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This chip is built-in with self-learning intelligence by storing the past motion/event detection record in its memory for data mining.
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I only check the brainchip website every few days or so but it looks like a whole lot of akida 2.0 stuff has been added recently. Reads well. Apologies if it has been up for longer or posted here earlier and I have missed it. Cheers.
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What I also liked is that Sean is not shying away from the partnership with Mercedes and that is right up front still.

Also the representative of Mercedes commenting on Brainchip progress recently on Linked In gives me some decent hope of larger revenue in the not too distant future from Mercedes. We need this to avoid any cap raising at these levels.
I watched the ASX Investor interview (from 3 months ago) last night for the first time. After the last AGM I had just let BRN simmer for a while as could see it was a put it in the draw for a while longer while we wait for v2.0 .....though I am accumulating cheaper shares here also.

From watching both recent interviews from Sean - here are my honest takeaways with my focus on revenue as that is what will sustain a healthy share price.

Larger revenues starting will not be in next 12 months but also wont be in 5 years. Large royalty revenue will be in between those timeframes. I assume once v2.0 Akida products are actually in products and selling - which he hints at 18 month to 2 year development cycle is typical.

My thoughts - If any other EAP's choose to break cover and announce the use of Akida in their product for release in the near future then of course we will have pops in the share price but they can come back down just like after MB news. If any of these news items from partners can be revenue quantifiable then the SP could have sustained rises - as the share market is always forward looking and forward pricing in. However it sounds like next 12 months will still be tough on the revenue as Sean is not giving a lot away on any v1.0 products being huge and sustaining. Maybe some licence sales but that won't be enough for a sustained SP.

I assume then the SP is going to move up and down in the next 1.5 years. From the 1.5 year point we may then start seeing bulk royalty revenue starting from products using v2.0 platform products.

It is interesting from the ASX Investor interview that Sean is adamant about pushing hard forward in sales but also development. It is great to keep that tech lead and is needed to stay very first mover - but Sales and Dev means continued bulk money to be spent in the next 1.5 years per quarter - I am keen to know his thoughts on how he is going to solve the funding over this period before bulk revenue potentially kicking in. I don't care too much for licences being sold as that is just a one of 1mil here and there, that is not going to sustain anything long term for the company. Quarter on Quarter sustained and balanced royalty revenue is needed to sustain a healthy share price, or at least sustained constant dollar attached deals announced.

Sean is obviously tactically still keeping his cards very close to his chest, a bit too much, but I get it, he does not want to over promise and be burnt on that. NDA's are still prominent in the landscape - bleeding edge tech does warrant the NDA's - annoying but true. We can't do much about it, I do like how the ASX Investor tried to extract the info out of him in many different ways around revenue and commerical players lol.

At this point you either believe in the Brainchip tech and partners involved to date and hope for the bulk revenue is there in 1.5 to 2 years. They may well get some starting IP revenue in the next 12 months but I assume it will be smallish - below 10mil for the year which really only sustains the current market cap. The bigger goals are 20mil+ for the year and growing that massively, that bulk is products from Akida v2.0 and beyond it seems. I was hoping on MB bulk royaly revenue starting in commerical vehicles this FY with their new models - but from Sean's language it does not seem to be the case - I could be wrong and Sean really under selling the revenue coming.

I am hoping on another larger player breaking cover again soonish though to say they are using Brainchips Akida platform v1 or v2 in a an actual commercial saleable product for the future. That would and can be valued somewhat by the financial analysts for the future revenue based on past products that company has sold. Lets see if it's possible.

The prospects for Brainchip are exciting - just a lot more patience required for the big sustained revenue.
Last edited:
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Hi All
There has been some doubt cast over the question of whether Ford is still engaged with Brainchip. There has also been doubt cast over whether a company that makes an announcement via the ASX which is classified as price sensitive requires a further ASX price sensitive announcement if there is a material change to the circumstances set out in the original announcement.

Dealing with the second of these two points I would simply say go and take independent legal advice if you cannot read the legislation yourself and understand what it requires of a company. This proposition is so trite and normally so well understood that perhaps even a Google search will give you the answer. Perhaps you could even ask the ASX if this is the law they may respond to you.

For newer holders in 2020 Brainchip in ASX price sensitive announcement announced an EAP engagement with a major automotive manufacturer. This announcement did not include the automotive manufacturers name.

Shortly after this announcement the ASX sent a please explain letter to Brainchip requiring additional details of the agreement and the name of the automotive manufacturer. Brainchip made another announcement on the ASX wherein it answered this letter and disclosed that the major automotive manufacturer was FORD.

Since that time Brainchip has not spoken further about FORD.

