BRN Discussion Ongoing


I wasn’t going to post this, but it is on the public domain (LinkedIn)

So Valeo posted an interview with their Innovation Chief the other day, I’ll post the link. The interview was about a range of things and one of them being SCALA 3.

Anyway I commented on it and said and I quote-

Great interview.

I suspect Valeo has achieved this through breakthroughs in Al and #neuromorphic”

And I received a public comment back from somebody who has worked at Valeo for over 27 years and he responded with-

yes we did a lot with #neuromorphic

I’ll attach the photo below.

Now you have to ask yourself, is there any other company out there with a commercially available neuromorphic IP?? We all know it’s Brainchip, come on everybody, I know we want to see the announcement that it’s offical, but this is disruptive technology, world first, and as the former CEO said and the current CEO, that these companies see akida as the key differentiator. Now who knows if it will ever become public knowledge? Maybe one day, but from the original offical release of Valeo SCALA 3 that a lot of us watched, and the question was asked, is this using Brainchips akida, and they both looked at each other and didn’t know what to say, and said we can’t say who it is, we may mention it in a few months…..
They’ve never disclosed the IP they are using.

Here’s the photo below, it was only 2-3 days ago this happened!
I hope this brightens up everybody’s weekend 😁

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Has the comment now been removed from linkedin?
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Brainchip has everything to bargain with.
It’s their IP and their technology which is “revolutionising the automotive industry”
Take away Brainchip and you’ve got power hungry expensive GPU’s running through software.

We likely won’t ever find out the royalty, but what does seem sure and certain is akida will be featuring in Valeos SCALA3.

Valeo has taken $1 billion euros in Pre Orders already, which is $1.6/7 billion AUD, can we get let’s say 4%? That’s $60-$70 million AUD, and we’ve got to remember, that revenue will continue to grow month on month as more cars are being made, and YoY it will be even more as more cars adopt SCALA3 and it eventually becomes industry standard….and that’s just Valeo.
Valeo supply 1/3 of all sensors to the automotive industry.
Stellantis has also said they will use Valeos SCALA3.

If we combine Valeo, renesas, megachips, few others hiding in the background? Maybe within 18 months Brainchip could be receiving $100 million plus.
Any idea how much Scala3 costs Jesse? I'm thinking $1B in orders is just the tip of the iceberg. Since covid, global vehicle sales have dropped to about 90m/yr
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Founding Member
Any idea how much Scala3 costs Jesse? I'm thinking $1B in orders is just the tip of the iceberg. Since covid, global vehicle sales have dropped to about 90m/yr
I’m not sure but I would say it is just the tip of the iceberg as well.
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Nice of ARM to tag us don't you think???!

Ah it probably means nothin right..........?

Slip of the mouse? Or are we on a winner? Hard to say 🤔🤨😏

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seeds have the potential to become trees.
I get the feeling, nothing definitive, MB is moving away from Valeo's Scalia and moving towards Luminar's IRIS which uses Qualcomm. And also moving away from "Hey Mercedes" key word activation towards a system which recognises phrases or tones.

As you know, I was very bullish on MB using Akida in Valeo's Scala 3 and Hey Mercedes featured in the EQXX in the new 2024 EV MMA platform for small and medium cars. Those cars are due for release in the next couple of months.

Statements since the AGM from BRN have been very dower of late about the lack of progress. I would have thought BRN would be more upbeat if Akida IP was going to be in the new soon to be released 2024 MB small to medium electric line-up. I'm talking about body language and tone not breaking NDA's. They're not exactly bubbling over with excitement about anything.

There is a big difference between trusted and used by.
The difference between trusted and used by is inc on paper and maybe an NDA. Mercedes has publicly stated that Akida is 5-10x better power savings and that technology like this will be used in a few years time.

They have since talked about neuromorphic and edge computing quite a bit without mentioning names. Can you provide a link that confirms that they are moving away from “hey Mercedes” . This was a small keyword spotting demo used in a concept car to prove the benefit of Akida technology. Even if they are using some other technology in their infotainment system does not exclude Akida for either hey Mercedes or any other sensor solution in their new range like predictive maintenance vibration analysis, personalised driver experience, radar/LiDAR, driver alertness monitoring etc.

Just my opinion.
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Engaged how? What does that actually mean?

What rumours? It was only me speculating which I highlighted from the start so even the dumbest person wouldn't misunderstand. Some people need to get a grip 🥴. Too my people are jumping at shadows.

