I whole heartedly supported everything what soever you are saying.Friend Rgupta.
Yes, it all seems to be taking longer than many of us would wish.
And some will not complete the journey with us.
However, the reality is, we are a unique company, with a novel and groundbreaking technology which has solutions to problems that have previously been addressed (if at all) only with work arounds or not at all at this scale, or which are still to become apparent.
We are, after all, trailblazing here and in attempting to provide a commercially viable product we have had to not only suggest appropriate applications but demonstrate both our ability and our superiority in each case, in areas that are already populated with existing players.
In the meantime, as we are building the structure of a commercial entity we are simultaneously researching and developing further generations and iterations of our hitherto unknown product and are patent protecting as we proceed.
From an unknown startup located in an apparent technological backwater, we have been evoked, guided and funded by our founder into existence and have now evolved a limited global presence with the seeds of both a proper corporate identity and ongoing professional guidance and representation, along with a significant and steadily growing eco system of partners and associates.
But as an inexperienced growing entity seeking its place in a changing environment some false paths have been trod, some time (made apparent with hindsight) wasted and some resources perhaps squandered.
How else could it be?
None of us spring fully made into existence.
We grope our way forward, seeking beneficent advise where it is available, using whatever resources are at hand to grow into what we may become.
I understand your annoyance at mistakes made, issues aired or insufficiently ironed backdrops but these things inescapably accompany both growing people and the Companies they inhabit.
From my perspective, I am happy to see our management admit to any shortcomings in endeavours or planning that have either not panned out as intended or which have failed to gain the traction sought.
I welcome a nimble management that can learn from experience and recalibrate their tactics and strategy going forward.
It may be that just building a better mousetrap or lightbulb isn't enough.
It must not only meet a need but also excel in its efficiency, effectiveness and versatility if it is to compete in the extant ever evolving marketplace.
I believe by all accounts, that soon we shall begin to see evidence of our hard won success's and a rerate of our share price should follow.
And only want to tell everyone it may take time or it may perish but donot get over excited and invest for quick returns.
Listen to what company is saying and donot let your horses run too fast.
Have a breather here, management is agreeing with their mistakes and now it is our turn to understand the reality and have patience and faith.