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Deleted member 118

He should be able to present without reading verbatim. Most of us could've said what he said without looking at notes as none of it was new info. His delivery should never be poor; he's our CEO and we pay him very well.
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He should be able to present without reading verbatim. Most of us could've said what he said without looking at notes as none of it was new info. His delivery should never be poor; he's our CEO and we pay him very well.
I interpreted his note reading as a way to avoid saying anything that would give away sensitive information. He probably spends every day speaking openly with the internal sales and marketing team and Board about opportunities with [insert client names] so doesn't want to risk breaking an NDA by deviating from the script. I have a view that everyone at BRN is super scared of breaching confidentiality at the risk of appeasing the shareholders which I'm frustrated about but also completely understand.
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Anyone here go to the AGM and fill us in on the "vibe". Any catch ups with BRN heavies? Anything to add?
Oh if Roger is on here, did you feel satisfied with the replies to your questions and concerns?
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52% of shareholders voted against the adoption of the remuneration report.

Pretty strong sign that shareholders are unhappy with performance at the moment.

Surprised that 52% voted against this but only 38% voted against Manny's shares though. I thought that number was going to be higher.
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If you’re going to be running a company that could one day be massive, he should show more conviction and professionalism than he has since he joined BRN. Not up for the job I recon.
He should be able to present without reading verbatim. Most of us could've said what he said without looking at notes as none of it was new info. His delivery should never be poor; he's our CEO and we pay him very well.

Fair points. In principle I agree with you guys. But if he was flashy and full of confidence without looking at his notes in the current downturn we are experiencing as a company, my point still stands. He would be crucified by many.

With the length of that document I don't many who could do that without verbatim. I agree with him reading the document as well with so much sensitivity and security the company needs to have.
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From todays AGM

Shorters 1 vs BRN 0

Every time I buy more while the shorters and lack of sales hold it down, the price still goes down more?

I’m starting to feel like Homer Simpson getting buzzed every time he tries to take the pie off the window shelf.

I’m a big BRN supporter but even I have my time limits for other private reasons. I was getting excited by the talk of the second half of this year. Now that seems early.

I’m sober, probably feel better tomorrow with a slight hangover.

Good luck to all!
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I agree this AGM did not offer a glowing sense of everything being 'on the up and up for BRN' like the last one.

Apart from unrealistic expectations that some news would drop, I believe the difference between 22 and 23 AGM is partly due to the more reserved approach in delivering it.
They offered a more upbeat picture at the last AGM and look what happens when the ducks don’t all line up to enable those to come to the fore.
This AGM had the team facing a difficult question time and had them needing to present in a way that addressed shareholder expectations from the previous comments made.
eg Sean said last year 'judge me on results', He didn’t say those results were going to be related to income and BRN have actually achieved a lot this year but expectations from last year’s comments were that he should be judged on the $ coming in.

There was probably a conscious decision/effort to deliver the facts only this year, a big effort not to offer any insights into the future potential to ensure everything is black and white, nothing can be misconstrued by the audience which would need to be explained next year.
If great strides occur then they are over delivering at the next AGM.

I liked the honesty and ground zero approach.
It is clear that the current engagements are continuing to shape this companies 'product'.
Akida 1000 was lacking in scope, feedback by the engagements confirmed that they wanted more.
Akida 1000 is good and can still be used in a limited way as a sensor at the edge but companies who have engaged with the team demanded more.
The team delivered Akida 1500 and the second generation which has opened up the scope of our business/tech.
BRN have heard and answered their customer needs. That’s how relationships between businesses are forged.
We are tailoring our product to enable them to use it more widely and with greatest impact on their brand.
What is not to like with that approach?

Introducing Akida 1000 was a step that had to be taken to get the neuromorphic ball rolling for BRN.
It built awareness and facilitated engagements allowing others to test and explore opportunities.
Akida second gen (soon to add third) builds on that foundation and now products may be built in earnest as the customers now have more of their needs met. Happier customers in the long run makes far better business sense.