Does the failure to speak about FORD again mean that FORD walked away immediately after the second announcement by Brainchip? Well if you want to go back and read all the posts here and at HC you will find that another poster claimed some long time ago that he communicated with Tony Dawe and Tony Dawe stated to him that if the previously published relationship with FORD changed then Brainchip would be required to make an announcement. I have not gone searching for this communication but the poster if they still read these threads might step forward.

However what I will do is bring forward my earlier post and point you to the first named company on the list confirmed by Tony Dawe only a few months ago. Now if you believe Brainchip is a complete fraud and lies constantly this will not assist you but if you are a real share holder and hold this view you are well advised to make a copy of the following to put in your evidence folder for when the fraud you believe Brainchip to be is made known you can use it as part of your class action case against the company and its Directors and employees.

One thing it is true that Fact Finder made a prediction of $2.75 at the beginning of a year before the war in Ukraine broke out and Covid 19 sent the World to hell in a handbasket. It is also true that Fact Finder after making this prediction when others were saying $10 and $20 over the same time frame was criticised for being so conservative in only predicting $2.75. It is also true that after the extent of what the Ukraine Russia war and Covid 19 meant for the World Fact Finder was offered a chance to change his prediction at a time when a competition to see who could predict the year end price was in full swing and Fact Finder declined noting that since the prediction the war and Covid 19 had changed things considerably. I note that Fact Finder has been attacked on HC by such luminaries as the Dope, Sharemonger and Doltie over his prediction. So be it.

If you are so trusting as to read one 12 month out prediction and then see the World being pushed to the brink of war and a pandemic occurring and boarders closed and international flights halted and not have the presence of mind to seek further advice and do your own research then I apologise if my prediction has caused you pain.

I would say this however to take Fact Finder's prediction as gospel you must have read all of his other posts and if you did and built up such a deep respect for his opinion you would also have read that he said time and time again do not believe anything he or anyone else said on an anonymous forum until you have done your own research. Do not accept his or anyone else's interpretation of what has been written or spoken until you have read or listened yourself as you may not agree. In the face of all that if I were Fact Finder I would not actually apologise if you based your investment decision on this prediction.

Now to assist the poster who wondered why Sean Hehir did not mention India despite the huge importance of Brainchip's engagement with TATA a company which Fact Finder has been calling as a partner since the day after 14 December, 2019. The reason is that Sean Hehir was talking about his achievements in expanding Brainchip outside of the USA. The Brainchip software design centre in India was the work of the former CEO Mr. Dinardo as was the initial engagement with TATA Consulting Services the research arm of TATA Group.

The recent announcement of the product relationship with TATA Elxsi has grown out of this initial engagement. While Fact Finder does not need to point it out the TATA relationship has been brewing since 2019 and the TATA Consulting Services research into the technology has proven out AKIDA in multiple peer reviewed papers and led to TATA Elxsi joining with Brainchip to deliver product to market and to a representative of TATA Elxsi of some seniority calling out Nvidia Jetson on social media as being an over priced non competitor to Brainchip's AKIDA technology.

Dot joining is all well and good but in Fact Finder's opinion there are so many known facts to occupy ones attention dots are not really necessary anymore.

I will now leave it here. As I say point 1. might help some:

"I have over many weeks been engaged in the process of putting together a list of Brainchip engagements based upon my own criteria that the company concerned has:
  • been announced on the ASX by Brainchip, and/or
  • been announced by use of a Press Release from Brainchip, and/or
  • been acknowledged by an employee or Board member of Brainchip orally in a presentation that forms some type of permanent public record and/or
  • been acknowledged by the company concerned in again some type of permanent public record and this has been adopted by Brainchip in a written communication or other permanent public record, and/or
  • been formerly included on the Brainchip website
Why did I adopt this approach? For one very simple reason. I did not want a situation where my list contained a company which might be the subject of absolute secrecy. To maintain this secrecy Brainchip’s likely response would have been to ignore my request completely.

So reproduced below is my request and the two replies I received from Mr. Tony Dawe Director Global Investor Relations at Brainchip.

The request (27.6.23):

Dear Mr. Dawe

The following is a list of entities which Brainchip has by various means communicated they have had some form of engagement.

As we are about to enter the new financial year with a recession being predicted, an extremely low share price and claims in the media that Brainchip has lost out to Nvidia in the race to the Edge would you please confirm if any of these relationships should no longer be considered as a focus of interest for shareholders:





5. TATA Consulting Services





10. VVDN


12. Ai LABS



15. ARM






21. ANT 61






27. SiFIVE

28. IPRO







35. University of Oklahoma

36. Arizona State University

37. Carnegie Mellon University

38. Rochester Institute of Technology

39. Drexel University

Kind regards
Fact Finder

The first response

Hi ……,

Thank you for your email.

I have referred your email to my colleagues in the US to ensure when I responded to you I did so with accurate information.

