BRN Discussion Ongoing


Friend Rgupta.
Yes, it all seems to be taking longer than many of us would wish.
And some will not complete the journey with us.

However, the reality is, we are a unique company, with a novel and groundbreaking technology which has solutions to problems that have previously been addressed (if at all) only with work arounds or not at all at this scale, or which are still to become apparent.

We are, after all, trailblazing here and in attempting to provide a commercially viable product we have had to not only suggest appropriate applications but demonstrate both our ability and our superiority in each case, in areas that are already populated with existing players.

In the meantime, as we are building the structure of a commercial entity we are simultaneously researching and developing further generations and iterations of our hitherto unknown product and are patent protecting as we proceed.

From an unknown startup located in an apparent technological backwater, we have been evoked, guided and funded by our founder into existence and have now evolved a limited global presence with the seeds of both a proper corporate identity and ongoing professional guidance and representation, along with a significant and steadily growing eco system of partners and associates.

But as an inexperienced growing entity seeking its place in a changing environment some false paths have been trod, some time (made apparent with hindsight) wasted and some resources perhaps squandered.
How else could it be?
None of us spring fully made into existence.
We grope our way forward, seeking beneficent advise where it is available, using whatever resources are at hand to grow into what we may become.
I understand your annoyance at mistakes made, issues aired or insufficiently ironed backdrops but these things inescapably accompany both growing people and the Companies they inhabit.

From my perspective, I am happy to see our management admit to any shortcomings in endeavours or planning that have either not panned out as intended or which have failed to gain the traction sought.
I welcome a nimble management that can learn from experience and recalibrate their tactics and strategy going forward.

It may be that just building a better mousetrap or lightbulb isn't enough.
It must not only meet a need but also excel in its efficiency, effectiveness and versatility if it is to compete in the extant ever evolving marketplace.

I believe by all accounts, that soon we shall begin to see evidence of our hard won success's and a rerate of our share price should follow.
I whole heartedly supported everything what soever you are saying.
And only want to tell everyone it may take time or it may perish but donot get over excited and invest for quick returns.
Listen to what company is saying and donot let your horses run too fast.
Have a breather here, management is agreeing with their mistakes and now it is our turn to understand the reality and have patience and faith.
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I whole heartedly supported everything what soever you are saying.
And only want to tell everyone it may take time or it may perish but donot get over excited and invest for quick returns.
Listen to what company is saying and donot let your horses run too fast.
Have a breather here, management is agreeing with their mistakes and now it is our turn to understand the reality and have patience and faith.
A bit bloody late mate
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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
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Chippers ,

Feeling a little ........

View attachment 44556

FEELING A BIT "HORNY " MYSELF .................. and NO its not Bravo"s toes !!!!!!!!! :love:
And i think tomorrow will be a very interesting end of the week to watch considering we finished on the days high ! (y);)

Screenshot (36).png
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Friend Rgupta.
Yes, it all seems to be taking longer than many of us would wish.
And some will not complete the journey with us.

However, the reality is, we are a unique company, with a novel and groundbreaking technology which has solutions to problems that have previously been addressed (if at all) only with work arounds or not at all at this scale, or which are still to become apparent.

We are, after all, trailblazing here and in attempting to provide a commercially viable product we have had to not only suggest appropriate applications but demonstrate both our ability and our superiority in each case, in areas that are already populated with existing players.

In the meantime, as we are building the structure of a commercial entity we are simultaneously researching and developing further generations and iterations of our hitherto unknown product and are patent protecting as we proceed.

From an unknown startup located in an apparent technological backwater, we have been evoked, guided and funded by our founder into existence and have now evolved a limited global presence with the seeds of both a proper corporate identity and ongoing professional guidance and representation, along with a significant and steadily growing eco system of partners and associates.

But as an inexperienced growing entity seeking its place in a changing environment some false paths have been trod, some time (made apparent with hindsight) wasted and some resources perhaps squandered.
How else could it be?
None of us spring fully made into existence.
We grope our way forward, seeking beneficent advise where it is available, using whatever resources are at hand to grow into what we may become.
I understand your annoyance at mistakes made, issues aired or insufficiently ironed backdrops but these things inescapably accompany both growing people and the Companies they inhabit.

From my perspective, I am happy to see our management admit to any shortcomings in endeavours or planning that have either not panned out as intended or which have failed to gain the traction sought.
I welcome a nimble management that can learn from experience and recalibrate their tactics and strategy going forward.

It may be that just building a better mousetrap or lightbulb isn't enough.
It must not only meet a need but also excel in its efficiency, effectiveness and versatility if it is to compete in the extant ever evolving marketplace.

