BRN Discussion Ongoing


I'm Spartacus!
Hop, if you think the reaction to, and strike-down of, remuneration is childish, then I suggest that you do not understand the notion. The majority of shareholders voted this.

Isn't the one touch of evasion that you detected (re resolution 8) enough for you to question, in a general sense?
Apparently, at some point in time, a majority somehow voted in a Hitler, a Trump and a Scomo.
We each may hold differing and valid opinions upon the wisdom of any of these results and I am glad, that for now at least, we both have the freedom to express our views.

Whilst questioning is fine, I also don’t regard this world and we humans who inhabit it, as a place that is merely black or white.
Those shades of grey begrime us all and as someone great purportedly said “Let he who is without, cast the first stone”.
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Apparently, at some point in time, a majority somehow voted in a Hitler, a Trump and a Scomo.
We each may hold differing and valid opinions upon the wisdom of any of these results and I am glad, that for now at least, we both have the freedom to express our views.

Whilst questioning is fine, I also don’t regard this world and we humans who inhabit it, as a place that is merely black or white.
Those shades of grey begrime us all and as someone great purportedly said “Let he who is without, cast the first stone”.
Comparing Hitler, Trump, Scomo, and the majority of shareholders. What the hell, Hop?
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bavarian girl ;-)
Just my short take on todays proceedings.
I attended and video recorded the AGM today and am surprised at all the negative comments I am reading here.
In all honesty it makes me wonder in just what alternate reality the negative AGM they attended occurred?
Of course, many have barrows they wish to push and opinions are malleable according to circumstance and motivation. 🤣

After the formal AGM there was a more relaxed get together of all the Company participants and maybe 30 or so TSEX denizens where a few sherbert’s were consumed and everyone present was able to voice their concerns, express their opinions, grumble about the share price and ask all the questions that have been nagging at them. I guess it was a similar experience to those that happen semi regularly in Perth when those of our crew who are local get the chance for some face time with PVDM and whoever else can make themselves available.
It was a great opportunity and in my view well worth the travel and accomodation expense incurred.
It was very reassuring to meet and engage with these people one on one, and to not only have their ear for a while, but more importantly, have the chance to hear detailed explanations tailored to your specific inquiries. I found everyone I spoke to engaging and engaged, cognizant of shareholders concerns and gratifyingly working as a team to push Brainchip as fast as possible towards widespread adoption and success for both themselves and us.

The actual AGM was well attended and run courteously and efficiently by Antonio with assistance from Sean and the other members of the board.
Given both time and confidentiality constraints I thought they handled the general business of the meeting and answered the questions of concern both forthrightly, honestly and intelligently and in each case either put my mind to rest or provided colour to some concepts which previously, for me, had merely been empty line drawings.

The only touch of evasion I perceived was perhaps in regard to resolution 8 regarding the options replaced by shares dealio.
I was left with the impression that this was some kind of a mess up from the past with no real easy clean up solution, that they have wrestled with, run scenario’s, examined possibilities, and come to the considered judgement, after seeking professional advice, that this was the best way to disappear this issue once and for all.
Having learned painful lessons from this affair they have also taken steps to ensure it does not reoccur.
In my opinion, its a can of worms hanging over them from past times they just wanted to send to sleep with the fishes. 🤣

As far as the strike down of the remuneration report is concerned, it seems to me like a childish reaction.
I understand the sentiment and notion of disappointment from my fellow share holders and have sympathy with the underlying feeling but stand by my earlier comments that this is something akin to the action of spiting ones own face by cutting off one’s nose.
I hope everyone who voted it down feels they have now extracted their pound of flesh.
Please take the time to listen to the explanations and rationale for these measures and how the current board has evolved its approach to this volatile topic in line with share holders sentiment and sensitivities in mind.
The putting out of eyes makes everyone blind.

I’m tired now and have sympathy for our team who have been in meeting after meeting today performing for audience after audience.
If I’m tired, they must be buggered!
Thanks to all the good natured and genuine thousand eye’s I met today and now have faces to add to their monikers, and to those friends from last year I got to see again today and Thank you to PVDM and the team you have assembled about you working to birth and bring beneficial AI into our world. We do that and the dollars will follow.
Also, a big shout out to our good friend FF who was sadly missed today.
Hoping to see you next year.


Thank you for your post hopalong. I got up at 1am yesterday, made myself some coffee and then waited 2 hours for the meeting. Basically, there wasn't much that was new to report, basically you knew almost everything, Sean also struck me as very strange, very tense and nervous. I really liked Antonio. Unfortunately I couldn't understand everything, your Australian English is really terrible for us Bavarians. I then went to bed for another 4 hours with the sun rising and the chirping of birds. Basically, I was wondering if it was worth staying up for me. When driving down, I also saw the Australian course with -17%. Oh my!

Now I've read through all the comments. What can I say. I think basically we knew everything and yet you are disappointed. What did everyone expect here?

