Hi there.
Just because our ambition is to be ubiquitous, that doesn't mean we will be the ultimately perfect or even best solution to every technical conundrum out there.
Many applications are being developed by competitors in these still early days of neuromorphic processing and our patent wall necessitates that novel competing designs and approaches will be developed that our manufacturing users will want to examine and test against our offering.
We will win some and we will lose some.
Sean, Peter and now Antonio have all explained, and we have seen evidence in the many examples reproduced here on these threads, that in some applications extant and perhaps cruder and less efficient solutions have, and continue to be adopted instead of our Akida solution.
The people who are making the decisions have grown up on and are familiar and comfortable with older technology.
As new concepts and applications are developed and shown to be superior but which would strain the capacity of existing tech our offerings will become an available solution.
As yet, such applications that are pushing the boundaries and capabilities of existing tech tend towards autonomous vehicles (from spacecraft through passenger vehicles and into multifarious drones), military spec applications (of which we will only get peeks due to security concerns) and other areas where innovation is a necessity because of either status or status quo concerns.
Much of this is still at the developmental stage and yet to be made available for mainstream consumption.
It's all taking longer than many of us would like.
I think that this is as much of a surprise and concern for the Company as it is for us.
I think they also expected faster and earlier adoption and are also struggling with the current situation, but being, for the most part, experienced professionals they express these facts with little hysteria.
Every engagement BrainChip has with a prospective user comes with mutual NDA's as standard operating procedure and as stated above by Antonio, just what we can announce at any given time is very restricted by our end user's corporate and marketing requirements.
Hence the extremely conservative approach to ASX releases which irks so many and which provides such rich fodder for the shorts and other manipulators.
Looking back we have to conclude that our share price was over inflated at our $2+ peaks driven by a combination of exuberant enthusiasm sparked by the MB declaration, pent up expectation from existing holders, and market force hype granted to any spiking share price by traders looking for quick returns and both ignorant and uninterested in any fundamental or intrinsic value or property of the stock in question.
None of this makes we true believers wrong or should give cause to turning upon or eating each other.
We know progress, however seemingly glacial, is occurring, much of which is behind closed doors.
We know the announcements we all pine for are drafted and awaiting release.
Will it be this Monday.......next month.......December this year or January next????
As one particularly talented musical instrumentalist I know says.......our FOMO keeps us here.
Hang in their fellow believers.
We may or may not get smashed again on Monday, but at the moment, we are all we've got.
So......Fuch the splitters!