I have not yet received a reply from Ken Scarince as he was away on his annual vacation last week.

When I have his reply, I will respond directly to your email.


Tony Dawe

Director, Global Investor Relations

+61 (0)405 989 743

The final response received

“Hi …..,

To the best of my knowledge, BrainChip continues to have relationships with all the companies mentioned on your list.

As I have previously stated, BrainChip does not comment on the nature of these relationships nor do we provide status reports.


Tony Dawe Director, Global Investor Relations

+61 (0)405 989 743”

As my request predated the reveal of IniVation as a partner by Nadan Nayampally Chief Marketing Officer and the latest press release regarding GMAC Intelligence it already is out of date such is the speed of progress being made by Brainchip. I do however believe that the very recent nature of the announcements should not require any further confirmation and I would therefore confidently add:

40. IniVation

41. GMAC Intelligence

The bottom line for any genuine shareholder in Brainchip is that speculation as to which companies Brainchip is engaged with should not include these 41. named entities as they are not in doubt.

Kind regards

Fact Finder"
Nice to hear from you FF.
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I only check the brainchip website every few days or so but it looks like a whole lot of akida 2.0 stuff has been added recently. Reads well. Apologies if it has been up for longer or posted here earlier and I have missed it. Cheers.
Has this page always been there ?

Bloody Brilliant
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Hi All
There has been some doubt cast over the question of whether Ford is still engaged with Brainchip. There has also been doubt cast over whether a company that makes an announcement via the ASX which is classified as price sensitive requires a further ASX price sensitive announcement if there is a material change to the circumstances set out in the original announcement.

Dealing with the second of these two points I would simply say go and take independent legal advice if you cannot read the legislation yourself and understand what it requires of a company. This proposition is so trite and normally so well understood that perhaps even a Google search will give you the answer. Perhaps you could even ask the ASX if this is the law they may respond to you.

For newer holders in 2020 Brainchip in ASX price sensitive announcement announced an EAP engagement with a major automotive manufacturer. This announcement did not include the automotive manufacturers name.

Shortly after this announcement the ASX sent a please explain letter to Brainchip requiring additional details of the agreement and the name of the automotive manufacturer. Brainchip made another announcement on the ASX wherein it answered this letter and disclosed that the major automotive manufacturer was FORD.

Since that time Brainchip has not spoken further about FORD.

Does the failure to speak about FORD again mean that FORD walked away immediately after the second announcement by Brainchip? Well if you want to go back and read all the posts here and at HC you will find that another poster claimed some long time ago that he communicated with Tony Dawe and Tony Dawe stated to him that if the previously published relationship with FORD changed then Brainchip would be required to make an announcement. I have not gone searching for this communication but the poster if they still read these threads might step forward.

However what I will do is bring forward my earlier post and point you to the first named company on the list confirmed by Tony Dawe only a few months ago. Now if you believe Brainchip is a complete fraud and lies constantly this will not assist you but if you are a real share holder and hold this view you are well advised to make a copy of the following to put in your evidence folder for when the fraud you believe Brainchip to be is made known you can use it as part of your class action case against the company and its Directors and employees.

One thing it is true that Fact Finder made a prediction of $2.75 at the beginning of a year before the war in Ukraine broke out and Covid 19 sent the World to hell in a handbasket. It is also true that Fact Finder after making this prediction when others were saying $10 and $20 over the same time frame was criticised for being so conservative in only predicting $2.75. It is also true that after the extent of what the Ukraine Russia war and Covid 19 meant for the World Fact Finder was offered a chance to change his prediction at a time when a competition to see who could predict the year end price was in full swing and Fact Finder declined noting that since the prediction the war and Covid 19 had changed things considerably. I note that Fact Finder has been attacked on HC by such luminaries as the Dope, Sharemonger and Doltie over his prediction. So be it.

If you are so trusting as to read one 12 month out prediction and then see the World being pushed to the brink of war and a pandemic occurring and boarders closed and international flights halted and not have the presence of mind to seek further advice and do your own research then I apologise if my prediction has caused you pain.

I would say this however to take Fact Finder's prediction as gospel you must have read all of his other posts and if you did and built up such a deep respect for his opinion you would also have read that he said time and time again do not believe anything he or anyone else said on an anonymous forum until you have done your own research. Do not accept his or anyone else's interpretation of what has been written or spoken until you have read or listened yourself as you may not agree. In the face of all that if I were Fact Finder I would not actually apologise if you based your investment decision on this prediction.

Now to assist the poster who wondered why Sean Hehir did not mention India despite the huge importance of Brainchip's engagement with TATA a company which Fact Finder has been calling as a partner since the day after 14 December, 2019. The reason is that Sean Hehir was talking about his achievements in expanding Brainchip outside of the USA. The Brainchip software design centre in India was the work of the former CEO Mr. Dinardo as was the initial engagement with TATA Consulting Services the research arm of TATA Group.