I'm sure I'll go to bed soon today, and I'll definitely be there again next year!
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Apparently, at some point in time, a majority somehow voted in a Hitler, a Trump and a Scomo.
We each may hold differing and valid opinions upon the wisdom of any of these results and I am glad, that for now at least, we both have the freedom to express our views.

Whilst questioning is fine, I also don’t regard this world and we humans who inhabit it, as a place that is merely black or white.
Those shades of grey begrime us all and as someone great purportedly said “Let he who is without, cast the first stone”.

Those shades of grey begrime us all and as someone great purportedly said “Let he who is without, cast the first stone”

I'm sure that person was talking about black and white, rather than excusing grey areas...
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Learning to the Top 🕵‍♂️

Learning 🏖
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He should be able to present without reading verbatim. Most of us could've said what he said without looking at notes as none of it was new info. His delivery should never be poor; he's our CEO and we pay him very well.
Skimmed a few comments about reading and presentation at today's AGM. Simple fact is that the AGM presentations and addresses are ASX announcements - so they really need to be read and can't be ad-libbed much at all. Sean isn't as comfortable reading as he is just talking and answering questions - but we shouldn't bag him for reading the actual speech.
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I agree this AGM did not offer a glowing sense of everything being 'on the up and up for BRN' like the last one.

Apart from unrealistic expectations that some news would drop, I believe the difference between 22 and 23 AGM is partly due to the more reserved approach in delivering it.
They offered a more upbeat picture at the last AGM and look what happens when the ducks don’t all line up to enable those to come to the fore.
This AGM had the team facing a difficult question time and had them needing to present in a way that addressed shareholder expectations from the previous comments made.
eg Sean said last year 'judge me on results', He didn’t say those results were going to be related to income and BRN have actually achieved a lot this year but expectations from last year’s comments were that he should be judged on the $ coming in.

There was probably a conscious decision/effort to deliver the facts only this year, a big effort not to offer any insights into the future potential to ensure everything is black and white, nothing can be misconstrued by the audience which would need to be explained next year.
If great strides occur then they are over delivering at the next AGM.

I liked the honesty and ground zero approach.
It is clear that the current engagements are continuing to shape this companies 'product'.
Akida 1000 was lacking in scope, feedback by the engagements confirmed that they wanted more.
Akida 1000 is good and can still be used in a limited way as a sensor at the edge but companies who have engaged with the team demanded more.
The team delivered Akida 1500 and the second generation which has opened up the scope of our business/tech.
BRN have heard and answered their customer needs. That’s how relationships between businesses are forged.
We are tailoring our product to enable them to use it more widely and with greatest impact on their brand.
What is not to like with that approach?

Introducing Akida 1000 was a step that had to be taken to get the neuromorphic ball rolling for BRN.
It built awareness and facilitated engagements allowing others to test and explore opportunities.
Akida second gen (soon to add third) builds on that foundation and now products may be built in earnest as the customers now have more of their needs met. Happier customers in the long run makes far better business sense.

"Id like a ham cheese and relish toasty please"

"Sorry we only offer ham and cheese sandwiches""


"Sure, I think I can do that, just give me a little more time and I'll prepare one for you"

I know which company I’d be returning to, to buy or work with going forward.

Obviously more patience is required so I’ll focus on these few lines out of Antonio’s speech:

"The trajectory we are currently on is the most promising since BrainChip's inception"
and when Antonio answered a question related to the 'request to forecast future revenue' he said something along these lines.

This is very difficult to do.
We meet with the engineers of a potential customer, we use our IP in their product and both see the incredible benefits of this combined effort.
It is then, near impossible to predict the future $ from the sale of the product going forward.
One day with a history of sales this may get easier. I inferred this last line.

I will continue with my conviction to hold, believing the company is making progress, and at some point it will all fall into place and snowball in all the areas we have been observing opportunities.
Who are you and why aren't you bagging them out like everyone else!!!! (Spoiler - this was an attempt at humour - I think that is an excellent post @FallingKnife).
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DID anyone ask what happened to unprecedented sales? It is obvious to me that managemen,espectially Rob and Sean have lied and continued to lie to cover up thie shit show that was evolving.Sack them both,replace Tony Dawe as he to cannot be trusted,I’m someone who sold s over 1/2 million shares,I have often aired my view here and my gut feeling was right, If I had 40% of shareholders voting against the free issue of 8million shares,I know I’m shortly going to be looking for a management and board change as well. Glad shareholders gave them heaps they fucken deserved it. FRAUD is what we as shareholders are looking at,plain as day
Pretty strong accusations of lying and fraud there @Galaxycar. I politely suggest you tone them down a little.
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These calls for Fact Finder to come and pour some soothing lotion on the burns are made in jest, I hope. With all the due respect one can earn on an anonymous forum, I have respect for him, the research and insights he posted specific to BRN, and the general anecdotes to life. However, let's be clear, he is not the Mesiah, cometh to ease the burdens of people that aren't enjoying reading a hard word about the company. I'd also imagine that FF wouldn't want that burden to shoulder.