I believe by all accounts, that soon we shall begin to see evidence of our hard won success's and a rerate of our share price should follow.
On the issue of efficiency, the EQXX has demonstrated that this is paramount in electric vehicles, as well as in delivering AGI for mobile devices, and we are riding this tsunami while the competition flounders in our wake.
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They don't seem to care
I personally don't believe anything until more of the 41+ 'associations' actually start paying us for use of our IP. Until then you can rabbit on all you like about what the company has said (which actually is quite little) but it means nothing in reality. The very same list could be posted here in 5 years time and we may still have zero additional revenue from any of them - that's a fact, although BRN may no longer exist if that were the case. If we don't see confirmed IP licencees and/or a steadily increasing revenue, starting with the next 4C, then serious doubt has to be cast over the commercial viability of AKIDA. This is my opinion on the back of a SP that has steadily declined from $2.34 down to 27.5c despite 41+ 'confirmed' engagements and a product that is so revolutionary that some are calling science fiction. Perhaps 'fiction' is the operative word here. I was blasted a while back for stating that our sales team were underperforming. Well it appears as though out most senior sales executive is moving on to greener pastures after no doubt making more money out of BRN than most shareholders have at this point....great, good luck mate and thanks for nothing.
Words are cheap Sean, time to walk the talk.
Got to be AKIDA, right. This is one of the magic 41 'confirmed' associations. How could it possibly be anyone else, they're all more than three years behind....revenue in the next 4c will confirm, yes?
Took a while didn't it, but this Kool-Aid tastes great!
I'd prefer 40 or 50 cents. Maybe one day
Patents are worthless if they're defending a concept that's not commercially viable. If BRN doesn't start making serious revenue soon then it won't have the resources to defend patent infringements anyway. This is simply a red herring designed to distract would-be investors from what is actually going on.
'The cornerstone of BRN value' what a bloody joke. The actual cornerstone of BRN value is IP licences, royalties and big tier 1 companies shouting from the rooftops about how amazing akida is. None of which appear to be happening.
A bit bloody late mate

In all seriousness are you ok?
I hope you are just venting, which is fine, but your post's are getting weird.

Our patent portfolio is crucial right now, there's no denying it.
We've been the first to market , before a market has even formed. I know that stings, but it will get better.
Our patents keep us at the front, and we have sold a couple of licenses that will generate some decent revenue soon.
Yes we need a few more before breaking even, that's obvious, but it will come.

My unhappiness with BRN is not at management but at myself.
I saw us slipping away from $2.34 and thought - "It's all good, it's just a little airborne"
But it wasn't, it was gone. I should have done 1 of 2 things - sell and buy back in, or at least not put more money in yet.
My charting is average at best, but even I could see it was going to take ANN's to pull us around on the long way down.
Instead I blindly added to my holdings thinking it wouldn't go much lower, yet we had nothing but hope to keep us going.

Now however we have so much more going on, including both imminent revenue from Renesas/Megachips, but solid leads with Valeo and Mercedes. Akida1500 has been released formally and can be evaluated and hopefully adopted and we will of course hear from management with the imminent general availability of Akida2000. There's so much else but you get the point.

IMO only, we are at a bottom (finally) or at least within a few cents.
Now begins the, hopefully, slow but steady rise back up to ATH's.
I'm 100% we will sign more deals, if I wasn't I would sell and simply wait for it. 1 deal will not take us to $5 overnight.
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FEELING A BIT "HORNY " MYSELF .................. and NO its not Bravo"s toes !!!!!!!!! :love:
And i think tomorrow will be a very interesting end of the week to watch considering we finished on the days high ! (y);)

View attachment 44578
Bravo's toes!!

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Unless that deal was with Apple or Tesla . . . and even then it might take 2 nights to get to $5 . . . 😂 But seriously, we've all seen what happened with Mercedes Benz. Can anyone seriously doubt that with a big announcement or 2 that we wouldn't take off like a rocket? I still believe it will happen and in my opinion it is just about patience now. However, the real money will be made longer term as we consolidate and acquire more and more clients and more and more market for our products (yes our products, we are the owners of the company). That's where not only the real share price value will be created but in due course eye watering dividends as well. I'm still very optimistic about BRN's prospects.

(PS: I see on the news they found a couple of my cousins in Mexico who probably arrived here in a flying saucer - let's hope the BRN share price soon shows anti-gravitational qualities too . . . 😂)
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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From what I understand Apples likes to keep their ecosystem watertight, they are not ones to post cryptic messages on Linkedin of elsewhere, If they are using Akida especially if it is ground breaking IP that gives them the edge! I assume there is not going to be any annoucements...the only way is to "watch the financials" and maybe assume from there:
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Good afternoon, what is the number of shares needed to be in the top 2000? I want to be there ..
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In all seriousness are you ok?
I hope you are just venting, which is fine, but your post's are getting weird.

Our patent portfolio is crucial right now, there's no denying it.
We've been the first to market , before a market has even formed. I know that stings, but it will get better.
Our patents keep us at the front, and we have sold a couple of licenses that will generate some decent revenue soon.
Yes we need a few more before breaking even, that's obvious, but it will come.

My unhappiness with BRN is not at management but at myself.
I saw us slipping away from $2.34 and thought - "It's all good, it's just a little airborne"
But it wasn't, it was gone. I should have done 1 of 2 things - sell and buy back in, or at least not put more money in yet.
My charting is average at best, but even I could see it was going to take ANN's to pull us around on the long way down.
Instead I blindly added to my holdings thinking it wouldn't go much lower, yet we had nothing but hope to keep us going.