The recent announcement of the product relationship with TATA Elxsi has grown out of this initial engagement. While Fact Finder does not need to point it out the TATA relationship has been brewing since 2019 and the TATA Consulting Services research into the technology has proven out AKIDA in multiple peer reviewed papers and led to TATA Elxsi joining with Brainchip to deliver product to market and to a representative of TATA Elxsi of some seniority calling out Nvidia Jetson on social media as being an over priced non competitor to Brainchip's AKIDA technology.

Dot joining is all well and good but in Fact Finder's opinion there are so many known facts to occupy ones attention dots are not really necessary anymore.

I will now leave it here. As I say point 1. might help some:

"I have over many weeks been engaged in the process of putting together a list of Brainchip engagements based upon my own criteria that the company concerned has:
  • been announced on the ASX by Brainchip, and/or
  • been announced by use of a Press Release from Brainchip, and/or
  • been acknowledged by an employee or Board member of Brainchip orally in a presentation that forms some type of permanent public record and/or
  • been acknowledged by the company concerned in again some type of permanent public record and this has been adopted by Brainchip in a written communication or other permanent public record, and/or
  • been formerly included on the Brainchip website
Why did I adopt this approach? For one very simple reason. I did not want a situation where my list contained a company which might be the subject of absolute secrecy. To maintain this secrecy Brainchip’s likely response would have been to ignore my request completely.

So reproduced below is my request and the two replies I received from Mr. Tony Dawe Director Global Investor Relations at Brainchip.

The request (27.6.23):

Dear Mr. Dawe

The following is a list of entities which Brainchip has by various means communicated they have had some form of engagement.

As we are about to enter the new financial year with a recession being predicted, an extremely low share price and claims in the media that Brainchip has lost out to Nvidia in the race to the Edge would you please confirm if any of these relationships should no longer be considered as a focus of interest for shareholders:





5. TATA Consulting Services





10. VVDN


12. Ai LABS



15. ARM






21. ANT 61






27. SiFIVE

28. IPRO







35. University of Oklahoma

36. Arizona State University

37. Carnegie Mellon University

38. Rochester Institute of Technology

39. Drexel University

Kind regards
Fact Finder

The first response

Hi ……,

Thank you for your email.

I have referred your email to my colleagues in the US to ensure when I responded to you I did so with accurate information.

I have not yet received a reply from Ken Scarince as he was away on his annual vacation last week.

When I have his reply, I will respond directly to your email.


Tony Dawe

Director, Global Investor Relations

+61 (0)405 989 743

The final response received

“Hi …..,

To the best of my knowledge, BrainChip continues to have relationships with all the companies mentioned on your list.

As I have previously stated, BrainChip does not comment on the nature of these relationships nor do we provide status reports.


Tony Dawe Director, Global Investor Relations

+61 (0)405 989 743”

As my request predated the reveal of IniVation as a partner by Nadan Nayampally Chief Marketing Officer and the latest press release regarding GMAC Intelligence it already is out of date such is the speed of progress being made by Brainchip. I do however believe that the very recent nature of the announcements should not require any further confirmation and I would therefore confidently add:

40. IniVation

41. GMAC Intelligence

The bottom line for any genuine shareholder in Brainchip is that speculation as to which companies Brainchip is engaged with should not include these 41. named entities as they are not in doubt.

Kind regards

Fact Finder"
"Mic Drop" thanks FF great post to show the scale of activity still in play for Brainchip.
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Learning to the Top 🕵‍♂️
Has this page always been there ?

Bloody Brilliant
Very new.

Can't wait.

Learning 🪴
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AI model speeds up high-resolution computer vision​

The system could improve image quality in video streaming or help autonomous vehicles identify road hazards in real-time.

Thanks for sharing - The video link did show a Mercedes Badge while driving around the streets ;)
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Whilst I still feel we are leading the pack in the development of the neuromorphic advances, we also still need to accept that there is a "pack" chasing and chasing harder as time rolls by and the greater realisation of how beneficial this tech will be once scaled up and implemented more.

As others have said and no doubt some privately have similar thoughts, BRN does need to start getting some tangible wins on the board.

Don't need explosive, just consistent.

I know they are working hard at it and I know some matters are still locked up behind closed doors unfortunately for SH's however, the financials do need to start revealing "some" incremental growth.

We are not really a big fish in a small pond anymore as neuromorphic research and developments gather speed but just a fish in an ever expanding pond now.

I do trust that we are heavily engaged and part of the Dev cycles of some of our ecosystems partners and products will start to be released but some of the other players out there are justifiably large with much larger resources and funds to accelerate.