"Id like a ham cheese and relish toasty please"

"Sorry we only offer ham and cheese sandwiches""


"Sure, I think I can do that, just give me a little more time and I'll prepare one for you"

I know which company I’d be returning to, to buy or work with going forward.

Obviously more patience is required so I’ll focus on these few lines out of Antonio’s speech:

"The trajectory we are currently on is the most promising since BrainChip's inception"
and when Antonio answered a question related to the 'request to forecast future revenue' he said something along these lines.

This is very difficult to do.
We meet with the engineers of a potential customer, we use our IP in their product and both see the incredible benefits of this combined effort.
It is then, near impossible to predict the future $ from the sale of the product going forward.
One day with a history of sales this may get easier. I inferred this last line.

I will continue with my conviction to hold, believing the company is making progress, and at some point it will all fall into place and snowball in all the areas we have been observing opportunities.
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Deleted member 118

The one thing I am worried about is that companies might have been happy to sign up to Akida 1000, then came along 1500 and they decided to wait, now we got 2000 coming soon and 3000 not long after, how long are these companies going to decide not to sign on the dotted line due to the constant release of a better product. Maybe the company should have held off on at least 2000/3000 until we signed some customers up.
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Maybe join BRN and connect the dots..
Bout the only connecting I'll be doing for a while me thinks...look like dots at least :LOL:

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Agree with all the comments here. I'm willing to consider Sean was unwell, or hungover or something, but he needs to do much better, for the amount of money he makes. Our money. First strike! A second and he'll likely be out of a job. And that won't look good on the resume..

Tony did well, spoke clearly and seems to have his finger on the pulse. Much more aligned with shareholders expectations and knew what our concerns would be. Was empathetic to our plight and didn't act like a child being scorned.

But too many important questions were dodged. The big one being why are they the directors not investing their own money?

The other issue being around share incentives? We're told we can't know the metric on which these people are judged... they say they made it simple. Well, make it simple... share price? Sales? Acquisition of talent? Licences? Those metrics can't be under NDA's....they can surely tell us those. Why would we approve our money to be given to them and expect them to be honest about what the metrics are used?

Now, the way I see it, we have a product or products being developed but as shareholders, no idea who or if anyone is using it. Or will be soon.

If the product is so good, they need to let the product speak for itself and show that to the world. Develop a use case in house, do a study. They have the engineers, the support team. Don't wait for some mercedes or megachips or some other company to do it, and hope they mention us.

Customers and shareholders will flock if we can show how advanced it is. I'm not asking to say how it works, just that it does. Put some effort into showing that it works in the real world. Not just for us shareholders, but customers.

They seem to think that once someone signs on it will open the flood gates... but it seems most companies that might use us will keep that usage well under wraps. So they need a professional show, a product of their own that shows its advanced capabilities.

I for one will stay holding on, but I'm not happy and haven't been for a while with the lack of information and lack of sales. The obvious question being, does this have any real world applications. I was hoping for some reassurance today, but have been left wanting.

But again, I will hold, because the question being does it work or not, although unanswered for me. I still feel that this is a huge future market and I'm willing to gamble the odds that it does work.


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I wish I could paint like Vincent
Fair points. In principle I agree with you guys. But if he was flashy and full of confidence without looking at his notes in the current downturn we are experiencing as a company, my point still stands. He would be crucified by many.

With the length of that document I don't many who could do that without verbatim. I agree with him reading the document as well with so much sensitivity and security the company needs to have.
I thought that the first 2 speeches had to be word for word as presented as an ASX announcement and there cannot be any deviation from that.
I personally didnt have a problem with it.
Not having a go at you GazDix. Perhaps I should have replied to who you replied.
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Fair points. In principle I agree with you guys. But if he was flashy and full of confidence without looking at his notes in the current downturn we are experiencing as a company, my point still stands. He would be crucified by many.

With the length of that document I don't many who could do that without verbatim. I agree with him reading the document as well with so much sensitivity and security the company needs to have.
If he was rehearsed, he could've looked at what should've been bullet points and expanded. He's the CEO and he should, regardless of flash, be able to deliver at an AGM. He only has to do it once a year and he should've rehearsed it ad nauseam. This is his annual chance to make an impression and he fumbled around, looked for assistance, and generally screwed the pooch...
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While I do think Sean is doing the right things behind closed doors (apart from shareholder communication on progress), I have never been a fan of his appointment.

