No wonder the company doesn't reply to your email/s as much anymore, making false statements about what someone said or that you assumed that they implied, trying to belittle people if they don't always go along with your rhetoric, resorting to nasty name calling really exposes the inner personality that only close family members would have witnessed on a daily basis.
Not all posters have fallen under your self-righteous, opinionated, my way or the highway views approach.
$2.75 by end of 2022 or by end of 2023...I've forgotten as we sit at 0.19c.
Not everyone on this forum is that gullible.
A few comments shared by an anonymous poster on a public forum....if the cap fits, well then, wear it.
Footnote: The company staff are all extremely busy, positive and upbeat about the direction we are ALL heading in, AKD 2.0 is still on
schedule or more to the point, news as I stated would more than likely appear in the last few (business) days of September.
Tony can only pass on information that the company has approved, nothing is or should be his personal opinion on the current state of affairs,
he is a loyal servant to us all, please be respectful when emailing him or phoning.
Siemens Healthcare is worth digging into, for the great detectives out there in my opinion.
God bless.....Tech