn't been able to attract some big US investors to buy shares given they are now equivalent to a lousy dime in USD? It surprises me that some of our partners aren't buying up BRN shares. They more than most would know what Akida is worth.
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Reading about EDGX but then seeing that I am so deep in the red is soo depressing.
Glad it is Friday. Have a great weekend everyone!
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It looks like stop loss being triggered at this point. 🧐🧐
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Surely the sp has to start worrying management soon. If no revenue announced this month, where to for sp?10 11 cents. This has to be of concern. Please don't reply with the whole market is down, I have green and red on my books and nothing diving like my favourite Brn
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Save our time to argue, I am telling the truth of this company even no one like to hear it. Because everybody( including shorters ) knew this company does not care the SP , maybe one day our CEO will wake up , when the SP as you said CLOSER TO ZERO.

That statement is a way too broad brush for me and also it is not true.

Following the logic implied all new lows will be followed by another new low (the fall necessarily continues) which would inexorably lead to zero.

You might reconsider such nonsense.
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Picked up another 10k shares with this new low.. will find out in 18-24 months on the value they deliver 🤞
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Take the words and any bias away from what we know as MOU’s.

Look at the logistics of what a MOU requires. Generally a period of time prior to even the consideration of a MOU where company people talk share thoughts and possibly do a show and tell. They then may sign a NDA to have a hold/play with said product. After that if there is then something further past this the companies may say let’s may this a bit more flexible and expandable so let do a MOU. This is drawn up by both sides and sent to legal and depending on where you are and your delegated responsibilities sent to executive/CEO/Board for endorsement.

So to me it way more than a cold call or casual engagement and shows that both companies generally are trying to get a quid pro quo arrangement from it ( in a vast majority that I have been privy to).

So maybe I am a half glass full guy or maybe a MOU shows genuine first, second and third steps towards a gentle run then sprint.
If an MOU is signed off by both parties BRN should ann it via the ASX.
Even though it's not binding its material in that it is a step or 2 above speculation. It verifies serious intent.
ASX listed companies ann non binding MOUs all the time.
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Save our time to argue, I am telling the truth of this company even no one like to hear it. Because everybody( including shorters ) knew this company does not care the SP , maybe one day our CEO will wake up , when the SP as you said CLOSER TO ZERO.
You tendency is to make a lot of wild ass unsubstantiated statements .....let's call them darts.

Perhaps someday you will hit a dartboard.

Knowing so much tell us how much have you earned shorting BRN.
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