The unemotional technical conversation I had with Dio with input from others, proved it was feasible for MB to be using IRIS as their Lidar in their 2024 vehicles not that they actually are. It also showed there was scope for Akida to be used in IRIS not that it is.
My observations:
Tech here says 2025.
All the engaged customers want Gen 2.
All engaged customers are oiling the joints to be ready to execute products with Gen 2. Prepping the decks so to say to reduce IP to product timeline.

Gen 2 general availability this qtr.
Gen 2 to tape out to product lines
Gen 2 in early use case industrial, home IOT products 2nd half 2024.
2025 is “hello what do we have here” in H2 2024 BRN report..

In my postulating view
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The monthly chart shows that the MACH monthly (29,12.9) relentless momentum move down has ceased and levelled off over the last few months - obvious from the chart below.
A recent attempt to reverse the trend failed (May greenshoot bar) and it looks so far that the SP may have another go at a further 'green shoot' this month - wait and see. Markets??
Contrarion chartists may look at starting to accumulate during these conditions.
The risk is a sell off after the coming Quarter report.
The impatience is waiting for some good news, eg Renesas gets its AKIDA chip off the production line.
Downtrends rarely last forever. This trend will eventually reverse.
Just depends whether you are good at getting your timing right because when it reverses it may move very quickly.


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I wish I could paint like Vincent
Perhaps a link with our sales rep in Israel?

View attachment 40021
I can't write them off but it looks like they are working with Ambarella on this one?
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
OK .... just been on the current MB website and searched Brainchip Akida on their search bar and as we can see the EQXX comes up!!

If someone else were supplying MB do we not think that this would be removed from the site because of conflicting interests/competition

So this says to me that we are and will continue to be a PARTNER for the forseeable future !! ❤️❤️



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OK .... just been on the current MB website and searched Brainchip Akida on their search bar and as we can see the EQXX comes up!!

If someone else were supplying MB do we not think that this would be removed from the site because of conflicting interests/competition

So this says to me that we are and will continue to be a PARTNER for the forseeable future !! ❤️❤️

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I think your logic is flawed. The whole basis of your opinion is MB haven't taken off their website a 2 year old article about a concept car. BRN wasn't the only supplier mentioned and not all suppliers of concept cars make it into a production cars.
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Founding Member
I think your logic is flawed. The whole basis of your opinion is MB haven't taken off their website a 2 year old article about a concept car. BRN wasn't the only supplier mentioned and not all suppliers of concept cars make it into a production cars.
Let me settle this one as well!
This was only a couple of weeks ago!!!
Now can everybody just accept that Mercedes and Brainchip are heavily involved with each other and that they see akida as 5-10x more efficient than anything else out there…..

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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
I think your logic is flawed. The whole basis of your opinion is MB haven't taken off their website a 2 year old article about a concept car. BRN wasn't the only supplier mentioned and not all suppliers of concept cars make it into a production cars.
Ok :)
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
Let me settle this one as well!
This was only a couple of weeks ago!!!
Now can everybody just accept that Mercedes and Brainchip are heavily involved with each other and that they see akida as 5-10x more efficient than anything else out there…..

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Thanks Jesse ... 🙏
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Good Afternoon Chapman89,

Love your work.

🍾 ....Soonish,... although it's said good bubbly gets better with a little age.

* Completely off topic , but my orchids just opened overnight.

Great things take time.... patience generally gets rewarded in spades



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Let me settle this one as well!
This was only a couple of weeks ago!!!
Now can everybody just accept that Mercedes and Brainchip are heavily involved with each other and that they see akida as 5-10x more efficient than anything else out there…..

View attachment 40026
I truly hope so Jesse.

I did a deep dive a month ago and then a week ago looking for connections. My thinking was the vehicle comes out soon so surely something must drop. The only thing I found of note was the foot prints of a certain verification engineer everywhere.
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Just back to Valeo.

Posted this about this time last year with some of the authors being Valeo.

Were playing with CNN2SNN simulations.

Full paper in original post & I added the conclusion snip this time.

Don't know if been posted already, but skimming some posts around Valeo earlier and this paper released recently, June 6th.

Paper attached.

At least we have Valeos name for it...Spiking Lidar......SpikiLi :D

Like to think they just replicating / simulating what Akida can already do for their own confirmations as part of the process.

No direct reference to us though :cautious:

Maybe @Diogenese will understand the implications better and explain in simpler terms for us.



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