Strongest attacks on the social media channels I’ve observed for some time.
Everything from subtle handwringing (designed to sow doubt) to outright advise to sell.
Got my contrarian Spidey sense tingling.
And to think, I used to think this share racket was just about picking and investing in good companies.
We, as relatively small parcel minority holders will only ever know 1). whatever is publicly released by the Company, 2). what is let slip in error or by design by insiders, or 3). what is leaked by other players for their own purposes.
Brainchip (unlike other entities) doesn’t appear to leak.
This place is full of dots and supposed dot joining with magnificent hounds and cool cats hoovering up possibilities from all over the interweb, some of which seem to come to some kind of verifiable fruition but much of which is perhaps wishful thinking.
For me, bottom line is, you either trust and back the Company and its management and their recommendations or you don’t.
After all, they are in possession of far more data points regarding the business than anyone else, most certainly you, or I.
So, either they are lying, incompetent, or telling us as much of the truth as they are able to at any given time.
Why I go to the AGM, to look into these peoples eyes, and hear unedited and unfiltered, just what they have to say.
If, being perfect beings living in a perfect world, you have never made an error, never reconsidered strategies or directions based on evidence revealed over time, never fluffed a word due to excitement or weariness, then cast more stones.
And of course, the burger flippers we hire are a dime a dozen.
Easily replaceable. Let’s sack ‘em all now (think how much we’ll save) and then when people walk in asking for their flake and scoop of Akida’s (hold the vinegar) we can dash down to Macca’s and just hire ‘em back.

Obviously we’ll have to flip that switch on their necks to turn on the genius mode so they can do warp speed coding to catch up with the teams at the big boys who have since eroded our competitive advantage.
Guess there will always be those who fall at the last hurdle, and, looking up through the dust, cry plaintively at the departing bus.
Gamble responsibly