BRN Discussion Ongoing


I liked the complete honesty today. (As far as they can be)
There is recognition, at last, that the company was rudderless in terms of commercialisation previously. I think if you have been invested a long time and don't have rose tinted glasses that was obvious.
I am convinced by Antonio, I am not entirely convinced by Sean. He seems much more comfortable talking about the technology and ecosystems but the rest of the CEO's role, not so much.
Both Antonio and Sean clearly expressed their frustration at the current state of affairs. Both must have had their eyes opened leading upto last years AGM, but could not say it. It is also clear that whilst Akida 1.0 is good, we had not really engaged with prospective customers to see if that is what they wanted - hence another 6-9 month delay to a major uptake of the technology. Having said that, without Akida 1.0 we would not have known what we now know, so a small silver lining.
My thoughts are that if Megachips was in on the back end design, then they have customers who want the technology as designed, so once testing is complete, we may see some adoption from their customers, BUT, we wont know about it until revenue comes in.
The good news is that portability and scalability has been proven, so hopefully the timeline of 2 - 4 years to adopt the technology is now reduced and we should see more IP licences in the next 12 - 24 months.

I would love to hear our Director of Sales speak about the technology and what he is finding in the market place - it is his job to close the deal so to speak.
Overall, the company is a hold for me, for another 18 months, but with the expectation of more positive momentum, which will include more partnerships and some IP licences, with significant revenue to follow.

Clearly just my opinion. You should form your own.

Hi Doc, I agree with most of what you have commented on.

I thought Antonio was excellent, great speaker, very clear, very precise, balanced views with integrity, he come across as very genuine, very knowledgeable, honest and really painted a picture of exactly where we are positioned, he certainly didn't sugarcoat anything, no fluff.

His 30+ years in this industry shone through, spoke with confidence, Sean on the other hand is a lot less comfortable, or appears to be, but behind the scenes I believe that he has done an excellent job in basically restructuring the company, the word talent was mentioned numerous times, hiring talent in this field (neuromorphic) is clearly extremely hard, stopping just short of saying "poaching" talent from other big players in the tech industry.

As I have harped on a little, it's the IP Licenses we need to secure, that change in direction when Sean came onboard was done for a reason, but it was reassuring to hear that the company has acknowledged the IP runway is a lot longer than many within the company initially thought.

Close on 40% voting against Motion 8 may not seem important, but the message it sent was the whole point of voting No, my gut feeling was
correct that something wasn't quite right, you only had to listen to Ken and watch his body language, the words, argument, put it behind us, we basically got out of it cheaply, could have been a lot worse, basically making the best out of a bad situation.

Interestingly, Steve Liebeskind got up and spoke on the motion, Steve was obviously on the Board before Antonio and Sean and knows exactly
how things played out when "Chief 3 Hats" was running the show, a lot of "mates" where brought onboard at the time from memory, and paid
and rewarded handsomely, despite the opposition of many shareholders at the time.

Neil Rinaldi was other to speak up on Motion 8 having also been an Non-Executive Board member.

What I didn't personally like was the comment from the floor that I'll see you guys later (Sean/Antonio/Ken) and explain it a bit more for you, as in the background of Manny's arrangement with Lou....purely my opinion not anyone elses.

AKD 3 to be documented before AKD 2 is made publicly available, which we have been told would be around the September/October time frame, please correct me if I mis heard that comment from Sean.

Overall, not super exciting, but it's steady as she goes, just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

On your point about hearing from Chris Stevens, about 3 weeks ago I contacted both Peter and Rob together politely asking that Chris be interviewed by Rob on his podcast series, so we could actually hear from the man himself at the coalface so to speak, maybe they will consider it moving forward.

Cheers from Perth.........Tech (y)
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Deleted member 118

And how many of these are employees are sales people.
They must be busy selling t shirts. As it can’t be anything else
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Well reading all the comments (as I was on another zoom and really wished I wasn't!) I get the feeling that it is exactly how it seems? It has been mentioned that the dot joining here is interesting, but that is not why you should invest. If you invest because of the below, then you are investing in fact rather than wishful thinking. I haven't sold any for a very long time, and still don't plan to because of the 2 companies below and what they may mean in the 2nd half of this year.

Just remember, either invest in facts and possible timeframes, or gamble with buy the rumour and sell the news. Thanks for the people that were there and telling us how good (bad?) it was :)
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
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Page 10 of Sean's take gives me confidence for another year to accumulate shares in BRN. Vlad.
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While I do think Sean is doing the right things behind closed doors (apart from shareholder communication on progress), I have never been a fan of his appointment.

His public speaking leaves a lot to be desired imo. Admittedly it would be a very difficult job especially trying to dance around NDAs but one of the essential functions of a ceo is to be the public face of the company and instill confidence in the public on where the company is headed, even when things aren't going right.