As we know, just do a search on neuromorphic and how many hits come up on research, new developers, existing competitors, consortiums as so on.

It does get frustrating seeing various claims of others in the field, companies, Govt supported consortiums or researchers, of breakthroughs and blah blah when we are already at the pointy end.

Speaking of SK as an example.

Recent article with...

Professor Park Hui-joon of the Department of Organic and Nano Engineering​


Securing Global Dominance in AI Semiconductor Technology

Research on neuromorphic computing technology, which is gaining attention as the next-generation AI semiconductor, is actively underway worldwide. IBM developed the neuromorphic chip “TrueNorth” with 2.65 billion synapses in 2014, and Qualcomm unveiled the “Zeroth” processing device that learns like the brain in 2013. Intel also unveiled neuromorphic chips “Loihi” and “Loihi2” in 2017 and 2021, respectively.

In South Korea, the government is leading the “K-Semiconductor Belt” project in collaboration with the private sector to build the world’s largest semiconductor supply chain in the country by 2030. One of the core areas of the K-semiconductor revolves around next-generation intelligent semiconductors or AI semiconductors. Started in 2020, projects for developing next-generation smart semiconductor technology and core technology development for PIM AI semiconductors are underway, with an investment of KRW 1.5 trillion spanning over 10 years. Despite these efforts, the achievements of domestic companies remain insufficient. Professor Park Hui-joon’s laboratory assumes a leading role in the PIM AI semiconductor core technology development project. They plan to expand their ongoing technical collaboration with Samsung Electronics in the image sensor field to encompass the AI semiconductor field. They plan to support domestic companies securing global leadership in neuromorphic computing technology through consistent collaboration with the government and industry.

“System semiconductors account for about 60% of its global market, worth approximately KRW 500 trillion. Unlike the memory sector, where we maintain a dominant global position with a market share of over 60%, the domestic companies’ market share in the system semiconductor market lags at 3%, requiring significant effort. Although domestic companies develop AI-specialized semiconductors, they are yet to be in the lead in the global market. Through continuous research, I would like to promote industry-academic collaborations with Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix and play a pivotal role in making South Korea the world’s best in the AI semiconductor field.””

A Euro player example.


The actual goal of the project, which is to implement the first neuromorphic demo chips for practical applications, is also becoming more and more achievable. “We have already conducted extensive experiments with chips based on 180-nm semiconductor technology, and have made minor, yet important, progress. For example, we are investigating how reliably these new types of components can be manufactured using CMOS technology, or whether they still work without errors after many switching cycles,” says Prof. Rainer Waser.

The first designs based on the more modern 28-nm technology went into production in Taiwan at the end of May. After further processing and assembly with memristive elements from Jülich-Aachen research, they will soon be tested with the first real applications, for example with procedures for route optimization, computer virus searches in the data stream, or artificial neural networks at hardware level for deep learning.

In addition, researchers from RWTH Aachen University and Forschungszentrum Jülich are collaborating with companies in the region as part of the NeuroSys cluster to tap into further market and application potential.

“Neuromorphic computing will open up a variety of possibilities for using energy-efficient AI applications in speech, image, and video processing, as well as medicine. RWTH Aachen University is also thinking on a large scale here and offers its wealth of experience regarding the translation of research findings. Together with associations such as the Aachen Chamber of Industry and Commerce and Zukunftsagentur Rheinisches Revier, various scenarios are being explored for the further development of our innovation ecosystem, right up to the establishment of a factory for computer chips ‘made in NRW’,” explained Prof. Ulrich Rüdiger, rector of RWTH Aachen University.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
love his name ♥️

Hi @cosors, I just finished reading some of your mate's (Amit Mate) Linkedin posts . 😛

I gotta admitt, nothing helps to buoy my mood more than pondering over the reasons why QMAC would swap from using Qualcomm'a Edge AI platform to using BrainChip's cutting-edge neuromorphic Akida platform instead to power their QSRBot 247.

However, my euphoria has now given way to certain feelings of perplexity at why so many people from Qualcomm liked Amit's post about QMAC and BrainChip's partnership. I think it's very, very nice and noble of them of them considering we are kind of in competition with Qualcomm, aren't we?


QM1 pm.png

QM2 pm.png

These are all the Qualcomm employees that "like" the post on our partnership with QMAC.

Screen Shot 2023-09-13 at 2.23.54 pm.png

Screen Shot 2023-09-13 at 2.25.00 pm.png

Screen Shot 2023-09-13 at 2.25.14 pm.png

Screen Shot 2023-09-13 at 2.25.43 pm.png

Screen Shot 2023-09-13 at 2.25.53 pm.png

Screen Shot 2023-09-13 at 2.26.06 pm.png
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I watched the ASX Investor interview (from 3 months ago) last night for the first time. After the last AGM I had just let BRN simmer for a while as could see it was a put it in the draw for a while longer while we wait for v2.0 .....though I am accumulating cheaper shares here also.

