Brainchip booth #517
Teksun booth #509
Edge Impulse #209
Date: Tuesday, May 23
Start Time: 4:50 pm
End Time: 5:20 pm
The AIoT industry is expected to reach $1T by 2030—but that will happen only if edge devices rapidly become more intelligent. In this presentation, we’ll show how BrainChip’s Akida IP solution enables improved edge ML accuracy and on-device learning with extreme energy efficiency. Akida is a fully digital, neuromorphic, event-based AI engine that offers unique on-device learning abilities, minimizing the need for cloud retraining. We will demonstrate Akida’s compelling performance and extreme energy efficiency on complex models and explain how Akida executes spatial-temporal convolutions using innovative handling of 3D and 1D data. We’ll also show how Akida supports low-power implementation of vision transformers, and we’ll introduce the Akida developer ecosystem, which enables both AI experts and newcomers to quickly deploy disruptive edge AI applications that weren’t possible before.