Good evening,
Once again the company is attempting to listen, Sean interviewed 3 times now in short succession, please stop all the moaning.
Brainchip Studio and Accelerator are so in the past, and from my understanding, despite all the chatter at the time, never performed
anywhere near as was expected, I'd have to go digging through my 1000's and 1000's of emails to spit out the facts.
Tony has opened up a new quarterly chatline with Sean, addressing common questions posed by the shareholders, it's another
positive step in the communication process, try to respect it for what it is, it's not a podium to make or reveal major announcements from.
I personally can't see the need for any future Capital Raising in the near future, why, because I'm like the rest of you, I'm expecting to see
revenue, lumpy or not, start to turn up between now and January 2025, unless something comes out of left field, it's all hands on deck and steady as she goes.
All of the above is my opinion, and only my opinion thanks.