Now however we have so much more going on, including both imminent revenue from Renesas/Megachips, but solid leads with Valeo and Mercedes. Akida1500 has been released formally and can be evaluated and hopefully adopted and we will of course hear from management with the imminent general availability of Akida2000. There's so much else but you get the point.

IMO only, we are at a bottom (finally) or at least within a few cents.
Now begins the, hopefully, slow but steady rise back up to ATH's.
I'm 100% we will sign more deals, if I wasn't I would sell and simply wait for it. 1 deal will not take us to $5 overnight.
You know what Damo, I think that's actually your best post to date, thanks. It describes my own journey pretty accurately and I sincerely hope that you're correct about the turn around. To answer your initial question, yes I am ok and just venting through frustration (admittedly this is probably not the appropriate place to do so). Further to that today is RU🙂K day here in Australia so to all Chippers reach out to a friend, or seek a friend for help if you need it 🙏👍
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Patents are worthless if they're defending a concept that's not commercially viable. If BRN doesn't start making serious revenue soon then it won't have the resources to defend patent infringements anyway. This is simply a red herring designed to distract would-be investors from what is actually going on.
'The cornerstone of BRN value' what a bloody joke. The actual cornerstone of BRN value is IP licences, royalties and big tier 1 companies shouting from the rooftops about how amazing akida is. None of which appear to be happening.

Foxy....Some may be surprised but I agree with some of your comments, but "a concept that's not commercially viable" is a bit harsh,
what's pissing you off like a lot of shareholders is the pace at which this whole SNN concept is unfolding, and I totally get it, yesterday I had
to sell 9,970 shares @ 0.275 to pay a couple of small bills, my heart was bleeding, I am like many shareholders, I never thought that we
would see our share price so low, but the value of Peters et al Patents WILL PROVE TO BE THE BACKBONE OF THIS COMPANY, has the
company already been approached, my opinion is, yes they have, but we aren't for sale.

I have been working overtime on the Patents Worldwide, I see Korea has published the "Improved Spiking Neural Network" with 2 others,
they haven't been examined yet, with the next update in May the latest podcast with Sean he mentioned that Brainchip was receiving
great interest from the Hearing Aids sector, so I immediately started looking through Patents linked to Cochlear.

May I ask that all posters start pumping through the Patent Offices Worldwide searching for any sectors that you believe we may be involved
in, as Patents linked to major tier 1 companies who may be incorporating our IP will be securing their invention for sure, 100%.

Checking Patents isn't a one-off job, keep doing it monthly, you will be surprised what you pick up.

Have a nice evening back in Australia....Tech (y)
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Afternoon KKFoo ,

I would be guessing, say 350,000 ish shares.

Alternately phone the share registry .

Below photo is from the latest Annual Report.& Boardroon Pty ( Share Registry) ph no.

Alternately , simply join the directors at BRN and such wish shall be granted swiftly.



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On the issue of efficiency, the EQXX has demonstrated that this is paramount in electric vehicles, as well as in delivering AGI for mobile devices, and we are riding this tsunami while the competition flounders in our wake.
The efficiency of the EQXX is based heavily on a new drivetrain, new battery design, lightweight materials and aerodynamics. To break this down to the little voice assistant is a bit misleading, my opinion.
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Foxy....Some may be surprised but I agree with some of your comments, but "a concept that's not commercially viable" is a bit harsh,
what's pissing you off like a lot of shareholders is the pace at which this whole SNN concept is unfolding, and I totally get it, yesterday I had
to sell 9,970 shares @ 0.275 to pay a couple of small bills, my heart was bleeding, I am like many shareholders, I never thought that we
would see our share price so low, but the value of Peters et al Patents WILL PROVE TO BE THE BACKBONE OF THIS COMPANY, has the
company already been approached, my opinion is, yes they have, but we aren't for sale.

I have been working overtime on the Patents Worldwide, I see Korea has published the "Improved Spiking Neural Network" with 2 others,
they haven't been examined yet, with the next update in May the latest podcast with Sean he mentioned that Brainchip was receiving
great interest from the Hearing Aids sector, so I immediately started looking through Patents linked to Cochlear.

May I ask that all posters start pumping through the Patent Offices Worldwide searching for any sectors that you believe we may be involved
in, as Patents linked to major tier 1 companies who may be incorporating our IP will be securing their invention for sure, 100%.

Checking Patents isn't a one-off job, keep doing it monthly, you will be surprised what you pick up.

Have a nice evening back in Australia....Tech (y)
Cheers Tech 👍
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I am sorry if I hurt you.
Ha, not at all. Your advice is spot on but it would have been perfect when we were at $2.34 😂 You are more than welcome to re-post it when we reach all time highs 👍
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The efficiency of the EQXX is based heavily on a new drivetrain, new battery design, lightweight materials and aerodynamics. To break this down to the little voice assistant is a bit misleading, my opinion.
You've misinterpreted my post. I did not attribute the total efficiency of EQXX to Akida. I was alluding to the fact that Mercedes thought it relevant to point out that the amount of energy saved by Akida was worth mentioning in the overall discussion - many a mickle makes a muckle.
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