SmartI'm not upset.
I think the Company is financially stronger,
more professionally managed,
more sustainably positioned with both known and unknown commercial and educative partnerships,
and is pushing forward within a growing eco system of collaborative and complimentary allies.
We are also following a well thought out plan with a proven track record of success,
have capable and clever people executing said plan,
and oversight by an experienced, seasoned and hungry management team
who are aboard Brainchip looking for the ride of their life.
Peter and Anil whose minds and initiative seeded the Company are still with us, positioned now, just where they deserve to be, out on the cutting edge where thought is transmogrified into prototype, supported by a braintrust of distinguished thinkers who border on genius level contemplation.
And personally I have never owned as many share's as I currently do, having been accumulating since October 2015 with buy-in prices ranging from under 4 cents to 86 and a half.
Like I said, I'm not upset.
I too see relevant and promising progress and I understand that things take time to materialise,
I just wish it would hurry the F up.
If you haven't listened to this yet. Spend a good 20 minutes of your time
Cannot hear anything new. Other than usage and benefit of TENN.