BRN Discussion Ongoing


Founding Member
Hi AG:
Please find the following from BRN ASX Ann dated on the 14/10/2022, which explains how this lapse happened and why the Company consider reissuing the shares to Mr Hernandes.

Laguna Hills, Calif. – 13 October 2022 – BrainChip Holdings Ltd (ASX: BRN), (OTCQX: BCHPY) (“Brainchip” or “the Company”) wishes to advise that the Company proposes the issue of 8 million Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) in Brainchip (New Rights) to Emmanuel Hernandez following his resignation and the lapse of options previously granted to him by the Company on 7 July 2017 (Options). The New Rights are to be issued in accordance with the Brainchip Long-term Incentive Plan (Plan) and invitation terms (Terms) and will be subject to required approvals under the ASX Listing Rules and Corporations Act at the Company’s next Annual General Meeting (AGM) or any earlier EGM that may be called by the Company.

The Options granted to Mr Hernandez lapsed on 1 March 2022, following his resignation from the Company.

Mr Hernandez expressed interest in reaching an agreement with the Company to avoid exercising his Options at the same time and instead to continue holding the Options beyond his resignation date up to expiration. The Company agreed to work with Mr Hernandez to find an alternative to exercising the Options as this was considered to be in the best interest of the Company and shareholders. In so doing, the parties entered into discussions relating to deferring the exercise of the Options. However, at the time of his resignation, it was determined that the Company could not modify the terms of the Options without seeking shareholder approval or a waiver from ASX in relation to Listing Rule approval requirements for any such modification. During the time required to investigate the proper method of modifying the Options and negotiating the terms with Mr Hernandez, the Options ultimately lapsed. As this occurred whilst Mr Hernandez was engaging with the Company on the process for exercise, the Company considers it appropriate to award Mr Hernandez with the new RSUs.

The Company has been exploring the best approach to address this issue, since the lapse of the Options, and has now agreed to issue the New Rights, subject to required shareholder approvals. The board does not consider that the issue of the New Rights will materially prejudice the Company or other shareholders.

Brainchip also considers the issue of the New Rights to Mr Hernandez to be a necessary step in the prevention of any potential claim by Mr Hernandez.

The terms of the New Rights are attached to this announcement

True that it is up to every individual to interpret and decide. BUT IT IS A CLEAR YES FOR ME VOTING FOR THIS MOTION AFTER READING.

This has been explained ad nauseam by the Company. And like the company, Victim also likes to let us know the same things again and again and again. 👏
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I'm Spartacus!
Strongest attacks on the social media channels I’ve observed for some time.
Everything from subtle handwringing (designed to sow doubt) to outright advise to sell.
Got my contrarian Spidey sense tingling.
And to think, I used to think this share racket was just about picking and investing in good companies. 🤣

We, as relatively small parcel minority holders will only ever know 1). whatever is publicly released by the Company, 2). what is let slip in error or by design by insiders, or 3). what is leaked by other players for their own purposes.
Brainchip (unlike other entities) doesn’t appear to leak.
This place is full of dots and supposed dot joining with magnificent hounds and cool cats hoovering up possibilities from all over the interweb, some of which seem to come to some kind of verifiable fruition but much of which is perhaps wishful thinking.

For me, bottom line is, you either trust and back the Company and its management and their recommendations or you don’t.
After all, they are in possession of far more data points regarding the business than anyone else, most certainly you, or I.
So, either they are lying, incompetent, or telling us as much of the truth as they are able to at any given time.
Why I go to the AGM, to look into these peoples eyes, and hear unedited and unfiltered, just what they have to say.

If, being perfect beings living in a perfect world, you have never made an error, never reconsidered strategies or directions based on evidence revealed over time, never fluffed a word due to excitement or weariness, then cast more stones.

And of course, the burger flippers we hire are a dime a dozen.
Easily replaceable. Let’s sack ‘em all now (think how much we’ll save) and then when people walk in asking for their flake and scoop of Akida’s (hold the vinegar) we can dash down to Macca’s and just hire ‘em back. 🤣
Obviously we’ll have to flip that switch on their necks to turn on the genius mode so they can do warp speed coding to catch up with the teams at the big boys who have since eroded our competitive advantage.

Guess there will always be those who fall at the last hurdle, and, looking up through the dust, cry plaintively at the departing bus.

Gamble responsibly 🤣
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Ah, yes I thought you'd take a cheap shot at my self humbling comments. You've proven your worth here, enough said.

What you actually should have focussed on was my comments about Mercedes. Our SP went to $2.34 on the initial hype (due to Merc announcement, not ours). It has since declined to 41c after zero follow-up confirmation by BRN or Merc. I'm really interested to know why Merc aren't mentioning our tech in any of their recent releases, especially with the new range coming on line. Are we or are we not in the next generation of Merc's? This is a simple question that is not covered by NDA's because the cat was let out of the bag ages ago. If we are still in the cars then why no updates to keep the market interested (and SP a little more supported).

I just listened to the podcast again and I like the way Sean comes across but the way the Merc situation is playing out has me baffled.

The latest findings are going to be posted in an upcoming "In the Loop" blog.

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Here's a free webinar “ARM Cortex-M Architecture Overview” presented by John Haroian from Microchip.

It goes for 140 minutes so it would be perfect for a romantic evening's viewing.

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Good to know its a lifestyle company right now. 🥳🥳

One day we might be able to reap some of the rewards.
Hey Townyj; you know that Brainchip is a "lifestyle company"? What on earth do you base that on? Perhaps you think that our employees and top executives are just sitting around sipping cocktails.

