Once upon a time a little boy was born, one a little smarter than the average. Over time this little boy grew up to be a very clever man who worked for some very high tech companies and even delved in inventing new technology. Let’s call this person PVM. Well PVM moved to the land down under and flew under the radar whilst he developed a new invention. He then started a new company on the ASX and being the founder was blessed with a motsa (shit load for our German friends) of shares in the new company. He then got a team around him while he progressed his invention. In the early part of growth out of the few staff one of the key roles recruited was a patent lawyer followed by a second which at one stage represented about 4% of the available staff. Now did the remaining staff all work out, no but when does that happen in real life.
Now as the invention gained the attention of those tech nerds around the world. Yip has that resulted in huge sales no. Are those tech nerds saying anything negative or producing evidence that it doesn’t work- no. Is there lots of buzz around the broader tech concept- yes.
So why tell this story. Well for a govt worker with a high percentage of their life savings invested in a singular share portfolio should I be worried- yes. Am I - no. Why- my job is to observe and analyse everything from body language to oral and written documents. Whilst I may not possess the photographic memory of a more prestigious poster of the past, I tend to focus of the bits that don’t gel.
Now if I was the inventor of something I didn’t believe in or I knew was a bit dodgy I would be over time dropping my substantial holdings to take advantage of what based on my inside knowledge is my good fortune of a high share price and some obviously inexperience company who dropped the company name which saw the SP rise to $2.34.
Secondly if I missed that opportunity to reduce my holdings on that jump, I would be singing the techs praises from the highest mountain with the largest loud hailer possible.
So PVM has sold some shares. Yip true but let’s see why. That’s right he donated some shares to a cause he had personal affinity with and gained nothing from the transfer.
Is PVM panicking and doing everything to raise the SP . No he has continued in the same calm manner since the companies inception. Does this help the share price- no but have the company mislead us or the market or did they call out lumpy sales and the inability to inform the market. Does this calm methodical manner offer me comfort- yes. Does it help my bank balance- no- well not in short term but if it is aligned with a long term well informed and achievable strategic plan then SP growth is not only inevitable it should be sustained.
So whilst I would like a lot more information, messaging and evidence of sales, I would also like world peace, food in every child’s bellies and a roof over every head.
I am comfortable with holding and whilst I have only recently returned to being in the red I spent many more years in the red in the early days and back then I was actually more nervous than today even though my holdings today are substantially more.
This is a very rational post that people need to think about.
PVDM went from having a 300 plus million dollars to 30 million. That is quite the cut to take considering where he could be today if he cashed out.
He is not crying just moving ahead with work. This product is cutting edge and customers need to know how to use it and maximize it's benifits and understanding.
Look MB has not stopped on the Neuromorphic front they have hired staff and continue to innovate in that direction.
The Breakdown in the SP imo is below what is fair value for BRN IMO. That said the MB spike was well above value clearly. That MB spike is what management said was inflated not what the SP is at today but the down ramper twist the the words to benifit there maximum adgenda.
People are scared worried yes some think that if I sell now I will buy more at 10 cents cause it's going there right? Well we don't know that and thinking this could leave you out of shares quick.
My 2 thoughts why the SP is here.
Clearly Shorter won and beat out the longs on from 2 years ago.
1. Why is there such a drop well instos needed to sell and balance books. Shorters naked short a little to get a cheaper cover. Add in the terrified retailers and you overwhelm the sell side dropping prices.
2. How far will this go we don't know. But believe me if a larger player sees value he will buy up shares quite quick before you have a chance to place your order.
If this is a hostile takeover the buyer kills the price accumulate shares the when they feel they have the board buy the throat they will come in with an offer and buy out the rest of the share. I'm not sure if this is what's happening but if I was to do such a move the timing is ripe.
We know that retail is not patient and handling loses for us is harder then for some instos or companies.
Neuromorphic computing is just blooming and will continue to do so.
Has there been a competitor that's come out publicly to challenge Akida and it's performance I have not seen one. This would mean the product does what it is suppose to.
The only negative comments I have heard over time is.
A. Akida 1000 failed commercially we have good enough solutions.
If this was true 100 % of our partners and trusted parties would have left.
B. Revenue is non existent. This is true but we did generate marginal revenues from Renesas and Megachips royalties are due in time.
C. People in the development industry love and promote Akida ISL, Edge Impulse, ARM and TATA. If Akida is the a key solution to product inovation a company would not give away their secrets.
Personally I don't know what the company has happening and what's in the pipes but they have move forth and hired staff to meet work loads. You don not go from 20 odD people to almost 100 in about 3 year with nothing to go with.
Why would we have sales in Japan Korea Isreal, France Germany and USA if we had little to offer customers. IMO
Time will see how we play out. But if I was the Board and I knew that the SP would be crushed I'd have done the CR in July and moved one they did not. Why?