He is now, and was when he was appointed, to green for this part of the role imo. He is lacking basic CEO skills.

It is hard to see (although I'm sure there were good reasons at the time) why BRN saw fit to appoint him as CEO, .............and it shouldn't be.

Director of sales would've been a better role for his skill set maybe, but he is clearly trying to play catch up in his role and it shows.

Having said all of that, I believe strongly that results will come over the next 12 months and beyond, but I'm not confident at this point in time that Sean is the right man for the job.
Agreed. There was a moment when a question was posed to Sean about why there was no ASX disclosure about Akida 1000 being a failure as this information would have a material impact on the share price.

Sean was absolutely lost at sea and looked to Antonio for defense. Antonio deflected it back and told Sean to answer. That is part of the CEOs job - to answer the tough questions when the times are tough. While I don't agree that Akida 1000 was a failure, the way Sean handled the question was extremely amateur and doesn't strike confidence in his capabilities as a CEO (he looked to Antonio to cover for him a number of times throughout the AGM).

Antonio was able to put things in an easier to digest perspective such as the timeframe of a product cycle in this industry as well as why they won't make announcements via ASX unless it is pretty much a guarantee. He handled questions much more confidently and clearly displays a lot more empathy towards the current position of Brainchip (whereas Sean seems to lack this empathy and only focuses on a potential future).

Given Sean's inexperience as a CEO, I'm not suprised at the amaeteurish CEO display seen at this year's AGM. We've only seen Sean talk prior to this in low pressure situations - last years AGM was much more pleasant for him. I think this AGM may light a much needed fire under his ass, hopefully take heed of the shareholder sentiment and realise that a lot of shareholders' patience is running thin. Hopefully he can reign it in and deliver some deals before 2024 AGM.
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Move on, nothing to see.
Again, the "NDA wall" seems to have blocked any meaningful answers to the most pressing questions. I feel that a ballpark figure could have been provided at least to assuage some of our concerns. For example, after explaining that everyone the Company deals with signs NDAs, Sean could have added that they were (for example) between 500-1000.
They have told us of none specifically, so zero is the only number that can faithfully be stated.

I have lost a lot of faith with this management team, especially Sean Heir. I expected better by now.
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The question that was put in the Q&A by a shareholder( who I can't remember who) that pricked my interest was in a multi question, but "why hasn't any ELT or Director put their hand in their own pockets and purchased additional shares...surely showing some confidence in the company". However unfortunately wasn't answered, or I didn't hear what the answer was. :(
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Never dog the boys
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Would @Fact Finder like to bring a prophetic word to settle the nerves of many?
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Never dog the boys
What does this mean? What a bloody roller coaster this is becoming…
Answered my own question…

A first strike is triggered when 25% or more of shares are against a company’s remuneration report. If the remuneration report receives dissent votes of 25% or more for two straight years, directors could face re-election.
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They have told us of none specifically, so zero is the only number that can faithfully be stated.

I have lost a lot of faith with this management team, especially Sean Heir. I expected better by now.
As Sean (hot?) Hehir stated last year, judge him on results rather than effort. His effort, reflected in his presentation, is lacklustre so I'm not surprised at his lack of results. CEO's should possess a kind of anemometer for economic headwinds. The headwinds were blowing last AGM and Hehir still blustered.

The next Q will more than likely be sour. My only hopes for '23 are Renesas' 2 nodes and Megachips' unknown. We do know that Nintendo's new console won't be out until at least March '24...
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
Answered my own question…

A first strike is triggered when 25% or more of shares are against a company’s remuneration report. If the remuneration report receives dissent votes of 25% or more for two straight years, directors could face re-election.

Had to look up what it was all about also
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They have told us of none specifically, so zero is the only number that can faithfully be stated.

I have lost a lot of faith with this management team, especially Sean Heir. I expected better by now.
An NDA is not a way to determine a company's success... Literally every company in this space signs NDAs with each other before they have any conversations, let alone do any business. NDA's usually don't need to be signed by the CEO... so, it's like asking the King how many laws/bills passed in all the commonwealth nations last month... It's an irrelevant figure, but an important document.

NDAs are important, not as a gauge for how many customers you have, but more as a way to protect information. For example, Apple wouldn't want any mobile phone manufacturer/designer to know what's inside their phone until its release to the market. Tech like BRN offers a serious competitive advantage that you wouldn't want your competitors to know about.
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Don't know what I'm gonna do with all my free time now :LOL:

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So it's pretty clear that traders were buying in to the rumor and selling the news. We went from 42.5 to 42c so only down 1/2 a cent from the start of the rumor buying. Nothing to see here, carry on.

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The share price is what took a good rogering today...

AGM basically erased 1 week's gains in a day.
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