From watching both recent interviews from Sean - here are my honest takeaways with my focus on revenue as that is what will sustain a healthy share price.

Larger revenues starting will not be in next 12 months but also wont be in 5 years. Large royalty revenue will be in between those timeframes. I assume once v2.0 Akida products are actually in products and selling - which he hints at 18 month to 2 year development cycle is typical.

My thoughts - If any other EAP's choose to break cover and announce the use of Akida in their product for release in the near future then of course we will have pops in the share price but they can come back down just like after MB news. If any of these news items from partners can be revenue quantifiable then the SP could have sustained rises - as the share market is always forward looking and forward pricing in. However it sounds like next 12 months will still be tough on the revenue as Sean is not giving a lot away on any v1.0 products being huge and sustaining. Maybe some licence sales but that won't be enough for a sustained SP.

I assume then the SP is going to move up and down in the next 1.5 years. From the 1.5 year point we may then start seeing bulk royalty revenue starting from products using v2.0 platform products.

It is interesting from the ASX Investor interview that Sean is adamant about pushing hard forward in sales but also development. It is great to keep that tech lead and is needed to stay very first mover - but Sales and Dev means continued bulk money to be spent in the next 1.5 years per quarter - I am keen to know his thoughts on how he is going to solve the funding over this period before bulk revenue potentially kicking in. I don't care too much for licences being sold as that is just a one of 1mil here and there, that is not going to sustain anything long term for the company. Quarter on Quarter sustained and balanced royalty revenue is needed to sustain a healthy share price, or at least sustained constant dollar attached deals announced.

Sean is obviously tactically still keeping his cards very close to his chest, a bit too much, but I get it, he does not want to over promise and be burnt on that. NDA's are still prominent in the landscape - bleeding edge tech does warrant the NDA's - annoying but true. We can't do much about it, I do like how the ASX Investor tried to extract the info out of him in many different ways around revenue and commerical players lol.

At this point you either believe in the Brainchip tech and partners involved to date and hope for the bulk revenue is there in 1.5 to 2 years. They may well get some starting IP revenue in the next 12 months but I assume it will be smallish - below 10mil for the year which really only sustains the current market cap. The bigger goals are 20mil+ for the year and growing that massively, that bulk is products from Akida v2.0 and beyond it seems. I was hoping on MB bulk royaly revenue starting in commerical vehicles this FY with their new models - but from Sean's language it does not seem to be the case - I could be wrong and Sean really under selling the revenue coming.

I am hoping on another larger player breaking cover again soonish though to say they are using Brainchips Akida platform v1 or v2 in a an actual commercial saleable product for the future. That would and can be valued somewhat by the financial analysts for the future revenue based on past products that company has sold. Lets see if it's possible.

The prospects for Brainchip are exciting - just a lot more patience required for the big sustained revenue.
Hi Fastback,

12 months+ for significant sustainable revenue?

I'm betting we see revenue in less than 12 months from one or more of the following:

A. Reneas had a processor taped out several months ago - even if they were to postpone for Akida 2, this will not be tested from the ground up, more as an upgrade.

B. Megachips is also moving towards production.

C. Merc 2024 model due out any day - with Akida in-cabin?

D. Valeo Scala 3 - with Akida?

E. Socionext synquacer?

Then there are these additional near term possibilities.

F. Lassen Peak hand-held radar (maybe with a chip from Megachips/Renesas) -

G. TATA/Elxsi- we've been working with TATA for a long time.

H. Prophesee

... and a few longer shots:

H. nViso

I. Edge Impulse

I think that a steady trickle of revenue from proven commercial applications will burst the SP floodgates.

And interspersed among the revenue will be big lumps of licence fees at an increasing rate.

And the icing on the cake is TeNNs.
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The Nintendo Direct presentation... rumoured to be between Sep 11 to 15 is worth keeping a close eye on in my opinion.

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Top 20
Whilst I still feel we are leading the pack in the development of the neuromorphic advances, we also still need to accept that there is a "pack" chasing and chasing harder as time rolls by and the greater realisation of how beneficial this tech will be once scaled up and implemented more.

As others have said and no doubt some privately have similar thoughts, BRN does need to start getting some tangible wins on the board.

Don't need explosive, just consistent.

I know they are working hard at it and I know some matters are still locked up behind closed doors unfortunately for SH's however, the financials do need to start revealing "some" incremental growth.

We are not really a big fish in a small pond anymore as neuromorphic research and developments gather speed but just a fish in an ever expanding pond now.

