Manny Hernandez served as Chairperson as did the previous Chair, including Lou (Chief 3 Hats) each brought their own style and
networks of friends, business associates to the table.
A lot of water has since gone under the bridge, the company addressed a lot of the issues with regards the issuing of shares, salaries,
staff layoffs, rewarding performance that had met the strict standards set by the Board, as soon as Lou departed, Peter stood up as
our original founder and took charge, he did a great job, with the help of highly intelligent, business minded staff he had also helped
to hire. Some of the criticisms I have heard are based on fluff, his work on Akida 2.0 was never put on hold or jeopardized because of the responsibilities he took on as acting CEO, he stood up which was a real sign of strength, worked very long hours because of a combination
of self-discipline and in knowing the job had to be done. I have always backed his determination to "never give up".
We have now the strongest team ever assembled to be working on revolutionary, ground-breaking technology, from my understanding
it's a very tight knit global work force, one that we as shareholders should be proud to be associated with.
Tall Poppy syndrome, a company that dares to be different, or how could a neuroscientist in little old Australia be that innovative, have
such a vision, be so creative, surely Australia doesn't house any geniuses, well we do, just watch this space.
We as a company, that's us and the entire staff, run a tight, no nonsense company, we've tightened our belts a number of years ago,
hired the best staff available and are making forward steps, even into the current headwind/s.
4 weeks till the AGM 7 weeks to the next Quarterly Investors Podcast, plus other exciting presentations along the way, try to just take a
step back, breathe and smell the roses for a change.
Have a good rest of the week, cheers.....Tech