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I’ll have to learn self defence if the better half looks up the SP at the moment 😳
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Sean confirmed what I’ve been thinking and what they essentially announced in the 4C released in Oct. They had foreshadowed revenue growth in H2, but customers are delaying due to macro conditions.

Whilst 2nd Gen might not be commercially available until the end of the year and open us up to substantially more use cases and customers, the 1st Gen is still ‘science fiction’ and licensed by Renenas (who are taping out a chip this year) and Megachips through whom our IP has been licensed to at least one other customer. I think the real take off will happen with 2.0, but we should still see revenue ramping this year.
Yes, I have though about this as well marsch85.

Our tech is groundbreaking but our customers do not want to put it out to market yet because of macro conditions.
If the cost of living is high (as it is bloody everywhere according to inflation stats in most developed countries), the last thing our customers want to do is introduce a product that will blow everyone's mind away.

For example, let's say Toshiba have our IP and have even made the product. Let's say a doorbell that can identify you and automatically open the door for you upon identification. Not only that, it has a coffee machine that can automatically make your coffee upon your voice recognition and differentiate your coffee than your wife's coffee according to voice.

Now even though the cost price of these products is pretty cheap, Toshiba's incentive is to introuce an amazing new product like that at a very high profit margin.... for them.
Same with Ford. If our tech can blow people's minds away, why release it right away when people can't afford new cars.

As I understand, this is primarily why Akida 2.0 was developed. To have rather industrial customers (business to business) sales rather than our tech - business customer - consumer model. Because Valeo, Ford and Mercedes are big names, but automobiles and whitegoods are last on most people's shopping lists and our customers want their margins as high as possible.

So I do consider this an obstacle we have fortuntely navigated upon. Either way, in the long run, this obstacle which maybe 'forced us' to develop the next iteration of Akida will only make us more lucrative IMO.
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Deleted member 118

I’ll have to learn self defence if the better half looks up the SP at the moment 😳

I know how you feel lol and my loses are nothing compared to a lot that brought the last year or so
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Deleted member 118



Another great start of the week for Brainchip ❤
Looking forward to another few great weeks to come 😍 💖

View attachment 34934
Didn’t Sean get questioned about funds and said we are ok, but we need to spend more money employing more staff which says to me another round of fundraising maybe on the horizon
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Newk R

I hate the expression "death by a thousand cuts" but...
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I'm Spartacus!
We finally get some direct communication from Sean attempting to address our concerns and all you can do is tear him a new one.
No wonder FF left again.
This place is getting more and more like the crapper.
A regular pit of vipers over there too.
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Seems like that podcast here and you know where

Talk about kick the sp in the balls when the sp is down. Bit of a bad move by management if you ask me, or maybe it was only produced to tell us to accept the 8 millions share to the previous ceo. Made me think my wife’s and I decision to vote no on the share issue to the employees even more justified.


Good way to get a few more up in arms, getting a wage and a shit load of free shares doesn't seem justified right about now.

Anyway Ive had my little whine and feel better. Time to move on :)
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Deleted member 118

You should have a listen "once in a while @Rocket577 "

Have a look at the last podcast he did and see the first 30secs of it, ........................ looked like a stunned mullett, i honestly thought the Edge Impulse guy Zach Shelby had bought a manequin in with him, then one eye moved and i though thank goodness he hasn"t "died on the spot like Curly in the movie City Slickers"

More times i see/listen to him, the more "GREEN" he comes across as, and thats not "green as in enviromentally aware",
moreso "green as being new to a position of leadership"

IMO of course,

Some times people rolls in companies are only successful by the people surrounding them.


Didn’t Sean get questioned about funds and said we are ok, but we need to spend more money employing more staff which says to me another round of fundraising coming soon and the more I think about it the worse the podcast sounded
If you listen to the April'23 Investor Presentations Sean says that we will have about 100 staff by year end which will be about the time we start getting revenue which he said should build quickly.
Has a line of sight to breakeven but obviously cannot provide break even timeframes.
The market is forward thinking and will move the SP before year end.
It's building.
If you believe in the tech and business use the time to accumulate. I am.
I am also remaining positive.
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Would like to hear more about Akido 1500, surely we’re not taping out a reference chip for shits n gigs..
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Deleted member 118

If you believe in the tech and business use the time to accumulate. I am.
I am also remaining positive.
I certainly do and I’m working like mad to save some more pennies up to buy more.
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Really? How do you know whether Mercedes is still on board? For all we know, they tried our tech and thought it's very efficient and worth considering. Who knows if they will decide to go with Google/Nvidia as it might be easier for them to intergrate given they are already partnering Google/Nvidia for Maps, ADAS n etc? Did they sign IP contract with us? Did we hear back from our management?