I do trust that we are heavily engaged and part of the Dev cycles of some of our ecosystems partners and products will start to be released but some of the other players out there are justifiably large with much larger resources and funds to accelerate.

As we know, just do a search on neuromorphic and how many hits come up on research, new developers, existing competitors, consortiums as so on.

It does get frustrating seeing various claims of others in the field, companies, Govt supported consortiums or researchers, of breakthroughs and blah blah when we are already at the pointy end.

Speaking of SK as an example.

Recent article with...

Professor Park Hui-joon of the Department of Organic and Nano Engineering​


Securing Global Dominance in AI Semiconductor Technology

Research on neuromorphic computing technology, which is gaining attention as the next-generation AI semiconductor, is actively underway worldwide. IBM developed the neuromorphic chip “TrueNorth” with 2.65 billion synapses in 2014, and Qualcomm unveiled the “Zeroth” processing device that learns like the brain in 2013. Intel also unveiled neuromorphic chips “Loihi” and “Loihi2” in 2017 and 2021, respectively.

In South Korea, the government is leading the “K-Semiconductor Belt” project in collaboration with the private sector to build the world’s largest semiconductor supply chain in the country by 2030. One of the core areas of the K-semiconductor revolves around next-generation intelligent semiconductors or AI semiconductors. Started in 2020, projects for developing next-generation smart semiconductor technology and core technology development for PIM AI semiconductors are underway, with an investment of KRW 1.5 trillion spanning over 10 years. Despite these efforts, the achievements of domestic companies remain insufficient. Professor Park Hui-joon’s laboratory assumes a leading role in the PIM AI semiconductor core technology development project. They plan to expand their ongoing technical collaboration with Samsung Electronics in the image sensor field to encompass the AI semiconductor field. They plan to support domestic companies securing global leadership in neuromorphic computing technology through consistent collaboration with the government and industry.

“System semiconductors account for about 60% of its global market, worth approximately KRW 500 trillion. Unlike the memory sector, where we maintain a dominant global position with a market share of over 60%, the domestic companies’ market share in the system semiconductor market lags at 3%, requiring significant effort. Although domestic companies develop AI-specialized semiconductors, they are yet to be in the lead in the global market. Through continuous research, I would like to promote industry-academic collaborations with Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix and play a pivotal role in making South Korea the world’s best in the AI semiconductor field.””

A Euro player example.


The actual goal of the project, which is to implement the first neuromorphic demo chips for practical applications, is also becoming more and more achievable. “We have already conducted extensive experiments with chips based on 180-nm semiconductor technology, and have made minor, yet important, progress. For example, we are investigating how reliably these new types of components can be manufactured using CMOS technology, or whether they still work without errors after many switching cycles,” says Prof. Rainer Waser.

The first designs based on the more modern 28-nm technology went into production in Taiwan at the end of May. After further processing and assembly with memristive elements from Jülich-Aachen research, they will soon be tested with the first real applications, for example with procedures for route optimization, computer virus searches in the data stream, or artificial neural networks at hardware level for deep learning.

In addition, researchers from RWTH Aachen University and Forschungszentrum Jülich are collaborating with companies in the region as part of the NeuroSys cluster to tap into further market and application potential.

“Neuromorphic computing will open up a variety of possibilities for using energy-efficient AI applications in speech, image, and video processing, as well as medicine. RWTH Aachen University is also thinking on a large scale here and offers its wealth of experience regarding the translation of research findings. Together with associations such as the Aachen Chamber of Industry and Commerce and Zukunftsagentur Rheinisches Revier, various scenarios are being explored for the further development of our innovation ecosystem, right up to the establishment of a factory for computer chips ‘made in NRW’,” explained Prof. Ulrich Rüdiger, rector of RWTH Aachen University.
Hi Fmf,

Both these are analog/memristor. The theoretical advantages are swamped by practical deficiencies.
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Hi Fmf,

Both these are analog/memristor. The theoretical advantages are swamped by practical deficiencies.
I laymanly agree Diogenese.

This is part of a reply, I received from Tony Dawe in an email recently..

"I receive many questions from shareholders about potential rival technologies. Many technologies call themselves “neuromorphic” but aren’t. Many technologies claim to do certain things that they can’t"

While there is definitely "now" a big push, for all things neuromorphic in the A.I. World, BrainChip does seem to be in the best "real" position, to take advantage of it.

Peter's genius, in pursuing a purely digital approach, to an analog problem (that arguably took millions of years to perfect) and is protected by patents, is our biggest asset and an extremely difficult and broad moat, to conquer.

The "Just like"s and pretenders will be far more plentiful than any real contenders.
Their large wallets, only allowing better marketing (lying) the power of which can't be discounted, than any real technical threat..

