Yeah wow.... numb and somewhat confused.
Also 60% down in my portfolio and 30% in my super.... so not selling, which I like to believe is still the right thing to do. Either that or I suffer from some form of Stockholm Syndrome and can't see the writing on the wall. Either way, if it really tanks... yeah wow.
2024 will be our year (currently I almost believe it...)
Tomorrow/Monday, my super account will show less than 20% total value held in BRN, so the logical part in me wants to top up as I still see potential... And the cynical part in me just says fuck it, if its lost you may as well do it right and apologise to your wife when retirement age hits.
Not going to lie, this has really knocked me. Did not expect millions... but 40k? How...
Agree with sentiment of many here, in that Management really need to step up and outline clear plans for how/when/who/how much we can expect and crucially how they see this trend turn around? Micklepickle will completely shaft us today, sadly many read their dribble, shorters will have a field day and like flies to shit will flock around our (currently) burning corpse and short us even more...
I will hold, can't afford anything else. And I nod a smile when I get attacked by friends and family who think I am on crack or joined a cult, as they too see Mickledicklepickles dribbles and take it for gospel.... My answer has always been "all the companies have way smarter brains than I could ever be, Merc. Renesas, Megachips, Valeo, Intel, ARM etc etc.. they do their due diligence, its not in their interest to be associated with something that wont work"...
Then my brain remembers Theranos

Anyways... stepping aside for a while I think.