Yes yes we will always be in better position than yesterday given we are burning few millions each quarter...

I am not selling nor suggesting anyone to sell... I do hope that all the partnerships & joining eco systems will help us to land more IP contracts soon... (I still don't get why there is such a long ga

Really? How do you know whether Mercedes is still on board? For all we know, they tried our tech and thought it's very efficient and worth considering. Who knows if they will decide to go with Google/Nvidia as it might be easier for them to intergrate given they are already partnering Google/Nvidia for Maps, ADAS n etc? Did they sign IP contract with us? Did we hear back from our management?

Yes yes we will always be in better position than yesterday given we are burning few millions each quarter...

I am not selling nor suggesting anyone to sell... I do hope that all the partnerships & joining eco systems will help us to land more IP contracts soon... (I still don't get why there is such a long gap)
Yes really: Mercedes made public on their website and in the press that they would use Brainchip's Akida in their electric vehicles and have not retracted that representation. To not follow through on the representation without notifying the market would leave them open to claims from consumers and potentially from investors too, so it is very probable that it is their continued intention to use Akida in their vehicles (not to mention the fact that large companies like Mercedes are unlikely to flip flop about their technology without a really good reason once they have declared their hand). With the greatest of respect, what you are doing is just speculating about an unlikely worst-case scenario, rather than actually analyzing the facts of what has probably happened with Mercedes.

I understand the concern with the share price and I am also surprised that we haven't seen more commercial deals announced but does that mean that Mercedes are out? Of course not. Does that mean we won't see deals? Of course not.
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If you haven't listened to this yet. Spend a good 20 minutes of your time

Thanks for posting. With regard to Manny's stock options, I still feel uncomfortable voting a "yes". What was communicated was that he sought an extension for the options which was not possible to grant at that time, as it required a vote, so why can't the vote be to extend / reissue the options (which upon exercise would have resulted in some cash for the company) instead of outrightly gifting the RSUs (no cash inflow)? I doubt Manny would have any legal recourse in court as the options were issued to him, however he chose not to exercise them during the period that they were active. By granting him the shares, it would open another can of worms as I also recall that LDN also did allow his options to expire without exercising them. If Manny gets his shares, would LDN also have a legal basis to claim his?

If for example I sold an option on a house to a buyer, and, during our discussion to extend it has unfortunately lapsed, does it make sense for the me to say "Alright you can have the house for free mate it's on me" just because the option had expired? While I'm all for fair compensation and sticking to contractual obligations, BRN isn't a registered charity. Of course if there's more to this then lack of communication is the issue again.

One last feedback is that for non-ASX announcements, SH should have directed us to the "Resources" tab on the website for the latest updates and work to ensure that ALL media releases (podcasts, interviews, PR exercises etc) are updated there in a timely manner. As of now it's done in a very haphazard manner and it comes across as disorganised.

As an aside, for those (usually non-Aussie) investors whose holdings are held by nominee accounts, I have confirmed with my broker that in order to vote you'd have to request and complete a proxy form and instruct the nominee on how to vote on your behalf (and hope that the nominee actually votes on your behalf according to your instructions instead of just crumpling your form up and practice cubicle basketball with it).
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I can't believe the responses here to the podcast. I must have been listening to a different one. I think Sean presents really well, his answers to our questions were exactly what I expected to hear. About time the company is starting to acknowledge our concerns. He believes in the technology and the success of the business going forward.

Revenue is always my concern but Sean is not in a position to disclose any current or pending negotiations. I'd be surprised if those attending the AGM don't find him very competent and engaging in person.

Man I'm one of the biggest whingers here and you guys are leaving me in your dust 🤣
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Ive just checked BRNs website again and under IR/News there"s still no podcast regarding TD & SH
Can anyone direct me on how to find it as @Dr E Brown hasn:t replied to this question.

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Ive just checked BRNs website again and under IR/News there"s still no podcast regarding TD & SH
Can anyone direct me on how to find it as @Dr E Brown hasn:t replied to this question.

Does it really even matter? But yes it should be under IR/news but I also really don't give a 🍨
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