Ok, now that that's off my chest, I'm in two minds about the AGM. I'm glad that it was a no bullshit presentation and that the facts, to the best of the boards and CEO's ability, were laid bare. It's a bitter pill to swallow, as the 2022 AGM painted a much more positive picture with strong suggestions of growth in FY23. As this obviously hasn't happened, it was either a massive miscalculation or it was exaggeration and hyperbole.

I agree that Sean didn't present well, and as much as I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt, he's in a position where he needs to perform at a higher level, and his performance is one of many factors in the litmus test that makes up his remuneration. I just pray that his performance away from the public eye makes up for his public performance.

I'll admit I only caught bits of the AGM as I was listening to it while working and had competing priorities, so I may have misheard or misinterpreted the NDA topic. What got to me though, is the company has been hanging it's hat on the amount of NDA's they have, which naturally leads investors to believe the client relationship is progressing (naturally at differing levels). What I understood of Antonio's response to the question on NDA's is that they are pretty much boiler plate for any company initiating engagement with BRN, so while some have the potential to proceed, they are not in and of themselves anything more than enquiries. Maybe I'm naive, but I had a different understanding of them.

I'm going to continue to hold, and still believe in the tech and PVDM, but there is, in my mind, a disconnect between the tech and the foundation, and the management approach to shareholder engagement.

Oh, and Roger, if you're on here... Legend!
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DID anyone ask what happened to unprecedented sales? It is obvious to me that managemen,espectially Rob and Sean have lied and continued to lie to cover up thie shit show that was evolving.Sack them both,replace Tony Dawe as he to cannot be trusted,I’m someone who sold s over 1/2 million shares,I have often aired my view here and my gut feeling was right, If I had 40% of shareholders voting against the free issue of 8million shares,I know I’m shortly going to be looking for a management and board change as well. Glad shareholders gave them heaps they fucken deserved it. FRAUD is what we as shareholders are looking at,plain as day
Thanks for giving me your 1/2 mill on the cheap...
They are in safe hands now.
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bavarian girl ;-)

Renault Group and Valeo sign a partnership in Software Defined Vehicle development​

• Renault Group and Valeo are extending their collaboration on the Software Defined Vehicle (SDV).
• Valeo will supply some of the key electrical and electronic components, such as the High-Performance Computer, and contribute to software development.
• With Google on software, Qualcomm on hardware, and now Valeo, Renault Group continues to develop its tech ecosystem and its mastery of the SDV value chain.

* Valeo will supply: HPC (High-Performance Computer), the core control of vehicle driving strategies and driver assistance systems (ADAS); zone controllers, which provide more efficient power management and substantial reduction in wiring harness; electrical distribution modules; ADAS components: ultrasonic sensors, driving and parking cameras.


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Time will prove that Sean Hehir is a WARRIOR!

Just go READ Sean’s prepared address, quietly, removed from all the cynical BS, and really grasp the progress and SETUP we have for the next 12 months.

He might not be the best at reading a script, but he sure knows the industry in depth!

Akida 1.0 was a necessary step.
Akida 1.5 is a necessary bridge.
2nd Gen Akida is a market darling.
3rd Gen Akida…yeah, try to dislodge us then!

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Hopefully he took some comments on board about his presentation yesterday and smashes it.
Don't get so upset. You've been doing that all day today. Everyone gets how many chances?
A new job, a new role, and a thousand gun barrels to the chest through shreholder questions and ASX rules at the same time. I think I'm actually quite sovereign in such things. But, I would never want to be in place of him today. How do you announce what most with brains suspected. Could have put a little flower on the desk but would not have helped. Nothing against you, I think to understand you anyway.

Rushing against one person of a team for the overall situation even as a team leader makes no sense especially if he just arrived for how long?
I imagine that it was for him like with hundreds of condoms on top of each other and his sweetheart just wants the best or she separates. Do not know how I would deal with it.
beads of sweat
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Deleted member 118

Time will prove that Sean Hehir is a WARRIOR!

Just go READ Sean’s prepared address, quietly, removed from all the cynical BS, and really grasp the progress and SETUP we have for the next 12 months.

He might not be the best at reading a script, but he sure knows the industry in depth!

Akida 1.0 was a necessary step.
Akida 1.5 is a necessary bridge.
2nd Gen Akida is a market darling.
3rd Gen Akida…yeah, try to dislodge us then!

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bavarian girl ;-)
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bavarian girl ;-)
37 min.

We are excited to have our partner Teksun Inc, demonstrating their applications running on Akida at the Embedded Vision Summit. Very cool stuff, with more to come.

2 tablecloths :love:

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That´s nice he comes to Munich, it would be really interesting to hear him there. Anyone else coming from near Munich?
I'll think about it.

Would not surprise me if the gun barrels on his chest are gone he revives. Finally the shit is over and have a year to work.

How many of you changed companies and became CEO first time and how long did it take to settle into the role with all the boundary conditions?
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