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BrainChip Holdings Partners with Tata Elxsi to Drive Neuromorphic AI Technology in Medical Devices and Industrial Applications​

Insight Convey
Insight Convey

September 8, 2023

Credit: Tata Elxsi



  • The state-of-the-art Akida AI neural processor architecture from BrainChip is entirely programmable, scalable, and event-based.
  • Akida technology may alter industries, including healthcare and industrial automation, through this agreement.
  • To accomplish these objectives, Tata Elxsi highlights the value of its extensive network of partners.
Tata Elxsi, a renowned provider of design and technology services, and BrainChip Holdings Ltd., a pioneer in ultra-low power, completely digital, event-based, neuromorphic AI IP, are pleased to announce their alliance. Through this partnership, BrainChip’s ground-breaking Akida technology will be used to expand industrial and medical applications with intelligent, low-power solutions.

Akida Technology’s Unique Features

  • The state-of-the-art
    Akida AI neural processor architecture from BrainChip is entirely programmable, scalable, and event-based.
  • Numerous applications benefit significantly from its tiny footprint, which offers several orders of magnitude better performance.
  • Akida’s ability to boost edge AI capabilities independent of the cloud makes it possible for the Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) industry, expected to reach more than a trillion dollars by 2030.

Tata Elxsi’s Expertise in Design and Technology

  • Tata Elxsi contributes their knowledge of user-centric design and dedication to innovation using cutting-edge technology to the relationship.
  • The organization’s commitment is to assist businesses in reimagining their goods and services, thereby increasing operational effectiveness, saving costs, and developing fresh customer-centric solutions.
  • To accomplish these objectives, Tata Elxsi highlights the value of its extensive network of partners.
Read more:-
BorgWarner and STMicroelectronics Collaborate to Enhance Electric Vehicle Performance

Accelerating Time to Market

  • Tata Elxsi’s CEO and MD, Manoj Raghavan, underlines the partnership’s contribution to expediting time-to-market and innovation.
  • Integrating Akida technology into industrial and medical solutions thanks to innovation-driven goods and services may now deliver results more quickly than ever.
  • By fusing the creative prowess of Tata Elxsi with the cutting-edge technology of BrainChip, this strategic partnership strives to satisfy the changing demands of clients.

Shared Vision for Innovation

  • Rob Telson, BrainChip’s VP of ecosystems and partnerships, sees synergy in BrainChip and Tata Elxsi’s innovation strategies.
  • Akida technology may alter industries, including healthcare and industrial automation, through this agreement.
  • Both businesses are eager to work together to expand these markets and generate new possibilities.
Read more:-
Sindcon Collaborated with STMicroelectronics for Smart Meter Project in Jakarta


Tata Elxsi’s partnership with BrainChip Holdings signifies a significant move towards harnessing Akida technology for industry and healthcare. To foster innovation and growth, our partnership merges Tata Elxsi’s design expertise with BrainChip’s cutting-edge AI technology.
Welcome back!

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Corresponded with TD in the last 48hrs regarding the departure of CS.
Not going to give any information here as their really wasn"t anything worthwhile sharing.

BUT ........... TDs parting email words were, ............... "The work of engaging with customers of the iminent release of Akida 2.0
will continue uninterupted"

Hang in there "Chippers".............. using the word iminent indicates we"re pretty damn close.

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Good afternoon All,

This is a very interesting, developing field that I have been watching for a number of years now, I mentioned Photonics about 4 years
ago as the next big thing, meaning what exactly Tech ?....light is the final frontier in my un/educated opinion.

This article below may get you thinking, it's years off in my view, but it's where we are heading as far as space/time travel is concerned.

Check this field out, it's very captivating in my opinion as a future guiding light, so to speak.

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Hi Fmf,

Both these are analog/memristor. The theoretical advantages are swamped by practical deficiencies.
No disputing.

However, in the commercial and corporate world those with deep pockets, deep relationships, vested interests etc have still successfully achieved market penetration with products that do enough to fill a mkt.

Whilst holders and no doubt those in the tech world understand our advantages, the average consumer on the street doesn't generally need to know or care about the inner workings of their product they bought...just that it works well relevant to the cost and does what it says on the box.

Is kinda looking at Akida 1.0 as an example.

Cutting edge, is evolving as we are seeing, can be proven to be better, more efficient etc than the current tech however, the resident encumbents were "good enough" for the time being.

I get it that 1.0 essentially ended up more a POC, reference etc and we continue to build on that.

I like the old a better mousetrap etc and I fully expect our time will come once a consumer, enterprise product breaks cover but was just highlighting the pack is hunting one way or another.
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Just imagine what S/P loss values that Peter and the other Top 20 s/holders would be experiencing ......?????

Some people here keep complaining that the top management has not made any insider purchases so far, but more importantly, they also did not make any insider sales (not that I know of at least), which is also important to see.
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