His public speaking leaves a lot to be desired imo. Admittedly it would be a very difficult job especially trying to dance around NDAs but one of the essential functions of a ceo is to be the public face of the company and instill confidence in the public on where the company is headed, even when things aren't going right.

He is now, and was when he was appointed, to green for this part of the role imo. He is lacking basic CEO skills.

Although I'm sure there were good reasons at the time, It is hard to see why BRN saw fit to appoint him as CEO, .................... it shouldn't be.

Director of sales would've been a better role for his skill set maybe, but he is clearly trying to play catch up in his role and it shows.

Having said all of that, I believe strongly that results will come over the next 12 months and beyond, but I'm not confident at this point in time that Sean is the right man for the job.
Agree 100%
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I disagree about all who are bagging Sean Hehir right now. Again it is a case of damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

He looked like the blood drained from his body and his voice was croaky as hell. Was he nervous? Probably, and probably deserved after the last AGM. Roger may have gave him a good rodgering before processings. His delivery was poor but what if his delivery was an all American, everything is great dog and pony show? He would be destroyed by the same commentators who are bagging him now. He was not empathetic? Bollocks. He looked like he was shitting bricks.

For those analysing performances, it is the smooth Viana who I would worry about.
I wonder when a Fanciful Fairytale creator will surface with a broadsheet placing a high $2.00 value on our shares . I for one will have to be more discerning when determining the difference between fact and furphy .Even though the actual meeting was a public relations and information disaster, the ongoing creation and completion of a world wide desirable/essential product is still on course .Achieving sales revenue is like having a tractor 🚜 pull competition. I think we still have the best engine to get us over the line first . Prey Sean has laryngitis on this occasion next year , although I do wish him to stay well . Confidence will return when there is an ASX announcement 📣 of sales being made . Not parting with my shares .
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Deleted member 118

Agree with all the comments here. I'm willing to consider Sean was unwell, or hungover or something, but he needs to do much better, for the amount of money he makes. Our money. First strike! A second and he'll likely be out of a job. And that won't look good on the resume..

Tony did well, spoke clearly and seems to have his finger on the pulse. Much more aligned with shareholders expectations and knew what our concerns would be. Was empathetic to our plight and didn't act like a child being scorned.

But too many important questions were dodged. The big one being why are they the directors not investing their own money?

The other issue being around share incentives? We're told we can't know the metric on which these people are judged... they say they made it simple. Well, make it simple... share price? Sales? Acquisition of talent? Licences? Those metrics can't be under NDA's....they can surely tell us those. Why would we approve our money to be given to them and expect them to be honest about what the metrics are used?

Now, the way I see it, we have a product or products being developed but as shareholders, no idea who or if anyone is using it. Or will be soon.

If the product is so good, they need to let the product speak for itself and show that to the world. Develop a use case in house, do a study. They have the engineers, the support team. Don't wait for some mercedes or megachips or some other company to do it, and hope they mention us.

Customers and shareholders will flock if we can show how advanced it is. I'm not asking to say how it works, just that it does. Put some effort into showing that it works in the real world. Not just for us shareholders, but customers.

They seem to think that once someone signs on it will open the flood gates... but it seems most companies that might use us will keep that usage well under wraps. So they need a professional show, a product of their own that shows its advanced capabilities.

I for one will stay holding on, but I'm not happy and haven't been for a while with the lack of information and lack of sales. The obvious question being, does this have any real world applications. I was hoping for some reassurance today, but have been left wanting.

But again, I will hold, because the question being does it work or not, although unanswered for me. I still feel that this is a huge future market and I'm willing to gamble the odds that it does work.


He must have been jet lagged as there is no other excuse for the poor performance

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All I can say is the table cloth had seen better days.
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Agreed but at the time people were calling for the head of Intel ($11.6 mill USD), ARM ($17 mill USD) etc

I agree $4.5 mill is still a tonne of cash!
hi AG:
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