Companies like Intel have around 130,000 employees, yet Brainchip with only around 100 employees have left Intel and many other huge companies in their wake with outstanding achievements. Not only do I know you are wrong, I think you are being downright insulting to our management and staff. The cost of these achievements has been minuscule in comparison to the likes of Intel due to our hard working employees and executives. How dare you make such poorly founded accusations.

If you have it in you, I believe you owe all who work at Brainchip an apology for these comments. (My opinion only, plus those who like this post.)
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Some thoughts on the ARM chip;
1. Qualcomm litigation;
2. Major customers seeking to design their own processors.
3. ARM recently advised that it saw a major risk in having a large proportion of its business with a few major customers.
4. ARM recently announced proposed changes to its licensing model to increase revenue.
5. Softbank has $170B debt.
6. ARM is suddenly chummy with BRN.

1. Qualcomm supplies the processors for most mobile phones.

Qualcomm took over Nuvia which had a licence from ARM providing access to more advanced tech than the Qualcomm licence from ARM. ARM contends that the licence is non-transferrable. So does the ARM chip give ARM extra leverage over Qualcomm, possibly with a view to a settlement, because it would be a major shift for ARM to become a chip seller?

2. If ARM's major customers develop their own chips in competition with ARM, then ARM will need to find a new market. As we have seen selling IP to new customers is a tough job, so providing the finished article may be an easier task.

3. See 1 & 2.

4. This is no doubt linked to 5 and also to 1.

5. res ipsa loquitur. Softbank need a heap of readies.

6. The half-full version is my preferred outcome (ie, unsupported by any confirmatory evidence), where ARM decides to float off its in-house AI, Helium, and replace it with Akida 2 in their "more advanced" chip.

The dots here are:
BrainChip joining ARM's preferred partners,
the very recent announcement of ARM's fabless chip production plans, where
IFS is slated to be the fab,
BRN is an IFS partner, and
ARM is about to sing Akida's praises.

Arm also happy to have Brainchip on display at their booth.

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Here's a free webinar “ARM Cortex-M Architecture Overview” presented by John Haroian from Microchip.

It goes for 140 minutes so it would be perfect for a romantic evening's viewing.

You even get a little certificate when you finish it or you can just fast forward it to the end like I did to get one.

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Hey Townyj; you know that Brainchip is a "lifestyle company"? What on earth do you base that on? Perhaps you think that our employees and top executives are just sitting around sipping cocktails.

Companies like Intel have around 130,000 employees, yet Brainchip with only around 100 employees have left Intel and many other huge companies in their wake with outstanding achievements. Not only do I know you are wrong, I think you are being downright insulting to our management and staff. The cost of these achievements has been minuscule in comparison to the likes of Intel due to our hard working employees and executives. How dare you make such poorly founded accusations.

If you have it in you, I believe you owe all who work at Brainchip an apology for these comments. (My opinion only, plus those who like this post.)

Wha..?? I base it on the current outlook and how we are tracking as a company, since we are getting fed little to no info about future sales/targets or future income. Id love to get 2 million shares as a "Bonus" as a CEO. While the rest of us Retail watch it drop below 40cents.

So explain to me why they actually deserve said share's while earning an insane income already...?? This is my opinion on the topic and i don't have to give an apology.

Right now i can have a differing opinion on things, just like you can. Feeling a bit like a bear lately with the markets is all. Will no doubt change once we actually get some rock solid updates on how things are tracking.

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!

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Morning DingoBorat,

I always thought the flame 🔥 icon meant... your on fire, Top job.

Maybe a wooden spoon picture... for the naughty ones.???

or the poo emoji or maybe a piggflying
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If you haven't listened to this yet. Spend a good 20 minutes of your time

Thanks for posting. I felt Sean's answer to why dont you use the asx for announcements was pretty weak. Their other channels (twitter) dont get as much traffic as the ASX, so it's weird that they would deliberately not use the asx in favour of their own platform.

Also, I don't think he said Akido, that's just his accent. He says neuromorphic in an odd way, too. 🤷‍♂️
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Time to place another bet, going to double up again..
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Hey Townyj; you know that Brainchip is a "lifestyle company"? What on earth do you base that on? Perhaps you think that our employees and top executives are just sitting around sipping cocktails.

Companies like Intel have around 130,000 employees, yet Brainchip with only around 100 employees have left Intel and many other huge companies in their wake with outstanding achievements. Not only do I know you are wrong, I think you are being downright insulting to our management and staff. The cost of these achievements has been minuscule in comparison to the likes of Intel due to our hard working employees and executives. How dare you make such poorly founded accusations.

If you have it in you, I believe you owe all who work at Brainchip an apology for these comments. (My opinion only, plus those who like this post.)
People like Mickledork, will tell you how much BrainChip have spent to this point (over 100 million, which means tax free earnings) and then almost in the same breath, say we couldn't possibly have a chance against the big dogs spending billions 🤣
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Here's a free webinar “ARM Cortex-M Architecture Overview” presented by John Haroian from Microchip.

It goes for 140 minutes so it would be perfect for a romantic evening's viewing.

But you'd be starting to prune in the spa.
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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People like Mickledork, will tell you how much BrainChip have spent to this point (over 100 million, which means tax free earnings) and then almost in the same breath, say we couldn't possibly have a chance against the big dogs spending billions 🤣

I'm a 100% sure Mickledork is Sherman aka.Shareman... Writes exactly the same on the MF articles as the HC bs
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